The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2637
  • Hi and Bye, been to a "Surprise" birthday party for a friend, and she surely was surprised and surely loves a good party!
    No flinging for me tonight, a little tipsy, but I'm loving MH, it's fun!

    Nighty night, happy flinging xx
  • Oops. Sorry @princess I changed the page...
  • No worries @hunnybunny nighty night sweet dreams:)
  • Gonna take a little nap myself, been a tough couple days: (
    OB wake me up in half hour please:) yes I'll grumble but please ding me until i wake...
  • @kathy WASSSSSUUPPP and Friday isn't Friday for me :P and yea those Birdday levels are all messed up when it comes to finding walkthrus, Im sure some have placed scores in the wrong places on them by accident in leader boards.
  • @kathy If you are napping I may be asleep by the time you return
    @everybody else HELLO :)
    @knichy so how did you fare on last nights challenge, did ya make top 50? did anyone get a puppy? That was a real tough one, not sure if it was made harder by updates or if I just couldn't get it right.
  • My nap turned into nighty night
    Nighty night Pa ♡
  • Hi @all -- Haven't flung in MH today; maybe tomorrow.
  • Hello from the other side
  • Hello guys,
    I'm back. Last friday we enjoyed the wedding of my wife's niece. Took almost the entire day. Yesterday they celebrated the day after party. So, Challenge and flinging wasn't really possible.
    Have a nice sunday
  • @bernersenn -- Sounds like a lot of celebration for a wedding. I'm curious about the "day after party". Do the bride and groom attend? I've never heard of having a party to celebrate the day after -- the bride and groom have presumably left on their honeymoon.
  • Sounds like a nice celebration @bernersenn:) maybe today you can get some flinging done?
    @mvnla2 have you begun flinging again? MH is very frustrating, I'm still on the first 3 levels trying to do the best i can so i don't have to go back through!
    Hope all are enjoying a nice Sunday, we woke up to snow, yuck!! Not much but a nuisance and windy, cold brrrrf.. Can't wait for Spring, our weather has been crazy, it was 70°the other day , actually Thursday and Friday, Saturday wasn't too bad, but now....,: (
  • @mvnla2 @kathy yes, it was very nice. Very well organized by these people. They had a afterparty yesterday.
    @kathy I did some flinging, got a highscore on the 1 april game (pig days) and some progress in the Challenge. The weather was extreme good today, pure sun. Took the Ipad outside but had trouble with the sharp light from the sun.
  • Oooh @bernersenn send me your weather, good to hear you got some flinging; )
  • @kathy our day is almost gone, it is 8:00 pm. Darkness is coming up. So I'll think the same good weather is coming to you
  • Thanks @bernersenn I'm hoping tomorrow will be better, but i think more snow on its way: (
    Is supposed to be the beginning of spring: (
  • Oh my goodness @hunnybunny I'm watching storage wars, and this woman is obsessed with bunnies , she has a barn full of all different kinds of bunnies, stuffed animals, ceramic, statues all sorts , over 30,000 bunnies including Real bunnies that were pets and now are Freeze -dried!!
    And she makes Art of of bunny poop!! I'm gonna have nightmares!!! :(
  • Off to the laundromat, Bbl
    Happy flinging every one:)
  • @kathy Yikes, I'm just one Bunny. I have no bunny artefacts, at all.....
  • Lol @hunnybunny ya this lady was /is crazy ! Instead of shaking hands she does 'bunny bump '
    Holding up 2 fingers like bunny ears ,then bumping fists , nut job lol
  • I loove your bunny @hunnybunny, I'm gonna have to think of that bunny in the grass to keep my peaceful thoughts of bunny;)
  • Nighty Night @kathy @all
    Sweet dreams, hopefully not of crazy bunny woman (although Mr Bunny might mutter something like that about me, under his breath, so I can't hear. He's not that brave!)
  • Hee hee @hunnybunny nighty night, sweet dreams:)
  • @kathy WAASSSUUUP not sure how cold it is outside now but I am chilled to the bone. BRRRRRRRRRRR
    @knichy you didn't answer any of the questioned I asked you last night. You must have missed them by speed reading thru the BP :)
    @rat you have been really quiet :(
    @everybody else HELLO
  • @gumby Waaassssuuuuppp !! Ya it's cold..brrrrrr.. Gotta be in the teens with that frikkin wind!!
  • @gumby where ya flingin' ?
  • @kathy I was flinging the challenge but Im done with that. Now watching X-files
  • Oohhh @gumby I never got into the X files, so your not interested in the seasons update huh?
    I'm almost ready for night night..
  • @kathy I havent flung any seasons at all really, just mostly challenges. although I did do the christmas ones that recently came out
  • Your missing out @gumby , the more episodes you fling, the more you'll be able to access in the challenges!
  • @kathy yes true but there are soooooo many and seems pig days adds more at a rate of 1 new level every few days
  • Well @gumby you made it through Star Wars that's a lot! No better place to start the than the beginning! My keyboard is messing up ,gonna lliseten to my book then go to sleep, night night
  • Nighty night @Pa
    Hope all is well?
  • Hey all, flung some today, got and lost a trophy to shovelhead, kept my NW MH 16 trophy now 4 days ! Rolling fresh pasta - lasagna noodles and watching Airplane ... Not much fling time.
  • @kathy nope I havent gotten thru star wars, I don't even know what some of them would look like.
  • @knichy lasagne noodles? Are you mad? Or confused?
  • @gumby I'm with you on Star Wars! Loads I've never seen, let alone played...

    Nighty night @all

    After a long weekend of partying and flinging, it was back to reality today. Seeing as I retired six years ago, yesterday, that meant a small amount of housework, cooking, a long walk, and FLINGING!
  • Nighty night @hunnybunny , sweet dreams:) btw i had no bad dreams of the Mad bunny woman:)
    @gumby Waaaassssuuuupppp??? I thought you were flinging SW, you did PotJ for the badge, then i thought you were flinging Tatoonie?
    OB I'll have a Blue Mongo please:)
  • @knichy making your own Pasta?
    And sorry about your trophy, who is this shovelhead?? He seems to pop up and take trophies with no explanation:/
    @mvnla2 have you got back to flinging? And Where the World is Tompuss???!!! *calling @annie-leigh we miss you: ( hope all is well ,pm on the way soon
  • @kathy yea POTJ and Tattooine is about all, there is much more to Star Wars
    @hunnybunny sleep well
  • @kathy -- My status on MH is that I have 3 stars on everything except level 9, which is giving me fits. I just noticed, however, that the 3* "egg" level is open! How did that happen? I also do not have all the feathers.
  • @mvnla2 I think it's a tough episode, I'm trying for above average anyway, i was trying for top 10 but that's not happening, every day when i wake up, i see I've been bumped down, I'm only on level 5 so far, but i am trying to get feathers on my way through, so far I've got 5/5 .. Haven't had much trouble with feathers so far *crosses fingers,, knock on wood*
  • So @gumby you have given up on SW?? Are you flinging today's challenge Beak Impact ?
    There goes another of the BP team scores: (
  • @kathy no I am still doing star wars, and no there are way too many levels to unlock for me to do challenge today.
  • Ohhh @gumby I hate it when that happens how far are you in SW , and how bad are you beating me: (
  • @kathy well I just passed you on Tattooine 1-37 by about 500 points
  • Hmmm nice going @gumby ..bllllppppttt :(~~~
  • Sorry i asked lol..
  • @kathy lol No worries Im still flinging some tattooine levels
  • Just kidding @gumby I want y expecting my scores to last forever, I'm sure tons of flingers have gotten ahead of me by now;)
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