The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 372
  • good morning alll:)
  • Just woke up. Internet back on. It's gonna be a good day! Page one updated.
  • Here @kathy

    My kid woke up @12:15 took care of him and went back to the front room with no internet. My phone wouldn't let me save changes for some reason.
  • it looks good @rd
  • Also, when I tried to save it to my phone I was encountering I/O issues so that took me some time to figure out why phone wasn't connecting to the computer. Then my phone wouldn't save the changes on the page using 3G. Let's put it this way; I was up until 430 trying to make it happen.
  • It didn't happen, so I went to bed. Woke up @630.
  • Hey Carl & angryboy.
  • Good Morning @rd, @carl, @angryboy, and @kathy
    Good Morning @anyone and all that are also here ;-)
    May I please have an Iced Coffee and a Pot 'O' Gold Breakfast sandwich?
  • Sure thing. Here you go @AA!
  • Thank you @rd!! I'm sorry you are having so many internet issues..It's frustrating I know but it seems you are making it work as usual. Page 1 is just fine, generic or not not ;-)
    Good Morning @Wanda..I know you will be along shortly, tee hee ;-)
  • Good evening please....:)
  • Good mornin' everyone! Feeling better today, but still in bed.
  • @AA the internet troubles have happened about the same time 2nights in a row. At least they got it going early today.
  • Morning @kartflyer. Have some tea and dry toast. That might help.
  • Auto correct. Kart=large. Stupid technology.
  • @carl..Good evening, not morning there, sorry..It's hard to keep track of who it's morning for and who it's evening for ,lol
    Good Morning glad you are feeling better
    @rd..glad they gave you a running start today...maybe it will be a good day for you, filled with inspiration!!!
  • @rd Thanks, when you asked what I was going through a while ago, I was going to say diarrhea, but I fell asleep :/
  • We will see@AA. My luck is not so good lately.
  • LoTD..starting at 73820...seems I have some inproving to do!
  • Its alright @kartflyer. Just hope you feel better soon
  • If it wasn't working by 8am. I was going to load the kids in the van and try to find someone that had working internet.
  • @rd..I've noticed..You seem a bit down so let's try and change that..starting today...I'm sending good vibes your way..It's a Go Green Get Lucky kind of a day and since I am partly Irish, I say let the luck begin! I have a feeling you're gonna have a REALLY great day ;-)
    Sometimes I get these overwhelming "Feelings" that I've learned not to ignore so trust me on this one..It's gonna be a GREAT day for you.
  • Thanks @AA. I have improved on the challenge. Almost 2k. I was already in the top 50 when it started.
  • Still here,@AA?
  • Looky there..Lucky starting early today...I just improved to 78060..
  • Yes @wanda..Good Morning ;-)...I'm still here and I've brought my lucky iPad!!!
  • Good morning, @all :). Beautiful day here! Low humidity and a breeze blowing, very good morning.
    I haven't played lotd yet. Keep ending up in Piglantis.
  • Good,@AA. I may need it. Is your weather better today?
  • the moment it is not raining so that's an improvement...but it's very over cast with "Debby"'s getting really windy and we're just waiting for her to make landfall...we won't have a direct hit where I live but we still get all the wind and rain and tornado watches in play.
  • @doctonynyc left something funny in a PM to me saying, he heard someone say that a storm should never be named ”Debby.”. Deborah, maybe, but how do you take Debby seriously?
    LOL..I thought it was funny ;-)
  • I was watching some of the news from your area. Glad you're not in the direct path, @AA.
  • Hi @rd. I agree with @AA- you are going to have a wonderful day:). I have a little Irish too! Plus the feminine intuition thing! Trust us.
  • Thanks too..glad that is! can't fight women's go ahead and just decide it's gonna be a great day ;-)
    I just improved to 85010!!!!!!!
  • I'm sending you a PM, @rd. It's about looking at things differently. It might help :).
  • Okay, @AA slide that lucky iPad my way. **taps @AA's lucky iPad, crosses fingers on left hand and toes**. I'm going to the challenge level for a few minutes.
  • LOL @wanda..The Luck is now with You!!!
  • Thanks guys. I have a lot of positives going for me. But those pesky negatives keep popping up.
  • I currently switched from Swype to Android keyboard. I am very torn right now.
  • Well I'm gonna go eat "real" breakfast and get some work done but I'll be around this afternoon. (Hopfully sooner) Have a great day everyone!!!
  • Hi @angryboy How are you today?
    @AA Go figure-just as soon as I got ready to play the lotd, my cat decided that he needed my attention. He likes to watch when I play; I think he likes the sound of the birds:). He's just getting too big to sit on my lap while I play, so I had to have kitty time first. He's a little spoiled :). Now I am off to play. Nice score, by the way-WOW. I hope to break 80k on this one.
    @rd Have you tried swiftkey? I like it a lot better than swype.
  • its going good @wanda
  • Good morning.
  • Good to hear, @angryboy. What are your plans for the summer?
    Hi @iammighty. How are you?
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