The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 987
  • oh i forgot wat lethargic means
  • If I didn't wake one of the kids going downstairs, I am about to when I throw my phone against the wall.
    I am convinced that S&T 43 is the Devil.
  • hehe lol @rdnzlrips82 id want my mom or dad 2 hear me otherwisw they would yell at me and my dad at night he went crazy with baseball games 2 nights in a row i couldn't sleep
  • @penguinlover I love croutons. My wife always gets them on salads when we eat out and she always gives them to me. My favorite croutons are the ones on the Ruby Tuesday's Salad Bar. So yummy. Now I want a Ruby Salad.
    lethargic basically means lazy.

    @kimmie we are taking things one day at a time. Just hoping for good results.
  • Alright. I love Pandora and everything. But...I dislike that when I listen to my Frank Zappa station it is mostly Pink Floyd. Kind of defeats the purpose of having a Frank Zappa station. I wonder if I start a Pink Floyd station if it would play more Frank Zappa. :D
  • @penguinlover I was a special Ed student from well I think they finally figured it out in grade school and no it's not easy being 'different' but I was friends with everyone from the nerds to the sportys and high school was great so I'm glad your able to have fun and are making girl friends, I always figured if people didn't like me it was their prob not mine! It's served me well and I'm happy you seem so well adjusted and are open to all people it'll make your life better! And good for you! :)
  • *switches Pandora to White Stripes*
  • omg @rdnzlrips82 i like the chatham village croutons i love croutons and ranch on a salad mmmm sooo good. Oh im very lazy actually sometimes lol.
  • Pandora is great but yeah I find the same thing happens! If I pick a group it's because I'm partial to the group and it'd be nice if I could listen to some of their music!! LOL Wonder why they don't get that?!
  • My Ruby salad always has the following things:

    Spinach, Blue Cheese Crumbles, Blue Cheese Dressing, Mushrooms, Sunflower Seeds, Boiled Eggs, Bacon and CROUTONS! Lots of them.
    Oh yeah. And everything gets put on in that order.

    My wife hates getting behind me in the salad bar line because I walk from one end to the other end twice.
  • Because they are trying to expose you to different music I guess @kimmie. But if I am really needing something I want to hear, I put on the quick mix. It usually does a great job.

    Ahhh! The Strokes. Thank you Pandora. It seems the White Stripes station is gold tonight.
  • Lol! Ripsy minus the eggs and bacon it sound quite wonderful!! And very close to my all you can eat salads!! :D
  • thx @Kimmiecv i guess mom was right ur probably gonna make friends in high skool like my mom my guy friends can sometimes b annoying and silly sometimes lol. Yea im friends with the new girls dat r new 2 this skool Dori is a newbie her first year at a new skool and we met at studio art we r both sophomores :) Naiomi isnt new shes a freshman. These two girls r special needs and their in 7th grade and we kinda connect 1 of them luvs angry birds and we had a lunch date 1 of my guy friends spied on us lol
  • @kimmie Are you a Vegetarian? I don't know why it's taken me this long to ask you that.
  • I guess Ripsy it would just be nice if they'd also play some of the group you pick!! Seems I get maybe 1 song every once In a while of the group I chose!! It's a bit irritating if you want to hear that group too! Especially if your like me and don't have an iPod or cd or whatever! ;D
  • OMG @rdnzlrips82 i go crazy 4 bacon!!!! BACON!!! mmm sounds yummy like dat potato on the doctors show nicknamed the PMS potato lol lol
  • Do you guys want to know my favorite bacon sandwich. Some people might find it gross, but I love it.
  • @kimmie My Pandora usually works on a four song rotation. 1st song = the artist of the station. 2-4 = other artists. Then advertisement. Then rotation starts again.
  • Gah! Yeah Ripsy I am, I can't eat meat I always think of the animal and well then I feel sick so I just learned it wasn't worth trying! And I'm allergic to poultry so yep a vegger I am!! :D
  • I think @rdnzlrips82 its a BLT I loveeeee BLTs mmmm i want one its sooo yummy
  • Tell what it is Ripsy I wanna hear gross!! LOL
  • @kimmie I was a vegetarian for 6 years. Then I got lazy so I started eating meat again.

    @penguinlover Here is the sandwich I was talking about:
    Toasted Wheat Bread (toasted very dark), Creamy Peanut Butter on one slice, Crunchy Peanut Butter on the other slice, American Cheese Slice and Bacon.
    I know it sounds gross, but the different textures and the darker flavors of the Bacon and Peanut Butter make it a very interesting and delicious sandwich.
  • lol if it is gross hand me a doggy bag lml
  • Ugh. It's 1:30 here and I should really consider lying in bed. I don't know if sleep is possible. But at least I will be resting instead of sitting in front of this computer.
  • it doesn't sound gross it sounds delish and kinda healthy mmm
  • @rdnzlrips82 same here its 2:26 and id feel like falling asleep this is keeping me wide awake it like it lol
  • That sandwich is far from healthy. I would hate to compile the actual fat/calorie count. The only thing making it healthy is the Wheat Bread.
  • i am lying in bed my iphone is next 2 me and my neck hurts kinda
  • I am sitting at a vintage school teacher's desk in a vintage desk chair with my phone on the desk in front of my laptop. Flinging birds in between posts.
  • yea i would say the same thing i get a sandwich from my skool they have a sandwich making stand i ask 2 make a sandwich with a whole wheat roll, turkey, american cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, olives, and ranch mmm its really good kinda like a hero sandwich ohh i luv hero sandwiches
  • dats wat i do if i get an update wenever im watching a movie or txting Dori or a friend lol its annoying wen i hear dada-da dada-da every time i get a txt but its funny.
  • You two are funny!! Eewww ;). Ripsy before you go how the heck did you come up with that combo???
  • Whoo hoo way to go Mr Ripsy Cyborg!! Whoa that's AWESOME!!!!
  • @kimmie I love Peanut Butter. And one day when I was younger and in an "Culinary Experiment" phase, I thought; "Peanut Butter is sweet, but dark tasting. American Cheese is Sweet. Why not put them on a sandwich together?" I did and I have been in love with them ever since.
    Same thing happened to me with the Bacon & PB sandwich I came up with two years ago. This year, I decided to add all of them together and I love it. Every time we make Bacon, I get excited about the sandwich. LOL.
  • Now to improve on S&T 45. Which I think I will move to the bed for that one.
  • Does your wife like that sandwich too?
  • @kimmie My wife does not like that sandwich. But I give her credit for my other favorite sandwich. Which I have taken over and titled "Ripsy's Famous Hashbrown Sandwich".
  • I have a picture on Instagram. Let me pull it up on my phone.
  • Hmm. I think I will have one for breakfast tomorrow. @karen's mouth will start watering if she sees that picture.
  • Alright ladies. I am off to bed. I might check in before I fall asleep. If not, it was a pleasure speaking to you both. Enjoy the rest of the night. And if you are thirsty, drinks are on me.

    *poofs to bed*
  • Ok that looks really yummy exept I'd have it on whole wheat! Nice creation there and I see why your wife would so go for that one!! :D
  • Good night Ripsy sleep well! Think @penguin is also asleep!
    I'm off to fling, will lurk inbetween.........
  • @Kimmiecv no im still up lol
  • good night @rdnzlrips82 ill chat with u on sunday
  • good night @rdnzlrips82 ill chat with u on sunday
  • Hey @penguin thought you might be off line!! :). I'm going to fling for a bit gotta get my avgs up in T&T! If you go on your pillow walk before I get back here then I hope your sleep well and have fun at the party tomorrow good luck with all the kiddies! LOL :D
  • actually im gonna go bed in a half an hour it was nice talking with u ladies ill talk 2 u guys sunday if i can bai ttyl
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