The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 406
  • Sigh... Approximately 2-5 days to go...
  • @abl2 Could you get someone to cover for me when I'm gone until power comes back on?
  • hello fellow flingers
  • Good day everyone. I paid my first visit here last night and really enjoyed myself! Green eggs & ham sounds delicious.
    Any plans to show Italy vs Spain on the big screen?
  • hey blaha, what's up?
  • *switches Italy vs Spain on the Big Screen for @karen68.*
  • @rdnzlrips82. The score being questioned isn't @kathy's
  • *takes over transmission on TV above the bar* hey @karen68. I am ill today but have full control of everything from my home. OB shall have your food.order up.shortly.
  • @doctony I was refering to the story @surfcow told.
  • I'm treading very carefully after the brouhaha last week on challenges, and I never mention names, but it's the top score that is 15K higher than #2
  • Lol. Sorry. I didn't read his post carefully.
  • Now I feel foolish after reading. I'm having one of those days!
  • Hope you feel better soon, @rdnzlrips82. I sympathize. I had the flu a couple of weeks ago.
  • Don't worry @doc. I never really got to help the other day. My life has been crazy. Thanks for the well-wishes.
  • We have had a lot happen these past few days that put a little extra stress on us here at home. I am sure.the elevated stress, coupled with little/no sleep didn't help matters much.
  • I'm sorry to hear that, buddy. Take care of yourself! Health first or you can't be of my help to anyone else! (don't you love unsolicited advice?)
  • Thanks angryadvisor, at least now I'm sure I didn't do anything wrong.
  • @doc I welcome all advice. But I have the right to ignore it. :) I know I shouldn't spend hours here, but I love this place. I have made some great friends here and helped many people. I believe karma is on my side.
  • @doc, @z0z0 or anyone else. Can I have OB fetch you something to eat or drink?
  • @rdnzlrips82, thanks for switching on the match. Sorry to hear you are unwell, feel better soon.
  • No problem @karen68. Thanks for the well-wishes. It is nice to meet you. Welcome to the Bloated Pig.
  • Sorry if I am in and out. I am working on my averages that I have let slip while I have been envolved in the daily Challenge.
  • *yawn...* I really haven't been getting much sleep lately.
  • hows he supposed. charge without power...?
  • I am at cookout can't talk much ssrry
  • @kathy I'm charging in my parent's car.
  • @e-star that is why I am broadcasting via webchat. I don't want anyone else getting this.
  • Good morning everyone
  • @kathy real life is keeping you away again :( Ah well, I am not staying long either, father in law left and we had a great weekend. The roof over the small patio is finished and it has been tested already. It keeps on raining overhere and we had a small hailstorm... in the summer, really weird.
    But all in all a lovely weekend, but I just want to sit down and relax. I love having company, but I am alert all day (if they need anything to drink, eat or things to do) and just can't relax. Hoping to enjoy the evening with some flingin and watching tv. Hope you have a great time at the cook out :)
  • I love the &pigs can fly one :)
    @harrystar good morning, mate.
  • @E-star have you ever had the raft and the ice near the raft not be there when you start the level
  • @ripsy, that's so considerate of you... thank you :)
  • Good morning @rd it's very early in the morning I should be getting back to sleep
  • @Harrystar6 ???? it's not midnight right??? *lock at the clock, scared it's that late already* *sighs*
    Up early today HarryStar?
  • @Angryperson I have had a couple of times the raft started to slide down on it's own... Do you mean completely no ice? Have you watched the video?
  • Yep it's nearly morning it's 5:19AM
  • @Ripsy... I thought you would... I laughed when this happened LOL... Luckily I record ever play, so I had a collection of glitches and thought I would make a compilation of this. Took longer to make than expected, but I love the end result :-)
  • yes, I mean that the raft and the ice near the raft just wasn't there when you started the level, there wasn't anything on that ramp
  • A really early HarryStar.. how come?
  • I just woke up because I wanted a drink
  • Hey, everyone! :)
  • And I am not that tired now
  • Nope I didn't @angryperson... but I haven't got a high score video to my liking, this is the level I am working on currently. So maybe I will encounter this glitch you mentioned. If I do, I will upload it as well.
  • @Sunshine!!!!!!!! YEahhhhhhhh long time no see!!! I ment to email you, because I keep missing you in the BP, but real life keeps on interfering... but I will write you real soon. We haven't talked in a long time. Hope you are doing fine :)
  • @Harrystar, did you turn in early last night or did you sleep for a short amount of time?
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