The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 371
  • just tying to change the pg
  • It's nice to know that my internet provider is having problems again.
  • going to check now;) you got any new teens yet?
  • oh @rdnzlrips82 who do you have for isp? we are having lots of storms here so I imagine mine you soon! I have Sprint ..
  • @rdnzlrips82 Have you seen the teens video? Its Great!!!!
  • Still working on trying to get these hackers off my leaderboards. I made some great posts. Check out Facebook Golden Egg Level 6, and take a vote. I think this ought to do it.
  • Anyway, how is everyone?
  • I had a great fitness test today. I found out I am fitter than I thought I was!
  • @rdnzlrips82 must be very busy! Sorry Kathy, I'll take a look at the videos. ;)
  • Sorry @bill. I had to step away and express ship a set of bunk beds to my house since my 3 year old broke his toddler bed today.
  • I have Mediacom for my home internet and verizon 3G. The 3G keeps locking my phone up and the mediacom is half in/half out since early this morning. I am doing the research for the updates as fast as I can so I can have them ready. I received some great inspiration about page 1 that I think will have some great impact. However, I have to go from basic html to master html pretty much overnight. But I think I can pull it off.
  • when will the beds get there @rdnzlrips82 ...
  • you gonna have boys in yours bed tonight hogging it up ;) I know that feeling;) my daughter always slept in my bed upside down sideways..feet in my face...uggh don't regret those days. lol
  • just recommended angrybirdlover for secret santa. check out the post on badges and rank at the bottom
  • you gonna try slims suggestions. @rdnzlrips82? not sure what he meant but it sounded good lol guys have the pc lingo going on;) over my head;)
    sry ho @Bill. didn't mean to he rude:(
  • @kathy None of our children have ever slept in the bed with us. We have taken great care to make sure that never happened. It hasn't yet, and I will be darned if it does.
  • not sure what you are referring to kathy.
  • @kathy What I have in mind is going to be absolutely incredible. I just don't know if I will be able to pull it off right away. The ideas that just popped in my head looking at page one will require some in-depth design. I just don't know.
    BTW - the bunk beds should be here by next week.
  • After I do the updates tonight, I will start a new conference room for the ideas. You guys can weigh in. Speaking of, we need a new CR for menu & drinks already. You girls talk too much. :)
  • hmmm? @Kathy does fine... She never forgets to feed and drink me.
  • It would be nice if I could come up with some ideas for the story. Instead of coming up with ideas for this place. :(
  • Unless you're just trying to give others some responsibility and "share the wealth" so to speak
  • @Bill -- Glad to see you're back! Will try to check your posts.
  • So @bill, what is new? Looks like the fitness test went well. Anything else exciting?
  • @bill are you talking about the story? I have not written one new word to the BirdMan story. Ever since I became obsessed with improving Page 1. I haven't even given it a thought. It's kind of sad. But I really want to tighten things up on the description.
  • Sorry @all. Sometimes I talk to @kathy about @team stuff when we are here because it is just easier. So to you guys it looks like blabber. Well, actually it does look like blabber:)
    Here's some lingo. CR = Conference Room. We call our PMs to each other Conference Rooms. It's where they post the menus and drinks for the updates. It's also where we discuss various changes that are coming up, etc.
  • I need to move to a different room in the house for the updating.
  • referring to as to what @bill monkeys jumpin on. the bed? is an old song I used to sing girls ;)
  • thanks @angryboy ...suddenly I can't keep up;)
  • ohh @bill cuz I made a bunch of comments before saying hello to you I felt rude.
    srry was for that ..and ty for compliment ..I try..;) to. keep you fed and watered ;) lol hope your. hacker. problems. get settled
    .I can't., even top my own. score so I don't pay too much. attention to who's in the lead;).lucky. if I can make top 200;)
  • 30 seconds left in download.
  • Download complete. EarBliss begins now.
  • updates take a while. So...I guess I will run DZ-4. Again!
  • Start time = 11:45pm CST
  • hey @rdnzlrips82 ..darn!!! I can't. think of itz!!There's Irish Thunder. that's the guys...then. there's women. also its awesome! !! gonna google it!! I gotta go to bed soon:(
  • midnight crew?
  • I don't know its celtic thunder
  • good night. I guess..please get some rest rd
  • everyone. kinda just left ;?
  • Hey, how is everyone? I have been sick the whole day yesterday and dramatically getting worse. See y'all later.
  • I am still here. just updating. No rest @kathy. Still updating.
  • @kartflyer sorry to hear you are ill. What seems to be the problem?
  • jumped from 560-900.
  • Anyone still here?
  • Im sorry for not being very social today. Busy, and felt the need for a little alone time today.

    I'm off bed. Will try to be more social tomorrow.

    @kathy. Thanks. Do not sweat it. No big deal.
  • Hey everyone good afternoon
  • ISP down, again. Phone wont let me updat *frustrated*
  • Sorry I missed a lot of that. @rdnzlrips82 I'll catch up with you tomorrow. Have a good night all.
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