The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2712
  • @kathy I am not eating dinner, too lazy to make anything.
  • battery dying, gotta plug in
    :( battery on flingjng tablet is low,phone battery low
    I'm down to one tablet, for flingjng and ABN :(
    this is worse than camping in a tent with no electricity and no toilet:(
  • YA @kathy the SC levels have a super drain on me as well. I can play a third as much as other episodes before battery dies :(
  • @bernersenn @Gumby @hunnybunny
    At the end of the day my bottle opening was too small. I still had fun though.
  • @rat :) fun is always a good thing
  • Lol @Pa but the projectile didn't hit you in the head, now that's lucky:)
  • Hit my head? As stupid as it sounds @Ma, my brothers and I use to shoot arrows into the sky and see who could get closest to them upon their return to Earth. (Don't do this at home kids. We were trained professionals.) ha ha
    Makes you wonder how children survive their youth.

  • Lol @Pa I thought that was the test of how lucky you are,, thought that's what you meant when you said " your bottles opening was to small, " that you didn't get any bullets in the bottle,, but at least none came down and hit you in the head.
  • It was @Ma. I came back poorer than I went.
  • Well that's the chance ya take @Pa, sorry bout that but ya had Fun!! That's what matters, ya can't take it with ya, but the memories of the fun last forever:)
  • Just like Angry Birds, you can't win em all. But you enjoy trying.
  • @rat or you get aggravated trying LOL some levels just drive you crazy
  • But when you succeed, all that aggravation was worth it. Right @Gumby?
  • @rat if I succeed lol. These seasons levels are so tiny on a phone it makes aiming that much more difficult. I may need to get an iPad or something.
  • anyways I am done flinging due to lack of battery. more flinging tomorrow
  • IF @Gumby? Do you not know the POWER of positive thinking?
  • @gumby Yes you definitely need a bigger device and you need to put the phone down when you feel it being hot!! Heat drains and kills battery trust me, a wise freind gave me this advice after i ruined 2 tablets!! SC is definitely a battery draining episode!!
    Nighty night..
  • @hunnybunny -- HWDNF drive a Porche Cayman. He dove the entire way. Loves driving it.
  • Awesome car @mvnla2 !! I'll bet he Loves driving it lol, who wouldn't!!
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • Sweet dreams @Ma
  • If it's too hot to fling outside at 1o'clock in the morning, absolutely no flingin's gonna occur during daylight hours for months. It's all yours for now @Sglouk.
  • Good morning guys,
    Today is almost big day. We're traveling to the south of Germany, stay in a hotel. Tomorrow is big day. Collecting our sweetheart. I will post new pictures Probably end of tomorrow or even Sunday.
    @rat you're back home again? It's good to hear that you had a good time.
    @kathy SC: please lower the brightness of your device. The device won't get that hot anymore and more important, battery will show better behavior
  • You must be so excited @bernersenn! I can hardly wait to see those pictures when you get back. Have a safe trip!

    @kathy, as he said lower the brightness to save your battery. I don't know what tablet you have, but you can set it to Power Saving mode. Tap on Settings>Battery, then set the power saving mode to on. I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab S2, and I can play SC for about 2 hours and use up only 60%. You should also turn off or disable any unnecessary apps running in the background. Hopefully you'll be able to play a bit longer and your battery won't get so hot.
  • good afternoon all
    @bernersenn Safe Trip :D Woot! !
    also I do have my brightness very low , @sweetp and bernersenn still gets hot, just in SC strange
  • Sorry to read those news, @rat9. I hope things will improve for you as soon as possible.
  • @Sweetp i Have an Asus ,,actually an Asus and a Nexus,also made by Asus, ,My spare (old tablet, the nexus) doesn't seem to get as hot as quickly, I do disable all unused Apps and play with background off in airplane mode, ,on the Asus, which is weird ,if i play on the Nexus,,i disable background, turn down brightness, but i play with wifi on and chrome browser open, and that tablet seems to last longer,,idk could be my imagination lol
    off to laundry ,bbl
  • @rat that is bad news. Will it heal?
  • @rat you just explained gambling perfectly. The neck of my bottle was ALWAYS too small. I gave up. And as long as you and Mrs Rat had a ball, who cares what you spent! Like Mr & Mrs Bunny: no kids, spend on what makes you happy

    @karen68 Game On! Your Player -v- Mine
  • OB drinks on me, especially for @karen68 should she pop in!
    I'm off for a hot bath and crisp, line dried, ironed sheets.
    Pity to my US friends: showers and tumble dried duvets
    Not the luxury feel of the hot bath and those sheets...
  • Lol @hunnybunny is well known Americans are Lazy and spoiled with modern day appliances, ,well not All ,but speaking for myself lol..I am; )
    Enjoy your hot bath and clean crisp Ironed sheets ♡
  • uhmmm whats a duvet?:/
    never mind I Googled it lol..yep lazy..hee hee
  • @kathy WASSUUUPPP not much flinging today as SC drained my battery again, I think it might be the new advertising.
    @bernersenn patiently awaiting new pics of Wolf :)
    @hunnybunny a nice hot bath sounds wonderful, ENJOY
    @rat yea I try to think positively, but SC can drive a sane person MAD
  • @gumby Waassssupppp!!
  • @gumby if you play in airplane mode,, with wifi off , you'll get no ads:)
  • @kathy my wifi is always off, not sure what airplane mode does I have never used it
  • @gumby Airplane mode uhmm idk it saves battery but i think you can't use the web, you'd have to turn it off to talk to us,,i think.. But definitely won't get those annoying ads,
  • Nope can't communicate with airplane mode on, but it's a simple turn it on to fling , turn it off to use web ie, ABN..@gumby
  • @Gumby testing airplane mode with wifi off, Mobile data on ,nope doesn't work lol, but easy to switch on and off
  • Whoo hoo @bernersenn! After all you've been through the last couple of months I know you're going to be happy tomorrow. A brand new puppy addition to the Bernersenn family. Try to take time from snuggling to stay hydrated. Drive safe.

    The gambling bottle analogy wasn't mine Mrs. Bunny. But when @bernersenn mentioned it, I fully agreed as well.

    @SweetP Was it you that liked Garth? I'll try to post a picture from the concert later. I didn't get many good pictures. It was hard to focus. He was constantly moving the entire time. How Trisha has put weight on him is beyond my comprehension.

    @Sglouk According to our weather experts this summer is going to be 5-10 degrees above normal. Plus 100% humidity. Global warming don't cha know. Ugly!

    My heart goes out to the Dallas police community. It's a dangerous thankless job without idiots like yesterday. As Rodney King said, "Can't we all just get along?".

    @Ma What's a duvet? ha ha I don't believe you. You know what it is.

    @Gumby Quit saying you'll try. That's not the power of positive thinking. Do!

  • @pa now i know what a duvet is lol , googled it: D
    And yes My Heart goes out to the Police in Dallas , who were protecting the very people who were protesting against them, senseless,, When i was young I was brought up to respect the Police. If you commit a crime , and resist arrest your bound to get hurt:(
    I can't talk about it:( to sad:(
  • @gumby listen to @Pa look at my scores in space, from trying yes, then keep trying then Do!!
    I'm having a tough time in SC also is a tough episode..
  • @rat9, Welcome Home! no it wasn't me that likes Garth, but there are a few songs that I do like! Sounds like you and Mrs. Rat had a great time (probably except for the heat!)
  • Hey there @Sweetp my favorite admin lol, hard working!!
    Pull up a stool , take a deep breath and enjoy any drink of your choice, or 2 or 4 lol on me, and congratulations on your very special well deserved badge:)
  • You had me thinking I had a senior moment again @SweetP. It was you that said Garth and Trisha were two of your favorites on the 1st line of page 2707. You made me look. ha ha
  • lol @pa you made me look to hehee yeppers @sweetp you said it Garth and Trisha 2 of your favorites ??
    first line of page 2707 @sweetpcrownthiefonpage2707 lol
  • Nighty night @Pa
    listening to my book, flinging a bit..
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