The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 378
  • I couldn't get through. ONE Night!!! lol I was doing soo good;)
  • Was looking in the monitor chatter area, saw a picture of Nadal, had to check it out! Hugh fan myself, don't play (at least, I don't think it counts as playing when the main rule of a game is to hit it TO the person over the net so no one has to chase balls!)

  • you still did good @kathy
  • *claps* congrats to @kathy for not getting the page-turn all day!
  • thanks guys;)...
  • @kathy yes. Deforestation, Poaching for pelts, hides, and other products, and negative human contact. People will kill a leopard on site, if they have any reason to believe one is nearby their village, farm, or residence otherwise.
  • I just realized something... Bloated means swelling or for a simpler term...fat. so for your logo, you have a beaten up helmet pig. Why not a fat pig possibly eating something? It would make much more sense then Herr helmet! Just saying........
  • @BBinMiami holy cow, that's one of the best ideas I've ever heard for this forum! And maybe someone could make it, and touch it up real nice
  • those people are wackos
  • @rd Just try and answer today's new question of the day at the BP JR. You'll never get it.
  • Thanks @Bill. Just sharing my ideas. My next idea: Gas being free!
  • @team, don't let BBinMiami's suggestion go without consideration. I'll make sure it doesn't get too buried before you guys get back.
  • Hey everyone, I can't stay tonight, but I wanted to say a big thanks to everyone for your support on the badges for me. I wrote a long thank you post, and it's been stuck in moderation for about an hour! I certainly didn't want to seem ungrateful. . .
  • @BBinMiami if we decide to do something with it, just think, that's a tangible idea, and could go towards your Secret Santa badge, which is rare around here, and highly coveted.
  • Thanks, Bill. I am very grateful, actually.

    I need to stop going to the gym late, which means I get to dinner very late (nothing like starting to cook at 10:30). . .

    Have a good night everyone.
  • I see it @bill:) ill try to remember. but I do suffer from that old age crs disease. so if we all remember it would help..ty @BBinMiami:) good observation:)
  • I feel terribl about the. leapords:(
  • Kathy don't worry, I'm sort of like an elephant.
  • night @DocTonyNYC ..I'm going shortly. too many. abn late nights:(
    need a abn meeting lol
  • cool. @bill ty
  • Well then before you leave, here's to the greatest day ever in the history of ABN. Way to go!
  • I was supposed to play some levels tonight, but I got too hooked into ABN buzz
  • the BP Jr is updated, today's trivia question is the hardest one we've done, I insist you all to try it
  • off to bp jr. to see this hard question:) ill be back:)
  • You know it's been a long time since this 30-year-old mind was in school...
  • I only @blaha knows the answer
  • I think that the high IQ badges should be awarded to players who get a certain number of correct answers, depending on how hard the question that was answered was as well. That IQ badge is just a little too rare, and overlooked for me.
  • If you think about it, there's really not too many other opportunities here to show off how smart you are. Right?
  • It would give the young guys something good to brag about too.
  • Hey Bloated pig creators ( @team ), I made my version of the Bloated Pig's logo with the fat pig! It's in my album! Check it out for yourself. Hope u like it!
  • i know the answer to the question @angryboy..check your inbox
  • ooo... challenging
  • @dollarbill -- Great you got your avatar on the forum! I love it. Always been fascinated by big cats.
  • gotcha @mvnla2, thanks.
  • I'm out for the night, bye
  • yep. very tough question... ni plausible answer that I can see..going. flinging
  • I have to make preparations for bed and sleep. Gotta be up early again tomorrow. A soldier's work is never done.
  • Seems to be settling down a bit. A good time to go to sleep. Goodnight, see you tomorrow.
  • Good night all...happy fllinging:) see you tommorrow ;)
  • good morning @Harrystar6 I know your not here yet ..but will be soin;) happy flinging...great news. today on.a lot...check
    out.badges page ;)
  • Wow @all..seems I picked the wrong night to go to the movies!!! I missed the Big Badge Party!! I came here over an hour ago to check in and saw all the hype so I went over to Badges and Ranks and spent the last hour sending very well deserved "Congrats" to everyone who earned them. I hope I didn't miss anyone!!! So Congrats AGAIN to everyone...what a great day!
  • @rdnzlrips82...So was I right or what?????????? I told you first thing this morning that I had a feeling you were going to have a GREAT day!!! Pretty freaky huh,?! I almost didn't write that about my "feelings" and learning not to ignore them because I didn't want to sound like I thought I was, lol..but I had that "feeling" and sure enough..I'm glad I posted it this morning!!!

    @mvnla2..I noticed you said something about it on badges and ranks and it was I who said it this morning..pretty cool , huh!!
  • Again Congrats to everyone and @team!!! I already posted to everyone on the Badges page so I won't repeat it all here! Good job to @dollarbill2208 for getting it all started ;-)
  • Hi iamMighty. quiet this time of day, isn't it?
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