The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 374
  • Good Morning! I remember when today's level was one of the first LOTD's I worked all day to get my score up to 83k. Today I saw it, and figured I might have to sit this one out, but three tries later I hit 85k! That strat you came up with gets better with age @rd! Now back to HEH 14-1, first run through last night, I hit 120.9k, just shy of average, but I haven't been close since. Might be time to review other player's strats to see if there might be another approach. Have a great day everybody!

    Also @rd - sounds like your internet is down about the same time each day. Probably your provider doing a system update, hopefully it will be worth the wait when they are done! Oh, and I laughed out loud when I read about the broken bed! sounds like someone got to sleep on a mattress on the floor, almost like camping! I know it all seems frustrating, but take two steps back, inhale deeply, and smile! It could all be waaaaay worse!
  • Hi @burbman! 85k seems like an unreachable goal for me today. I am still trying to get to 80k :). I hope if I whine enough, it will come! Have a great day!
  • Morning @angryboy - I need to get over to Jr. to check out the results of the Matchbox car race - it was just getting started last night when I shut down. (sure hope you guys have good insurance! LOL!)
  • Our cars still stood , yea, I can't believe it either
  • @wanda - I know how those days go, some days I can trigger white perfectly, others...well not so much. Good luck, and try flipping your kindle over, maybe the other side is luckier ;)
  • Now, that's an idea, @burbman! I will give it a go in a bit, real life calling :). Thanks.
    Quick request for details here- can anyone tell me the best location to release egg bomb on lotd? I am getting closer, but still can't get a lot of destruction with the egg bomb. I seem to be releasing at the hollow stone block, or just above it, because I am worried that WB will bump tower. Thanks, I am going to post request on walkthrough page, too. There may be someone there that doesn't stop by the BP- strange, but true :).
  • Release as late as possible prior to making contact. The lower you can get, the higher your score will be.
  • I don't mean to pour salt on the wounds @Wanda. But...uuhhh...86720.
  • How was the concert @burbman?
  • @burbman. As far as my ISP goes, it better be worth it.
  • 87330 puts me in the #3 spot on the boards. I love this game. :D
  • I am sure when @mighty wakes up, he will beat me.
  • @rd - first two acts were absolutely terrible, poor sound, poor lighting, and no respect for their gear. Bush came out next, and did a great job of getting the crowd into the spirit. Gavin Rossdale actually did a couple of songs walking through the crowd and making contact with the people. Nickelback came out and did a good, but not great, set, I could tell they were near the end of this leg of their tour, considering they only live across the border from here, I guess they were looking forward to sleeping in their own beds for a bit. Overall, the wife and I had a good evening, so it was a success.
  • I was a mild Bush fan in the 90s. But there newer stuff actually surprised me. Not bad. Not my thing, but not bad.
  • @rd i only said rd in the video because i don't know how to say rdnzlrips82
  • It is cool @ABL. That's what i figured. I am not offended. It was funny. Good work!
  • Ok, @rd new term- the jealous factor:). I just got 83190 on lotd. Only 10 points away from top 50. Now, if you could stop raising the bar, please????
  • @burbman, I found the release point :)
  • We are gonna re-write the top 50 today!
  • Sorry, this is what happens when i actually get to play.
  • Keep trying. I think 90k is possible
  • Good moring!! :)
    @wanda, hello, I just made some iced coffee here you go!! :
    @burbman, have a mocha to go with LOD!! :)
    @rd, latte?
    @angryboy, how are you today? :)
    @ABL, what's new with you? :)
  • i'm good, cool avatar
  • @rd, now that I found the secret, I have to keep trying :). Thanks for the help and the salt ;).
  • @sunshine is that avatar an E-Star creation?
  • Hi @sunshine!! So glad to see you. Thanks for the coffee. It's always better when you make it*don't tell OB:)* How are you today?
  • @angryboy, that's good, and thank you!! :)
  • Anytime @Wanda.
    @sunshine how about an Arnold Palmer please?
  • @rd, no I found it! :)
    @wanda, delightful!!!! I'm glad you are enjoying, I have a secret ingredient, that's why it's better!!! Shhhhhh :)
  • @rd, my pleasure!! :)
  • @sunshine - thanks for the mocha, and the avatar is perfect for you! Really brightens up the day!
  • @ABL, thanks! I thought it was bright and cheery!! :)
  • Doesn't everyone think this place is brighter when she is here?
  • @burbman, thanks!! I thought it was brilliant! Lol :D
  • @burbman, I like your new avatar as well!!! Go team!! :)
  • I am slow today,@sunshine. Very nice avatar:). It suits you perfectly.
  • @wanda, thanks! I'm afraid to go to LOD, after the last time! Lol :)
  • It took me a while to get the hang of this one, @sunshine. If @rd can control himself, we mortals might have a chance to catch him :).
  • @burbman, I thought you looked different! Nice new avatar. *note to self- schedule eye exam soon*
  • I am mortal.
  • I'm glad @laurence left us a visual road map!! Lol ;)
  • But i am not done either. #1 is calling me.
  • @rd I gotta be honest, some of your scores seem super human:). Probably the jealous factor again!

    Hang in there,@sunshine. I really didn't think I would break 80k.
  • Good luck, @rd :). If anyone can hit 90k, it's you!
  • @wanda thanks!! :)
  • red nasal rips? strips? This is generally what I think of when I see that name... Call me weird, will ya? ;)
  • I'm pleased to report that our uphill battle against cheaters on Facebook has been won, and their scores consequently removed.
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