The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3203
  • During my mispent youth there was a local miscreant called Bryan Robson(no not him) who regularly sniffed the old evo stick and subsequently went stealing knickers off washing lines.Is this a cue to play Arnold Layne?
  • Mary Walloped
    The Last Dinner Party putting on a show.Imagine The Bangles meets Simple Minds.Lovin' it.
  • Well I think I've seen you all off you lightweights.Orbital now just doing Dirty Rat with S Mods on screen.This is why we pay the BBC license fee.
  • I had nothing to do with it.
  • @BrianN I do get it. It never ends, my daughter moved 3000 km away last year & I still have my moments. And she’s 26.

    Settled in for a morning watching tennis. Go Alcaraz!
  • Glue, cannabis, heroin, cocaine, magic mushrooms, whatever you think it takes for your brain to upset me
  • Imagine winning Wimbledon then sitting down to watch your country win the Euros. But...oh dear, it's going to clash with the Champions' Dinner.
  • Glass of wine usually does it HB.

    No what if's, England beaten by probably one of the best teams ever to win the Euros.
  • It really has been a very very good week for DT.Let's be honest I've had worse injuries shaving and It seems to have done hus popularity no harm.Then his bestie kicks out the classified documents case...we'd all better strap ourselves in for this 4 year long rollercoaster ride.
  • He may have peaked a bit too soon. Maybe his VP choice will backfire.
  • Apparently Tom Hanks has said that if Trump wins in 2024 he will leave the US and take up permanent residency in the Lurkers (sic) Lounge.

    This is satire, folks.
  • Wow! Newly discovered self-collapsing level uncovered. Red's Mighty Feathers 24-5 has guaranteed major collapse in Ver 4.2.0 under Nox. Too bad I discovered this 2 days after it was a Challenge level. Working my way to another runt.

    Oh, and can I have a badge for spotting the 50th instance of the doc calling out a level as being an RNG?
  • And I will be joining Tom Hanks!
  • Was that satire as well @catsnbirds?
  • Since the pall of dullness that is Mark Drakeford has left ,Welsh politics has gotten quite feisty.Expecting some more underhanded shenanigans during the FM selection process.
  • On the subject of Drakeford, quite amused the other day to come across some vandalised 20 mph signs on a lane that was so narrow and twisty that even 15 mph wasn't really possible.
  • Dan, belated Welcome to Wales
    The ridiculous Senedd are not going to get any better…

    Off to have the arthritic knee x rayed tomorrow
    It suddenly got worse
    I’m going private (due to a year long wait on NHS)
    It’s a huge chunk out of the holiday fund, but you can’t go on holiday if you hobble around, going “ouch” every few minutes

    Anyway, should be mobile enough to holiday again before Trump and Putin nuke us all
  • Can remember driving around North Wales and seeing a sign in Welsh...2 miles of chicane and steep up and down bends later I came out the other end.I think the sign may have read 'Die Englishmen'

    As for arthritis it ain't funny @hunnybunny but after all these years up and down a ladder it's my arms and shoulders that have issues ironically my knees are fine.
  • For me, my fingers sometimes lock up but I think it is actually a Long Covid thing because they were fine until I got Covid and that was the main symptom. Ironically my knees are better than they have been for years, chasing Twiggy up and down mountains seems to have strengthened them. She has now ticked off seven Welsh 3000 footers.
  • How's the house selling going @hunnybunny?
  • Free drinks on me everybody. Crawled over the 92 million mark on Angry Birds. Pretty sure that will be the last million milestone. Now off to get past asher in Bad Piggies. But first, we have a Classics Challenge today (Danger Above 7-7).
  • And finally, not quite sure what's going on with Red's Mighty Feathers, but I have now got no less than three (out of twelve that I have checked) self-collapsing levels. All really big collapses, all a big advantage. Nobody else has ever mentioned these, I think.
  • My dentist is a great salesman.Went in this morning for a checkup and came out with some route canal work.Much to the amusement of my customers as my mouth has been numb most of the morning.I sound like Joseph Merrick chewing a wasp.
  • Hey @desperatedan are these anomalies all on the same version and are you leaving crumbs on the relevant walkthrough pages?
  • 24-5, 24-11 and 24-12 all self-collapse. There are a few crumbs but I'll tell you here all I know. I am running Ver 4.2.0 under Nox for all three of these. But... I had earlier had 24-11 self-collapse running Ver 7.0.2 under Bluestacks. I can't be sure about whether 24-5 and 24-12 collapsed under 7.0.2 or not, but I would guess that they didn't. I can't check now as I am not running 7.0.2 any more.
  • I watched The Jetty (all 4 episodes). I thought it was excellent. Some people have been moaning about mumbling. Ever heard of sub-titles? I SAID EVER HEARD OF SUB-TITLES! Yes, I thought so.
  • Yes I enjoyed it also and just when I thought it was getting a bit too preachy- The twist!

    See Stevie P has finally caved in.
  • Also enjoyed Responder very gritty Martin Freeman superb,really looks like a guy on the edge.Warning to the faint of heart: very high skowse quotient..."Shickn"
  • House selling going badly:
    “we love it” - haven’t put their house on the market yet
    “It’s overpriced” compared to some much smaller house, the viewer (twice) wanted a loft conversion, and a total redecorating for the same price, she’s on glue!
    “Can’t live in a house that has been smoked in” it’s 135 years old, guessing it’s been smoked free for little more than 20 of them..

    Fortunately, the flat we want has gone down in price, so we will wait
    And School Holidays start tomorrow, so prospective buyers will see loads of parking spaces, which are never there in term time
  • No, the doc uses Classics but he never actually posts his scores. Suits me, I will have the trophy unless anyone else beats my score (and I am not that confident, @realfish has a habit of successful retaliation).
  • So he'll take a scruffy pup but not a dirty dirty trophy?
  • Hey Bunny seems like you're looking for a chain smoking glue sniffer with no spatial awareness .Should be plenty of those in Penarth.
  • Having played Angry Birds as long as we have we're used to these outages.

    More importantly how did you get on with the specialist @hunnybunny?Knee news is good news.
  • Knee news is bad knee news
    Need a bloody new knee…
  • Not such good news @hunnybunny but will make a massive difference once you've recuperated and can last over 20 years.Are you definitely going for it?
    Don't think they do shoulder replacements.
  • Have I ever mentioned that I hate working Saturdays?Glad I did as I picked up a new customer (I've been working out). Noticed his arm was bandaged up so asked about it and he said about 25 years ago he mangled it in a metal gate while loading pigs on a lorry.Did he go straight to hospital? No,he drove the pigs to Hull came back and 25 years later he goes to hospital!?!
  • @BrianN i think I know that farmer. Great guy, he was outstanding in his field.
  • It's early to bed and no supper for you @ixan57
  • It does say there in black and white that you have been working out @brianN.
  • Yes that pun was like Bunny's knee...lame...I also do shop lifting...ok I'm going straight to bed.
  • More worrying is the continuing onset of early Alzheimer's.I didn't tell you about the preliminary part of the conversation with Pigman.
    "Are you looking for extra work?"
    "Yeah whereabouts are you?"
    "Just here." And he's pointing at his house.
    So I look puzzled and say : "I've been cleaning those windows for years.Though I am a little overdue have you just moved in?"
    And so it went on,turns out the house I' ve cleaned for years was two doors up!
    Thankfully we were able to laugh about it.I'm tempted to blame his crooked arm but no,it's me.

    Yesterday my wife asked me to pick up a few things from the shop on my way home including sanitary towels."The packet is a green cube."
    So I came back with a pack of knock off Tenor Ladies.
    "Er,what shape is that packet?"
    I realised straight away I was in trouble "It's an elongated cube."(Otherwise known as a rectangle)."But it is green!"
    Of course she had the final say:"I'm inviting mum round and you can give her these personally."
    ...The sky suddenly darkened...
  • Went out today, no surprise there, in a Sports Bar watching Stokes failing miserably to declare before tea. WI piling on the runs.
    Sunday Lunch in a basement Steak House: Chateaubriand with all the proper Sunday Lunch trimmings, more drinking and home
    Get out the taxi, saying “I hope they’re 85 for 5”
    You couldn’t make it up….
  • Thought it was a good test match until the end.When they were 60 odd for 0 I thought we might be in for an interesting day tomorrow.Then you jinxed it!
    Reckon Mark Wood will be kicking his cat when he gets home.
  • Who is going to be the next leader then? It's a massive question.

    Welsh politics is so confusing but Gething had to go.

    What do you mean, there's other stuff like this out there?
  • Apparently England have never before scored 400 in both innings in a Test Match.
  • The doc is teasing you @sweetp.
  • I think it's too late now @desperatedan.I can remember saying in these hallowed pages quite some time ago that Trump's best chance of getting a second term would be if Biden ran again.Even though he's out now the damage is done.It's almost as if there's a malevolent unseen force carrying Teflon Don over every obstacle he's hope I'm wrong.
  • So is it pronounced Kama(r)la or Cameller?Wish the broadcasters would make their mind up,it's giving me the hump.
  • I think you may be wrong @brianN. This has wrong footed the GOP. A wise VP selection might be significant. And for the first time the Dems can play the age card. 6 year old toddlers shouldn't be running.
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