The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2714
  • Did I miss something @JLZ666? What's with the "Bossom pals" comment?
    Who won?
  • @jlz666 hope the nibbles and champagne are as sweet as the tennis. @karen68 @catnbirds I'm sure Raonic will win a slam one day, just a little overwhelmed on his first slam final...
    Now watching mixed doubles, another Brit to win, I hope
  • Commiserations @catsnbirds @karen68 We'll definitely be seeing Ranoic again. Thank God Murray didn't lose it in his acceptance speech @catsnbirds I had tears in my eyes when he was crying into his towel! Tears in the speech would've tipped me over the edge!
    @rat9 Hmmmmm How can I put this? Just a wee spat with a fellow flinger? He didn't believe the top and 2nd score (mine) were possible. All because he couldn't reach it. Twit. @hunnybunny is trying to be mediator but this place is like bloody kindergarten sometimes! I'm close to stamping my feet and screaming "He started it!!!" LOL!!!! Oh and @hunnybunny I got your unedited walkthrough post in my inbox this morning! Haahaaaa! Are you trying to get kicked out? LMAO! Classic!
    Sorry,just about to order chinese takeout for everyone. Gotta run.
  • not fair ,I wanna see the unedited comments @jlz666 @hunnybunny,,
    ya ya @Pa i know, I'm making the best of it :D
    *cheers *
  • Are you trying to stir the pot @Ma. Shame on you. lol

    @JLZ666 I'm surprised my scores aren't challenged all the time. Seldom have been. If memory serves...only twice in 4 years. Go figure. I must have a trustworthy score posting style.
  • Woo Hoo Another British win in the mixed doubles! Watson (GB) and Kontinen (Finland) The first ever Finnish player to win a Gran Slam. I'm sure our birdies are Finnish. Lots of squawks from the aviary

    Now football: Allez France....
  • @hunnybunny -- Me too! I'd love to see a good putdown. I'm not even sure where this "polite" discussion is.
    @all -- Spent a good chunk of yesterday volunteering as a "player assistant" at the LA City Women's Golf Championship. A very interesting experience. "Player assistant" seems to be the politically correct term for course marshal these days. Gave me a real appreciation for how hard the job is. People either thank you for telling them that they are behind, or outright deny it even when it is obvious they are. Not to mention it is always the other players in the group that are slow. There are a few exceptions, like the girl who said she had trouble on the previous hole, and they would catch up on the next, and they did!
    Not to mention I was in awe at the girls who played in the championship flight. And yes, they mostly were girls; a lot still in high school, the older ones in college, and at most one or 2 over 30. They played from the blue tees (the second longest of 4 sets and 6420 yards). The person with the lowest score on Friday was 4 strokes under par!
    Will watch the tennis (recorded) after HWDNF gets home.
  • never mind lol,,the unedited version works @hunnybunny lol,,i think your treading on thin ice with mighty red,,is he an admin now?
  • have to stop now, getting dirty looks lol..
  • @jlz666, @hunnybunny congrats on the Murray win! And @catsnbirds for the support. I was keeping an eye on the score while out so I knew the bad news. I thought Raonic would at least get a set from him.
    I did record it so I'll take a peek at the ending & the speeches etc.
    A Canadian won the junior boys title so I can celebrate that. :)
  • sounds like a very interesting day @mvnla2 ,funny to hear how different people react , kinda gives a hint what they will evolve as they go on.
    I'm right now whatching kids playing 'find the cap' in the pool , 3 girls and my 6 year old nephew, One girl is the boss ,in charge of the cap, and her friend or her always finds it, poor nephew didn't stand a chance lol, so Auntie had to subtley suggest the girls give him a chance..
    not sure where I was going with this lol, been sneak typing for an hour..
    OB I'll have a glass of Cristal please :)
  • @Kathy -- I should have mentioned that it was the adults accompanying the girls, either as spectators or caddies who denied that they were behind. The girls themselves were mostly appreciative, and said they would at least try.
    So is this a graduation party for preschool or kindergarten you're at?
  • @mvnla2 believe it or not is a high school graduation, juat lots of young nieces nephews ,cousins and tweens, hardly saw the graduate herself lol, on the way home now:)
  • WooHooo we are Home, with no Mother :D very very happy:)
    phone battery almost dead,,both tablets charged!! Schweeettt!!
    Crap just got a text from sister, good of her to warn us lol,, the MiLfH is on her way:(
    S 'ok though I'm at I'll settled in, ready to fling:)
  • @gumby Waassssupppp??? Hee hee got you first:)
  • @kathy SHHHHHH I am lurking muahahahaha
  • But first a couple of Blue Mongos..@gumby:)
    Speaking of which where is @knichy¿
  • @Kathy -- Hadn't heard about it until you mentioned it. Unfortunately for you, it's for IOS users only. Unfortunately for me, I may have said I'm interested to be included too late, and I don't have an iPad 4.
  • @mvnla2 I did see it was only for IOS after the fact that i said i was interested, but figured I'd share anyway,, clicked on something totally by accident lol, i figured you might know about it, since your my goto for all things Nest lol:)
  • I'm your huckleberry. I'll give it a try.
  • what does that mean @Pa " I'm your huckleberry" ???
  • I'm off, ..sick of Rovio only targeting IOS users, and now BL and Mighty Red supporting that also,,to hell with Android users always the way. .
    Nighty night @Pa, thanks for being my huckleberry, ,whatever that means lol. .nighty night ♡
  • did I say nighty night @Pa ♡. .
    thank goodness I have tomorrow off..:)
    deep breathing, ,close eyes ahhh.
  • I don't know why the huckleberry message showed up in the BP @Ma. I posted it on the TNT beta test page eight. Strange.

    Nighty nite @Ma
  • Good morning guys.
    First thank to you all for these nice comments to Wolf coming home.
    At this moment I don't have the time I use to have, for hanging around here. The little man is very active, really needs supervisory. But he is so sweet, cuddling whole day, uses his little, sharp teeth on everything.

    @rat Space Challenge today.
  • Hey @all! Just to thank you for your good wishes for Donny, who is much better now -:)

    @bernersenn Sooooo pleased Wolf is home! Your photos are just gorgeous! Uber-cute!

    A little playlist - sweet music only. All but the first have nice illustrations, hope they help everyone to a good sleep and/or a happy day ❤❤❤❤

    Slokar Trombones: Bach:

    Liszt: "Un sospiro" (a sigh):

    Einaudi plays piano to save the Arctic:

    Haydn Serenade:

    Judy Collins: "Amazing Grace" (wow!):

  • Thanks, but I saw the Space challenge @bernersenn. Too much of a luck level for me to even try.
  • @rat indeed, there are no skills involved here. I prefer the 2 or 3 birders
  • I agree @bernersenn. Love the multi-shot complicated skill levels.
  • @rat correct. It eliminates the pure-luck factor
  • @rat I think we will have to play the challenge. 2-birder!
  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! TomPuss :D
    Have a wonderful day!!
  • Starts singing…
    For she's a jolly good fellow, for she's a jolly good fellows
    For she's a jolly good fellow (pause), which nobody can deny
    Which nobody can deny, which nobody can deny
    For she's a jolly good fellow, for she's a jolly good fellow
    For she's a jolly good fellow (pause), which nobody can deny!
    … everybody… join me!
  • @tompuss Thanks for the music ,i am putting my headphones in now and hopefully will sleep peacefully while i slowly drift off..
  • Night night @Pa
  • Happy Birthday @TomPuss.

    Good night @Ma
  • Thank you @kathy and @rat9!

    Lovely card. @jlz666! Can't imagine where you got that pic of me in a post-prandial stupor after huge lunch at Italian restaurant! Yes, it's been a good day -:)
  • Lol @jlz-666 great find indeed , Happy to hear that you had a nice Birthday @tompuss :D
  • Great birthday card @JLZ666.

    Good night @Ma.
  • Nighty night @Pa
    * runs quickly from Snort and Snicker or vice versa*
  • @mvnla2 , @all ...Please tell me I’m not losing my mind?
    I’m on Android, Poached Eggs level #1 I have only 1 tower , My nephew is playing IPhone 6+ and is a totally different level! he has 2 towers, and is a comletely diffent level! ..I’m sooo confused! !
  • I was trying to show him the video walkthrough and it's the same as mine?
    OB I need a drink lol ,Blue Mongo please!! stat!!
  • @Kathy -- I am on iPad and only have one tower. Not sure what's going on.
    Possibilities --
    He's really on level 2-1?
    He's playing one of the old "free" versions??
    He's playing on Facebook??
    Not sure if there are other possibilities, and the only one I'm sure would make a difference is if he's playing 2-1.
    So you're probably not losing your mind.
    (Biting my tongue to avoid making a really cheap shot.)
  • ooohh @Mvnla2 I think you hit the nail on the head!! yes i think he is playing angry birds free!! ty
    cc @bonneypattycat, , @admins
  • @TomPuss -- Happy Birthday yesterday! Sorry I missed it, but it sounds like you had a great day. Will have to listen to your music a little later. Just my kind!
    @all -- I am in the beta test of AB TNT. Tried it a bit yesterday and some today. It is very different than most AB games, and I have no idea what's going on. I have to say that it's the first game where the learning curve seems extremely steep.
    Is anyone else here playing it? The only person I've noticed that used to come to the BP is @Burbman.
  • Lol @mvnla2, ,you can take a cheap shot, i probably deserve it haha, !! But i did check to make sure it was definitely 1-1 poached eggs ,and I've never played the ABO free ,
    but yes I've been a member long enough, ,and should know these things.
    but ever since my first day in the Nest you've always been my 'Go to' when i got stumped :)
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