The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2229
  • Hi @Estar sorry I can't stay or I'll get a headache with this darn Keyboard:(
  • After suffering through this for twenty-five years @Estar, this new area of pain has really hurt my mental outlook. I'll get past it, but it may take a few more years. lol
  • And the Princeespagechanger shows up just in time to keep her crown.
  • So no sign of this newly gained pain poofing away on its own Mister @Rat ??? that sucks! I am always in awe at your resilience to your other pains, I can not imagine how you kept up beat for so long, but I do hope you can find that little extra more just to kick this to the back seat as well!
  • @Kathy Hi and bye! No worries, don't want you to get an headache!
  • Happy Birthday @TomPuss ♡♡♡
  • Hi @estar good to see you in here,,

    @all. I'm laughing because I'm working on my pre-homework for the class I'm taking week after next. I'm supposed to design a 'Fling Machine' out of readily available household items like rubber bands, tape, straws, sticks, etc. What could be more perfect for me?

    Do they make AB cotton balls? (That being the flingee material)
  • Hey @ABcruuuuurazy :) Hope you found your marbles again after the 10 (disa)point(ment)
  • @Rat, your score on 8-29 is not high enough for a 1-birder by @Kelani's standards, ergo it must be fake. Also, it took you 3 tries to upload that screenshot so it must be doctored somehow. LOL.

    I'd say I'm sorry for poking fun at you @Kelani, but you deserve this. I just couldn't understand why you were so fixated on that particular score and Dennis' screenshot/explanation.
  • Lol @Estar loovve the cake :)
  • Sorry @TomPuss.. that's the best I can do. .I'm still a numpty in training :..
  • Happy Birrday @tompuss enjoy!
  • Thanks@estar I'm managing to pull myself back together. ;-) just a few ruffled feathers after all.
  • Are we starting the party early? Happy Birthday @TomPuss.
    @Estar You're getting way to comfortable with the English language. Did I see you make a challenging pun about @ABcrazy's second place score?
    Good continuation of the 8-29 crazies @funikus.
  • Yup we are Mister @Rat but only because this nightowl doesn't want our Sweet @TomPuss to think we forgot about her!

    As for the pun... are you sure?? did it work?? hee hee, I am almost ready to emigrate don't you think. But as you know I like living it small, so the BIG USA is probably not in the plans, or any other country probably, cause I just remembered I hate traveling LOL
  • @rat @estar I'm used to it. For a long time I was known as the (insert competitive hobby here) bridesmaid because I got 2nd place so many times.
  • At least you were invited to the wedding @ABcrazy.
    The pun worked beautifully @Estar. Mrs. Rat is talking about a work trip to Cologne in Sept/Oct and wants to spend an extra week or two playing in the area. Have you come out from behind the couch yet?
  • Indeed @rat. No invitations required here though, right?

    (Scuffs floor) HellloooOOOoooo.... Sure is quiet for a Birdday party. I do have that ordnance I couldn't spark up for Independance day on account of the power going out & all. OB you think that would liven things up?
  • @Kathy I've been trying to get Anchors Aweigh for 6 months, so if it's closed, nobody will be madder than me, especially 'cause I think it's still possible (barely) another way. But if I'm wrong, then it's also not fair to let people waste their time trying to get an impossible badge either, right?

    @fenikus fair enough. :) Dunno about you, but I'll always be suspicious when a stranger posts an unusually high score and a three-word explanation only after prompting and score removal.

    @Tompuss Happy birthday and meows to you! July-born people rule. ;)
  • @ABcrazy I've got a box of leftover, slightly-modified July 4th fireworks I'll donate to you for the party.
  • whiiiiiiissshh..........BANG...........poof........sparkle, sparkle sparkle
  • Very nice! @Rat You should go into voiceover work! I just hope none of the modifications put the BANG before the whiiiiiiiisssh.
  • Heh....heh... Nice @rat. I thought I'd start out quietly. Wait for it.....
  • .........
  • tick, tock...
  • Impatient a little @rat? Sheesh... Let a birdy upload to album....
  • That's not a firework. Where's the smoke? And I can't decide if that cat is in the flower garden or up a tree. ????
  • DRATZ! Gotta go. Enjoy the fireworks Kel.
  • Hmmmm.... The widescreen images don't come out so good.
  • *lighter*BOOOM is never a good sound.
  • @ABcrazy square thumbnails are evil, but the widescreen pic itself is lovely.
  • Ohhhhh...... Thanks @kelani. I thought I'd completely chased any possible audience away by now.
    Hmmm... (Snick....snick) kinda quiet.
  • @ABcrazy, well now that you finally have fire you have my attention...
  • @Rat9, it's going to take a few more hours of flinging to get that perfect over-the-rocket-at-reduced-speed shot. I still can't seem to break my 100K, only gained about 500 points so far. Gonna concentrate on it more tonight.
    Yes, she is a sweetheart, very loyal and smart! Already knows how to use the doggie door, after showing her a half-dozen times. She's so playful, but our other three dogs aren't havin' any of it! It's going to be awhile before they get used to her puppy-ness, and hopefully will want to play along with her.
    Took her to the vet, and as predicted, no microchip. I was almost right, when I guessed her age to be 4-5 months. But doc says she's right at 6 months, since her baby canines have already fallen out, and her new ones are growing in. She weighed in at 27 lbs., a bit skinny since she'd probably gone without food for a few days. I'm now waiting for the vet's office to call with the results of the fecal sample test, so crossing my fingers she doesn't have any worms. I got a flea/tick killer from the vet, so whatever's left on her will eventually drop off.
    Yes, @JLZ666 she does have some long legs! She's still got a lot of growing to do, a bit clumsy right now, but awfully sweet and playful. She's pretty well-behaved, so I'm assuming whomever had her before, started training her very early. Just sad that someone would just dump her in the streets.
    Hubby and I actually decided yesterday that we'd keep her, it was just meant to be! I've always wanted a lab, so this was perfect timing for us! We named her "Bella" because she's just so sweet and loving.
    Gosh, I'm just rambling on about this! Sorry this has become such a long read, so I'll just end by saying that tomorrow I'm getting her vaccinated and microchipped. Then we'll get her spayed in about two weeks.
  • Hellooooooo...Is there any body out there...does anybody hear me...not pathetic....just( Pink Floyd)
  • I haven't been to TBP in as long as I can would be fitting if there is no one here? After all, I chose to "check in" at a very inconvenient time for most ;D
  • Happy new home for your found lab pup @sweetp. Our boxer came to us in a similar way. Bout the same age, when he came upon my boys and grinned 'take me home?' No collar, no chip, and let loose not long after a t-storm. Been an awesome ad to the family.
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