The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 379
  • We're sorry you missed the party. Great day at the nest. See you around.
  • Hello everyone! I just finished writing a novel of a thank you speech that is awaiting moderation. So I will post the Cliff's Notes here:
    Thank you all so much. You are an amazing group of people and I am so thankful to have met you all.
  • It's about as long as the BirdMan teaser. :)
  • LOL. There was a party? Oh well.
  • @rd Do you play Fruit Ninja on Android?
  • @Kathy
    The Bloated Pig is a very cool idea :-)

    Can you also cook a Pig Wiener Schnitzel in the morning for me?? :-)
  • I tried once @mighty, but it got boring.
    Hello @CC Jolly. I think @kathy is gone, but welcome to the Bloated Pig.
  • Also, @CCJolly we can make you anything you want, any time you want. That's the beauty of this place.
  • Ok. What was the party about?
  • The @team got their secret santa badges. Also, the BP jr is looking at 1,000 comments tomorrow. Exciting news.
  • @mighty did you ever listen to the music I suggested. Be honest. Some of it is a little weird.
  • Awesome! Congrats @team :)
    The teens are doing an exceptional job.
  • They learned from the best. *pats himself on the back*
  • I listened to the one by Radiohead- Lotus Flower if I am right and also the one by Frank Zappa.
    Honestly I loved the one by Radiohead. But will surely try the others too.
  • @rd Atleast I was honest ;)
  • I have proof too :P
  • The album Lotus Flower is on, is an amazing work. It's kind of a lot to handle at times. But the music shows them at their peak. The songs are incredible works of art and really showcase the many talents of the group.
  • It's cool @mighty. I believe you. Did you see the story about @sunshine taking top score on GGGL 1-3?
  • Saw it. Nice work @sunshine. I love this line- "I still can't believe it! rdnzlrips82 was bragging, as usual. So I went on break with one thing on my mind; knock him off his high horse. And i did!"
  • it's on page 1. I had just got done saying earlier that 90k was definitely possible and an hour later, she posted it.
  • Did you see her reply to that? Let me find it.
  • LOL. Are you planning to beat her in today's Challenge?
  • I would like to @mighty. I just don't know what kind of time I will have for flinging.
  • It's actually raining a bit over here. Nice.
  • Hows the weather there?
  • Today was beautiful. High of 82 degrees. A wonderful breeze. Just a good day. We spent some time outside with the boys after dinner. It was nice.
  • We haven't seen a significant amount of rain here in a while.
  • Was @harry here? I missed him maybe.
  • I haven't heard from him yet. Maybe he's busy at TBP JR. He's the night watchman, after all.
  • Forgot that. Do you play sports @rd?
  • I like to play Golf. I enjoy a good game of Frisbee when I can get one. But other than that, not really. You?
  • I love playing Badminton. Sometime's Chess too,
  • I used to play Badminton when I was a kid. I loved it. Chess is fun. Definitely a mental sport. I joined the Chess league at our local Library when I was 7. It was a great time. The older kids/high school kids didn't like me there. They didn't like getting beat by a kid.
  • I have won 2 trophies for representing my school before in Chess. Note- Not those FB trophies.
  • That's awesome @mighty.
    Do you know.what isn't awesome? My.internet just went down. Again. Three nights in a row.
  • What's seems to be the problem?
  • The past three days, my internet goes out about the same time every night.
  • That's bad. Off to lunch now. Bye,
  • My laptop just crashed. All page 1 updates potentially lost.
  • Page 1 updates lost. With no internet connection, it can't restore chrome pages.
  • That's really bad. Have you tried contacting someone?
  • today. Unless I can find the edits I had just finished. I am furious right now. All I do.was copy the code and save it to my phone. Why?
  • I don't think so. I didn't save a draft of.progress. I am out 2 hours of work.
  • Don't worry. It happens to all of us sometimes :)
  • The team does all of the research and I can't keep letting them down by not posting updates. I am just a jerk.
  • Don't be hard on yourself. The Team and everyone appreciates the hard work you put in.
  • I can't believe this happened again. I am going to stay up and try it on
  • If I am lucky I will be finished by the time the kids wake up.
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