The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 505
  • Also @wanda. However you can do it is fine with me. I would just like to include them in a story.
    @hinarei Thanks, friend. Just doing my job. :D
  • Thanks, @hinarei and @Kathy. I might take an iced coffee after dinner, @hinarei. I usually don't drink anything stronger, caffeine is about all I can handle :)
  • I never told you congrats on your High Score @mvnla2. So...Congrats! I bet that one-birder looked incredible. I bet you were shocked, too.
  • anyone watching the Atlanta open?
  • @hinarei The Snickers were the fun size kind. Make sure they are frozen. Unwrap them, place them in a freezer bag and smash them with a hammer. Then add part of them to the mixture and top it off with the rest. Very delicious. If anyone is interested, I can post the recipe.
  • @mvnla2. I missed your comment about high score..or was that from yesterday? As for the wine..I took advice from rd seeing he knows the golfers..I am golf illiterate. So I gave him free reign over wine list;)
  • @kathy she got it on Utopia 4-3.
  • If i would've had more time to do the update. I would've made the wines and food clickable. I didn't start on the update until about 10 'til 1am.
  • Sorry I got lost in page change...
  • @rd picture is in my album now :) Thank you again for the PAT, it was spot on!
  • Oh yes I did see that I think I said Congrats ..if not Congrats.@mvnla2 :)
  • @rd hang on, got an error. Will try again.
  • @all -- Yes, my high score was yesterday. It was one of those jaw-dropping, arm-pinching moments. I'm lucky I didn't pull a bad piggy on it! And yes, Kathy, I think you sent congrats yesterday.
    rd-- Thanks for the article. Will have to look them up.
  • understood, @rd. Don't want your license revoked, after all ;) I consider it a compliment now if I'm asked for ID XD

    frozen fun-sized Snickers, smashed with hammers. You have a far more interesting kitchen than I gave you credit for :D
  • Going flinging:) be back later.also have errands to run:( have fun @all
  • Well @hinarei. Sunshine actually owns control of the BP kitchen. And some of the things i've walked in on her doing there would make a normal person run away screaming. But here IRL, it's normal to have hammers in the kitchen. I mean, I like my meat tender, don't you? :D
  • by @kathy. Come back later and we can drink some of this wine.
  • @wanda gotcha. iced coffee's a cool alternative aperitif if alcohol's not a favourite. I'm quite partial to iced tea myself.
  • I've never tenderized meat, @rd, so I'm afraid i wouldn't know. I've only ever used a hammer to bash nails, not food. Not that great a cook, clearly. I'll leave Sunshine alone and just listen to the thumps and bumps from my table, I think... So long as there's no screaming coming from the kitchen cos that'd be rather unsettling o_O
  • The screaming only happens when @e-star is in there. She was only recently allowed back in the kitchen. The first time she went in there, it was a bit of a mess. Which, a mess is a gross understatement. More like, the worst crime scene ever. Except it wasn't blood, it was ketchup!
  • Oh, yeah! @mvnla2 I can't believe you had never heard of Bill Cosby! You should go to You Tube and type in Bill Cosby Himself. Someone has loaded the whole movie on there. It is incredible. I have seen him live before. Unbelievable stuff. He still tours and does two shows a day. Donates a lot of the money he makes on tour to charity. Outstanding gentleman.
  • I can see that being misleading. Unless of course @e-star just caught and slayed a killer tomato. We may never know for sure...

    I tend to burn or undercook things, can never get the right balance. Sticking with frozen Snickers might be the best way forward.
  • Strike that comment about You Tube, you have to go somewhere and download it, probably not the best idea. Just try to find it at your local video store. It is well worth it.
  • No one knows what happened in there that day, but @e-star. I hadn't had the security cameras installed yet.
  • shoot. One of the children is awake. I am afraid I will return later.
  • I got the picture resized, @rd. It is in my album now.
    I think that refrigerator is amazing :). Samsung, of course!
    I will look forward to the story.
  • Thank you @wanda & @mvnla2. I will work something up later. I already have a good idea. *slight devilish smile*
  • One of the best apps I've ever played with.
  • Uh oh, should we be worried, @rd?
    Just looked at page 1; it's hard to believe that The Bloated Pig is not quite 3 months old!
  • @rd -- Really!!! I can't believe you think I'd never heard of Bill Cosby! What I think I said (or meant) was I'd never heard the chocolate cake for breakfast act.
    BTW -- My favorit wine store has 0, zilch, nada, of those golfer wines!!! Will stop by later for a glass of chardonnay to sip while I watch the open (saved, of course).
    Refrigerator is amazing! And I thought ours was pretty much up-to-date.
  • Hi, @mvnla2 how are you? Great score yesterday!
  • @rd if you get a chance, I would like that dessert recipe. The next family dinner, I will bring dessert:).
  • is anyone watching the Atlanta open?
  • @angryboy what Atlanta open?
  • @wanda give me a few.
  • @rdnzlrips82 I am just checking in for a moment..your comment above scared me for a second..
    Hope your evening is better than your the golf show still on?
  • @mvnla2:
    1. Perhaps I did misread. Either way, you really need to watch the Himself show. Amazing work. The first two seasons of the Cosby show are extremely derivative of his stand-up.
    2. Find a new wine store. Lol!
  • a tennis tournament
  • No worries. The story will be great. Do you all honestly expect anything less?
  • @angryboy nope. Watching golf.
  • I'm back.been traveling a lot this year...
    @rd I accept your apology
    Hope that update...
  • Morning everyone!
  • Good night @all! About to turn in after a marathon day of flinging =) see you tomorrow.
  • Got it, @rd thanks! It sounds decadent!
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