The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2743
  • Hello all - Just checking in to see if anyone else is having troubles entering scores and navigating the Nest. I couldn't even get to the Bloated Pig through the menu system, I had to do a Google search for "angrybirdsnest bloated pig" and found a link that got me in. Am I alone?
  • I can't enter scores at all :(

    I usually enter scores directly from the leaderboard, but I can't even click on my old score to change it. When I try to change it on the walkthrough page I get {"msg":"You have to enter a score."}
  • I managed to get to the "All Things in the Nest" forum. It appears I am not alone in my troubles with the Nest.
  • All is well again! A hard reboot seems to have done the trick!
  • nice to see you popping in @BPC some glitches in ABN for me last week, but nothing recently.
    Hi and bye all!
    @BPC hello and glad your troubles are fixed :)
    @rat awfully silent :(
  • @gumby Waasssuuupppp???
  • @bonneypattycat Always a pleasure :) happy bugs are fixed for ya :)
  • well OB is that time again, ,I'll have a glass of Cristal please, and call it a night..
  • Book on, headphones in..
    Nighty night @Pa
  • @rat I hope you're feeling better, sucks to be out of commission!

    @kathy, I usually watch a fair amount of news, but I'm ready for a break, at least until after the election is over. I don't want to bring politics to the BP, so I'll just say a certain candidate would certainly not be welcome in my home, I sure has heck don't want IT on my TV screen ;) I usually record news programs so I can skip the commercials later, but just yesterday I deleted all my news program timers from the dvr. For the next six weeks or so, I'll just read the headlines :/
  • Agreed @Bonneypattycat, ,politics are a tough subject,,we are here for fun :D
    but also agree, , I'll just see the outcome when the time is ready,and fast forward through all the bs...
    happy to hear the nest is working for you again. past my bedtime. .
    nighty night :)
    as always a pleasure to see you pop in; )
  • Thanks @BPC. I still suffer through short bursts of flinging but can't even entertain the thought of giving @Sglouk a run for the Space realm. He's posting some great scores. It's tough watching him very slowly beat my scores. It's like a death from a thousand paper cuts. Ouch! He should be the new King of Space by 2017. (unless you factor in my 7 million points in Anchors Aweigh) ha ha

    Now you two have me thinking about our political conundrum. Thanks @BPC and @Ma *snicker*

    Nighty night @Ma
  • @Pa wth is going on in the Carolinas!!! Mayhem I tell ya Mayhem!!! Sad:(
  • @Gumby Waaasssuppp lol...missed ya going to sleep now:/
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • IKR? It's a crazy world out there.

    Night night @Ma
    @rat its a crazy world out there for sure
  • @gumby Waasssuuupppp??
    Your right crazy world, getting crazier by the day!!
  • @kathy I am just getting home, long day
  • Ouch @gumby Igues!! Hope you made some $$$
  • @kathy YA money but sleeeeeeppppy and back up at 5 am for another 12 hours
  • Ooohh Yuck yuck @gumby You never get to say TGIF :( that's sad
    OB give gumby a couple drinks on me to lull him to Dreamland..
  • How the hell do you do 12 hours everyday!!
    Well actually your not on your feet, but jeesh driving, sitting driving waiting , driving waiting *sigh*
  • @kathy or driving driving driving, I was out of smokes for 2 1/2 hours today and couldn't get any. But driving you have to focus constantly and your brain gets frazzled by the end of the day. Very tiring
  • and today was 15 hours
  • Yuck @gumby can't even imagine!!
  • Wow, did Rovio totally ruin ABO or WHAT!? Well, I had four good years playing the game, I should be done with it anyway :(

    How long until Rovio destroys Seasons I wonder?
  • @bonneypattycat What happened ?? I know the last update sucked with the mighty scope pop-up,, but just heard of a new update , it's worse??
  • @kathy, I don't know what I or Rovio did, but I can't turn off that damn scope or powerups. It just sucks!!!
  • 》》》Bedtime
  • @Bonneypattycat you can't click out of it,
    try playing in airplane mode after signing in to your Rovio account,,switch To airplane pop ups..
  • and as long as your signed in ,even switching to airplane mode, you score still remains when you switch back, as long as your signed in.
    i really gotta go to sleep,I'm sorry good luck Rovio sucks
    @Birdleader is there no one you can talk to there that can help Us Nesters?
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • @kathy, tried it, that STUPID scope is still there. I'll try again in the morning :(
  • Goodnight @kathy :)
  • I updated ABO and started it. If you ignore every pop up or message, then it seems like you still can play the normal levels without Powerups
  • Mornin' @Ma
  • WHAT!?! Another ABO update? Looks like Rovio has new things in store for those who are playing in the Mighty League. I'm afraid to update the game on this tablet, but I'll update it on my old one and see what happens. This is getting ridiculous @kathy @bonneypattycat, and sad that Rovio has made it nearly impossible to enjoy flinging anymore :'(

    Edit: that pesky spamming kid Alugia is back, he created two new accounts yesterday, and Birdleader deleted them, but I think he'll be back again, calling me a bad admin all over the Nest! Grrr...such a stubborn child!
  • Agreed @sweetp is totally geared for the younger crowd, wonder if we can sue them for Age discrimination!! Class action lawsuit anyone?
  • Ya know They could do Both by making it a choice to use powerups or turn them off!
    But noooo.. That would be to easy! And we've learned by the'no pu' crusade that they really Don't care about What we at Angry Birds Nest think!
  • @kathy @sweetp Another update this morning, and the pop ups seem to be gone and I can play normally again.
  • Ooohh Awesome @Bonneypattycat thanks for the good news:)
  • @sweetp anyway you can ask @Birdleader to keep to'Update' page actually Updated?
    @BPC I love ABO and hope they did not ruin it
    @sweetp heya
  • @gumby Waasssuuupppp???
  • @kathy not much, super sleepy
  • me tooo @gumby super sleepy..
  • Guys I totally just rembered @wingmanjuan forum , and I'm messing up his @name it has numbers .. But I can't find that forum?? @sweetp?
    He is the Rovio representative in the Nest for us to voice our concerns and gripes!
Post in the New Forum!