The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 504
  • good point, well back to the service GTG
  • @Angry_BrownBird -- When I was younger, I couldn't stand golf either. But after rupturing my achilles tendon playing tennis, it seemed that golf was the best (only?) choice, and now I'm a pretty dedicated, if awful, golfer. Some advice -- golf is one of those games that it's best to learn when you are young (6 through high school at latest); it is much harder to learn when you are older and actually want to play.
  • @rd @Sunshine -- Do all those golfers really make wine? I don't think I've seen any of them. We've been watching the delayed broadcast of the Open, which is all we can get, so please don't tell me who won.
  • Hi @angryboy.
    Anyone watching golf? It's getting interesting.
  • hello, I'm not
  • Not a golf fan eh? It's getting very interesting.
  • not focused on golf today because we had the Olympic torch relay come through the village today :) I'm not a great fan of London hosting the Olympics because it's going to be hell here for the month of August, especially getting to work, but it's nice to be a part of it when I'm not stuck on a sweaty train :)

    be nice of you could get a hole-in-one on the course just by asking for it, but I'll happily settle for a BP drink instead
  • Hey guys!
  • hey @dorito! still on the Internet vacation?
  • No; I've been around the website, as you can tell.
  • Besides, I have been working on a new picture, now in my album!
  • @mvnla2 The '02 Palmer Cab was amazing for a $20 bottle. I bought a case a long time ago and let one bottle peak. The Norman's aren't bad. Haven't tried the Nicklaus or Els. I know there are more that have their own labels.
  • Well, it's a good thing I threw this party so I could spend all day in the kitchen. My wife and I decided to teamwork some stir-fry. It took a little longer than expected because the chicken wasn't thawed yet. So...I am now in the process of doing dishes. Then maybe I can catch part of the replay of the finals. I know when I looked a while ago, all the leaders had fallen down a bit.
  • Srry @rdnzlrips82 I was just stoppping in to see if you were enjoying your party :( sounds like not!:(
  • Anyway care to join me for a 'Hole in one' on the patio?
  • I will join you, quickly. The dishes are soaking.
  • Cool...passes @rdnzlrips82 a drink...
  • I would've rather sat on the couch and enjoyed myself. However, some of the sharper cutlery might have found its way through the TV. So...i chipped in. It was a good meal. Pineapple Cashew Chicken w/Fried Rice.
  • I'm up for a 'hole-in-one' with you, @kathy. I've just ranked up, so in the mood to celebrate a bit :)
  • Nice touch on the team pictures guys!
  • Passes @hinarei a drink..
  • Thank you @kathy! I am exhausted. I have played Piglantis 2-10 too many times. I think I am about to be flinging my phone.
  • Thank @E-Star @Dorito she is our wonderful artist...
  • Those were E-Star's idea. She did an awesome job, as always.
  • Oooh @rdnzlrips82 don't fling phone...
  • @Hinarei if you don't mind, how old are you? We have to obey liquor laws. :D
  • You want to know what's funny about my phone? I maybe use it for texting or calling 5%. The rest is here or flinging.
  • @rdnzlrips82 I'm.pretty sure @karen vouched for @hinarei..or @lesleyg. Did..
  • Same with my phone ..flinging..and now twitter..text a little phone calls few
  • Oh. Then I apologize. Sorry @hinarei!
  • I'm pretty sure @rdnzlrips82 but its not a problem to double check;)
  • Okay, so my wife also made the best dessert ever. It's called Carmel Apple Salad. You take Cool Whip, Whipped Cream Cheese and Granny Smith Apples. Smash up some Snickers Bars and mix it all together. Sprinkle a layer of Snickers on top of it and there you go.
    Un. Bu. Lievable.
  • Just wanted to tell you that your PAT for the lotd is perfect:), @rd. I just got high score- yay me! Everyone's favorite beverage is on me! I have to run back to the kitchen now. Making Mac and cheese for my hubby:). I will be back later today. Happy flinging to all!
  • She left the house to go see her Grandmother. She packed some in a bowl for them and left it out. I had to make sure it was good. I would hate to see her give some to her already ailing Grandmother.
  • Well @wanda. As always, I am glad I can help people beat my scores! :D
  • hey @wanda, why don't you post a screenshot in your album? I will write a story about you in the Sling Town Gazzette.
  • Congrats @wanda.

    Hey @mvnla2 why don't you post a screenshot of your score from yesterday in your album. I will write a story about you as well.
  • @rd that dessert sounds great!
    Is it ok if the shot is from my camera? I got the score on my kindle-no camera, but I can take it with my phone and add it to my album.
  • old enough, @rdnzlrips82! Just had me last birthday and turned veritably ancient 31. Dunno how many hole-in-ones I'll be able to stomach though ;)

    Well done on the high score, @wanda! Fancy a drink after your mac'n'cheese?
  • wondering how you get a layer of Snickers. I can't imagine that's very easy to do...
  • Great job@Wanda. Congrats..
  • @rd -- There is a screenshot already in my album -- I figured no one would believe me if I didn't! Will have to look up those wines; I don't think I've seen them, although I guess some might be in the Australian section?
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