The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1820
  • I failed miserably on the first 2 tests longest questions xD More of a misreading under the pressure, than a lack of knowledge, but I've forgot it all since then xD Good to see you are picking back up on Pig Bang @rat:D (cough1-30cough)
  • @rat you'll get into trouble with EStar remember we all got told off last time we practised our HTML here! And you don't want that lol
  • I still hate luck levels @AM. *cough*
  • She's not here, is she? While the (insert word)'s away, the Rat's will play
  • @angermanagement--I don't want you to get angry with me. I'll take a look at 1-30.
  • Bye both, time to cook!
    See you later
  • @Rat still here? How did you make that word bold? Just looking at what I've missed...
  • Hmmm, if you checked at 1:30 that means I just missed you! Grrr. ;)
  • she's watchinggggg whohahahahaha
  • Or even better, just hit the "Preview" tab above the comment box to see what the end result is, press "write comment" tab to go back to your code to change anything if needed.
  • @estar or, like I said, just preview before you post.
    Sorry about another moving emoticon, can't resist showing one to @bubbleslover
    About to send you emergency pm!!!
  • Bunny the occasional moving emoticon is allowed ya know... just don't want it to become a page filled with html tricks and dancing smileys that is all.
  • if it is about a beast that has gone wild in the leaderboards, I already send out the dogs (read message to BL) on him ;)
  • No Estar, flagged that one up ages ago. Far more important!
  • PM send back :D
  • Ahhh, the guys must be busy (and I don't have the whipe and boot of the nest powahs) ... maybe Slim is preparing the slideshow of his vacation to show in the BP. I ordered a large batch of popcorn to be delivered in here tonight :D
  • Sorry to pop @e-star see my post in tot leaderboards hacker 'wild beast' 200k on levels 1-9
  • Haha sorry i really need to learn to read up!!!
    Go ahead @Kimmiecv lemme have it!! ,
  • :D already on it Kathy... will delete the comments now in the walkthrough (and to not confuse the system, please no reply to my message in the walkthrough)... but thanks honey for keeping an eye out.
  • @kathy and @kimmiecv
    My goodness, how you have focused my mind! Flinging here and there, for no real purpose, and to no great effect, about time I had a goal. As Rat said earlier, I live for the competition. Seasons, here I come, with a vengeance! Watch out the deadly duo!
  • Oohhh nooo @Kimmiecv we have a Wild crazed bunny after us..hee hee
    I'm shaking....
  • Yeay! @Rat and all other oldies. Diana Nyad made it!
  • I need to VENT!

    WHY do so many post a strategy that is already clearly posted? Do they not even bother to read comments by others before posting? It is even more annoying when they use the "blue"! Good grief! Perhaps the instructions at the top of the page should read something like iF you have a different strategy than the walkthrough, OR DIFFERENT FROM STRATEGIES IN THE COMMENTS BELOW, please post your strategy in the comments. Please reserve the blue feature for significantly new strategies.

    Rant over....

  • Actually @Hunnybunny its more like we are after you haha..never gonna catch you especially in ToT 1-4 :(
  • Yes !!! @bonneypattycat i totally agree..its so frustrating to scroll down..see a blue box, think to yourself 'Thank Goodness d something different' only top see its a repeat of what you've already been doing for hours!!
  • Shake right down to your boots @Kathy, 'cause I think I'm ahead already :-)
    You're after me lol
  • @BPC and like the top 75 people never posted their strategy in the first place grrrrrrr
  • @BPC so true!! One of the reasons I dislike commenting my videos. I never know where to put them (and it takes ages to read them all), so therefore resort to the same stupid way and comment my strat and video as a new comment, but I never use the blue, the strat is always in some shape or form in the comments.
  • @estar not like you to be so immodest lol
    But we love your videos, nonetheless
    @girlies Estar and Karen68 just above me. Lets race up those boards, show the boys what we're made of
  • Haha @Hunnybunny you need to learn to read up also!! ;)
  • Just can't type as fast as you lot, read, typed, you beat me to it lol
  • Bunny... I think the language barrier is causing me confusion... needed to look up immodest, indeed not one of my character trades, but not seeing it in my comment, but maybe it came a cross like that, if so... I am sorry it was not meant that way.
  • And ahem yes @Hunnybunny those people in the top 75 that #36 person on ToT 1-4.ahem err... Not saying how they got there ahemmm seem to have developed a little frog in my throat..
  • Just a joke estar just a joke
    About to try you know what! Look out for the " . "
  • No @E* you it totally didn't sound like that..your comments and videos are very helpful and you don't seem to post them as'new' just added help. Ive often seen you give credit to the poster:)
  • ow okay Bunny, good luck with the dots... did you get my other PM as well... might help a bit :D
  • If I remember that I used someones strat I certainly will Kathy and as far as competitiveness, even though I have a high rank, that is more due to the need to get a highscore video and help ya all than to want to be the best (sure it is a nice bonus hahaha), but I welcome ya all to join me, the sooner the better!
  • Lol I'm trying to join you E* trying:)
    O.k I'm back till flinging :) OB a PigKiller please:)
  • Don't be silly, when you are done with Seasons, both you and Kimmie are right there next to me! happy flinging... I am back to the wth comments hahahah I never finished them last night... got a ding moment last night that I wanted to make something, just in case something came along (I know very cryptic, but just a hunch I have and wanted to be ready just in case, maybe it was all for nothing and I was seeing things, who knows... only time will tell!) anyway, I never got past 1-6 hahahahah so 18 to go LOL
  • @E*, your videos are so valuable, please keep posting them anywhere you like! You really don't need to comment, I am going to watch it no matter what!
  • Ah @Kathy wait til you get to 1-5!!!! I posted
    And 1-4 was just following the walk through, nothing special, nothing new to post. Some levels are full of us mere mortals following say, a 3 bird strat, and all the good and great are obviously doing a two bird, not walkthrough, not estar video strat, that they fail to mention
  • ARRRGHHH first error box ever!
  • aww thanks @bpc but I don't think I am capable of just dropping the links and not say anything hahahah. hmmm me not say anything... like in me silenced? whahahaha right, yeah, not likely!
  • Aww thanks E* :) we wouldn't make out witout you:) lol and you're hunches are usually right on
    I guess it's best to be prepared weather good or hoping it's good;)
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