The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2638
  • @kathy you will have lots to do when you get back there
  • IF i ever get back there @gumby lol.. Highly unlikely!
  • @kathy :( you gotta come back, Im not beating your scores for nothing LOL
  • Well maybe someday @gumby I already played through it 3 times, when i finish seasons, abo, then possibly I'll return to SW of course I'll probably be 80 (if I'm unlucky enough to live that long) in my rocker at the nursing home with Alzheimer's and forget wth AB is lol!! So ya no chance in this lifetime haha, especially if i keep drinking these Blue Mongos!! Ya OB I'll have another;)
  • No offense meant to those 80 years and above God Bless you all, you must have led a good healthy life:) more powah to ya!
  • @kathy your a fast flinger so see ya back at SW by 2017 :)
  • Lol maybe @gumby , let's make a date, Hmmm April 2017 meet ya there lol..
  • @mvnla2 i knew i jinxed myself lol, having a tough time getting feather in level 6 , just barely made 3 stars!
  • @hunnybunny big mongo like fresh pasta! We have a kitchenaid mixed with a pasta attachment so it's only an hour or two to roll out. But oh so delish!
  • @kathy don't you need power ups to get feathers? And no I won't be doing this Hoth challenge I haven't played any Hoth levels.
  • No @gumby you don't need power ups to get feathers, feathers (mighty eagle) does not count to your score, is just an accomplishment, i think it counts on iPhone but no you just get a feather doesn't count for anything
  • @kathy on RIO I use the free coins to unlock levels that require you to have gotten feathers in order to play them. :)
  • Really @gumby ?? I haven't played Rio in a while , just on challenge month , but i didn't realize ,(are you sure) there were levels that require you to have the feather in order to play them,??
  • It's late I'm off to dreamland, nighty night all, sorry @knichy have a Blue Mongo on the house, teach OB how to make pasta:) stupid error box is following me again
    Nighty night all
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • @kathy I think you need to have "X" amount of feathers to unlock them or use the free coins
  • @kathy Rio added reward levels at the end of most episodes. You can open them by earning stars or feathers (each extra level will tell you what you need) or, apparently, by using coins. I think they appeared when Rio 2 was released.
  • 2C flour, 3 beaten eggs w/ a pinch o' salt

    mound the flour on a clean surface and make a volcano out of it
    pour the eggs right into the middle
    work the flour gradually into the eggs with a fork until well mixed, then knead it until uniform, it will be very firm
    cover with plastic wrap and let rest for 1 hour.
    cut into 8 pieces and work through the pasta roller starting at widest setting and working down to desired thickness, for lasagna on the kitchen aid I got to a setting of 6.
    if making fettucini, spaghetti, etc it is best to roll somewhat flat with the straight roller first then feed through the cutter.
  • Thanks @catsnbirds I haven't really played Rio much, maybe it's something i knew but forgot!
    I don't really ever take interest in rewards it earning coins and doing missions and such except i did have to do missions in Space . I think?
  • @knicky I have made pasta, but no pasta rolling machine, did it with a rolling pin!
    I'm a good cook, although I say so myself, but I can buy really good pasta, prefer to concentrate on a tasty sauce...
    I do a good carbonara, a prosciutto and courgette (zucchini), and puttanesca (Italian for prostitute!) which is really gutsy
    Yum Yum
  • O.k here it comes!! Earplugs in every one... MH level #7
    Wwwwwwhhhhhhhiiiiiiinnnnnneeeeeee !!! I can't make average!!
    @mvnla2 I jinxed myself lol!
  • @kathy
    MH 1-16
  • Nighty night. Happy flinging xx
  • Nighty night @hunnybunny Sweet Dreams :)
  • @Pa Helllloooooo *Knocks softly on the wall , so as not to disturb Minnie and the heyyou's *
  • @kathy WASSSUUUPP
    @hunnybunny tomorrow night is Blues night you can start early, because you go to bed early :)
    @catsnbirds thanks for explaining better to kathy, I don't think I had RIO before the RIO2 came along. Sometimes I am not good at explaining stuff anyways.
  • @Gumby Waaasssuppp! !
  • @kathy not much, Ive been flinging more Tatooine, raised some of my scores, some levels are quite a pita to get a few extra points. So for now some of your scores are safe :)
  • Lol @gumby ya Tatoonie is kinda redundant, kinda like ABO poached eggs, simple shots hope for more points:/
  • @kathy yea but much tougher than PE. laser luck, Obi wan's force etc
  • Oh yeah @gumby i forgot you got the green, or is it blue, laser the second one? That makes it much better!
  • Hi @Ma. I'm back. My gardener took out my WiFi, TV, and telephone this weekend while planting some azaleas. I just got back online.
    Whhhiiiiinnnnnnnnneeeee!!!! I've got 13 top scores and nothing higher than 4th place in Mirror Cold Cuts and I'm in 2nd place. Who does Romo think he is? Whhiiiinnnneee!
  • @kathy its green, but I think a few levels may actually be tougher with the green saber, blue laser seems to be a bit better than red. And Obi wan's force is just a pain as always, timing and where to apply the force etc. Especially with a small screen and fat fingers LOL
  • @rat welcome back
  • Thanks @Gumby. But I'd rather not have seen Romo's scores. I was happy in my ignorance.
  • @rat surely you can beat his scores, after all you are the Space KING :)
  • Don't tell me, tell him @Gumby. I have five levels left to play on this pass. If I don't catch him on those five, he can keep Cold Cuts. He'll have earned it.
  • Good night @Ma♥ I'm going to try to sleep. Wish me luck.
  • Darn that Romo @Pa!! Go get em'
    Sorry to hear you were without access to technology because of Azaleas!! That's brutal, not even a good reason: (
  • @rat before I lost all my scores I had played a bit of space Cold Cuts was a fun one :)
  • @gumby your not allowed to use Red , is a power up, thought i told you that before!
  • I feel sorry for anyone trying to get a puppy in Cold Cuts. Romo and I have 21 of the 30 top scores. Him 8 and me 13.
  • @gumby Obi Wans force is quite tricky, is almost like you tap the screnn far away from him to where you want the force to go, in front of him not close and definitely not behind, but not tooo far ahead, once you get the hang of it you'll do better:)
  • Nighty night @Pa Sweet Dreams (hopefully)
  • @Kathy -- You can also pay coins (or whatever they are) to open locked bonus (any?) levels in Seasons.
    I finally got 3* on all, and all feathers. Dread seeing what my scores are if I enter them on leaderboard.
    @Knichy @hunnybunny -- We've recently been buying fresh pasta that is made with "ancient grains", i.e. not wheat flour. It really tastes great, even without sauce. It's also gluten free, which I don't personally care about, but I didn't know some gains had no gluten.
  • Ohh thanks @mvnla2 that i did not know, i do have a bunch of accumulated coins , had no idea what I'd need them for, that's good to know. I wish you would enter your scores, I'm sure there not as bad as you think, MH is a pretty challenging level for us average flingers, maybe not so for the likes of the van-emdens and Pellystars of the world but I'm struggling to just make average in most of them!
  • @mvnla2 hello how have you been?
    @kathy nothing red anymore, the laser went from red to blue
  • Night all !!
    Nighty night @Pa
  • @kathy sleep well and I posted a strategy on this challenge I hope it helps people :)
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