The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2523
  • Agreed @hunnybunny on all counts, even what ever Karen said, i agree sight unseen:)
  • Hmm Guess the Princess agrees also:)
  • Well Ma, Mrs. Bunny, I tried calling out @CampEast and all I have to show for it is Minnie's pinky toe in a jar. Do you want me to call out Prince Charming? Minnie still has nine toes. ha ha ha
  • A toast to all us "sad jealous players". (not my words, they belong to the Prince)
    May we one day be as good as Prince Charming thinks he is now.
  • @rat a little late, but "cheers"
    I certainly prefer the 'the sad old Rat, with his magical fat fingers, and little charm'!
  • Late? ha ha Funny Bunny! There was no way I was getting between you and your Prince Charming. You had it more than handled. He couldn't resist the charm of a soft ole fluffy bunny. You two had an instant connection.
    As for me, I think Popeye said it best in 1933, "I Yam What I Yam."
    A fat(cuddly) old(experienced) tall(6'4") balding(distinguished) man with one good eye(great perspective) and a fat thumb for flinging. I don't need to say anything about my thumb. He let's his flingin' results speak for him. *snicker*

  • Thanks for all the support over "This Charming Man" (it's a song by The
    I have never received so many messages, so much support, and tonight I can't reply with any sensibility to any of them.
    Friends barbecue, too much food, too much wine, and a lethal cocktail.
    It's taken me ages to type this, wobbly fingers, but Mr Bunny is snoring away, so can't complain that I'm birding again
    Twenty minutes. At a guess. To make this message comprehensive. Bed time for Mrs Bunny, I guess
    But if you like Morrisey and his weird lyrics, well this one's for you
  • I'll drink to that Pa,*clink* Yes may we all be able to fling as the mighty Alan!
    @hunnybunny isn't it amazing how a community can rally behind you?
    Too Bad Prince Charming doesn't get it, he has 1 friend and its probably a troll lol..
    OB I need help, I've tried whining but with no success, please Make me a really strong SpacePigKiller idk what's the problem maybe it's my tablet , i can't get Any points :(

  • Ooohhh !! Jeez I'm slipping
    Happy Birthday Day @Tompuss ♡♡♡♡
  • ...which nobody can deny.
    Happy Birthday @TomPuss
  • Happy Birthday @TomPuss! Hope you have a wonderful day :)

    Time for breakfast at Wimbledon - OB could I have a Pigmuffin & coffee please?
    Go Fed!
  • Haahaaa! @karen68 I was talking over you! Guess it's too early your end for the bubbly so I'll have one for you. Enjoy the match. Shhhhhhhhhhh don't tell anyone but I'm also backing Fed!
    It'll be a close one though. Right I'm away,it's started.
  • @jlz666 it's never too early for bubbly, I think I'll join you!
    Apologies to you & the other Brits, but I had to cheer for Fed over Murray in the semis. Hope he can pull it out today too. Great match so far.
    I love that cake stand!
    Back to the match...
  • @karen68 and @jlz666 And we are back to even! Exciting tiebreak for set 2! With all three of us cheering for Fed...
  • Come on Fed!

    Happy Birthday, Tom Puss. Cake to come later!

    @jlz-666 I've pm'd you
  • So that's four cheering for Rog!
  • Hi @all and thanks for the good wishes!
    Lovely banner @Estar, bless you!
    Haha @kathy, love the emoticon - so that's what poofing looks like! -:)
    @rat9 My favourite Southern gentleman - thanks for greetings. .
    @karen 68 You're right, never too early for bubbly, the sun's always over the yardarm somewhere, I got a glass on the go right now!
    @JLZ666 Yes!! I adore Grumpy Cat! And thank you for that wonderful cake and the elegant stand to go with it!
    And I had a lazy day. . great lunch at our Italian restaurant, al fresco in the courtyard, later I felt a little sleepy (can't think why. . ) so had a snoozzzzzzzze
    @hunnybunny Another superb cake!! Black lace rules!!

    Please everyone have plenty to eat and drink. . I had better find out now about Wimbledon, I can't get it on my TV here, it's on some pay channel somewhere -:(

  • @Hunnybunny @Karen68 @catsnbirds @jlz666 Ive no idea about tennis, but I'll join in the celebrating and cheering * clink*
    C' mon Fed !!!
  • *confusion sets in.. who's Rog ? thought we were cheering for Fed :/
  • @kathy Roger (Rog) Federer. Good match, guess we can try to be as gracious as he is as we accept runner-up status. Sigh, on to the U.S. Open!
  • Oh thanks @catsnbirds ,so i take it he didn't win:( sorry :(
  • Welcome back to the BP ladies.
    If I'd known you were coming I'd have baked a cake, hired a band, grandest band in the land.
    If I'd known you were coming I'd have worn my kilt, shortest kilt, I'm real built.
    Howd-ya do, howd-ya do, howd-ya do.
    Happy B-Day @TomPuss.
  • Geez Louise! Where are all these great dadgum flingers coming from in Solar System? I think some of them must be on the roids. They keep trying to whup me. They just don't have any respect for their elders. Young WhipperSnappers!
  • He's a cutie @Hunnybunny. But won't you have to give him back once he's old enough to be a police dawg?
  • @TomPuss -- Happy Birthday! It's a little late your time, but only 7 PM my time. Hope you had a marvelous day!
    Hubby watching Wimbledon on delay, but it's clear Fed isn't going to win. But he's won umpteen times. So good for Djokovic.
  • Awwww how cute @hunnybunny did you really adopt him? or is he an image of the pup you won? congrats on the new pup in the challenge. uhmm so if you did really adopt the adorable police pup, how many does that make?
    Nighty night all, I'm beat. .been sick since visiting sis at the hosp , feeling a bit better but work tommorow :/ why oh why wasn't my father born rich? lol

    night pa♡
  • Mornin Ma
  • @rat @kathy he's virtual puppy. An underdog puppy. He will live in his police dog training life, and in my kennel of thirteen "puppies". Virtual puppies can do anything they like...
  • @kathy so sorry, got caught over the adorable puppy thing, and missed your comment on your sis. How is she? Getting better I hope.
  • ahh Thats what i thought hunnybunny :D I guess i finally caught on as I started thinking of the many pics of pups, you 'adopted' lol I was thinking ohh my you must have a big house and yard and a very patient Hubby Heehee:)
  • She's doing much better ty @hunnybunny, it was scary there for a bit bit l but she pulled through and Is home and well:)
  • @kathy @rat on my second pass of "Solar" I've done nine of the fourteen levels. And ninth position. Which ain't bad.
    But I'm with @burpie on this one, too many lucky one birders!
  • Not bad @hunnybunny I'm on my second pass now and have made 5th place, don't think I'll be getting much higher, agreed to many lucky one birders Hopefully the new update will be better, seems there catering to the power up crowd, i may be moving back to seasons, i was waiting for @kimmie to rejoin me *sob* but *sob*
    Ob can i have a Long Island Iced tea please :/
  • WTG in Solar System @Hunnybunny. That's a great score for ah...woman of your ah... age and color.
    I normally agree with @burpie when it comes to an assessment of Angry Birds. But I'm not sure he got this one right. I have found repeatable strategies for the one-birders in Solar System. Even Saturn with it's ice rings has method in it's madness. I didn't say they were easy to find or implement. But at least their not total luck levels. I hate those with the passion of a thousand suns.
  • @rat I shall ignore your innuendos about my flinging abilities, your sexist and ageist remarks; and remind you: at least I still have my hair
  • Ha ha ha Did I do all that in one itty bitty sentence Mrs. Bunny?
    BTW, I finished my second pass at Solar System too.
  • @rat mine not finished, here I go to the last five levels, but I fear I'll be lucky to hold on to a top ten place.
  • And I still have my hair!
  • Hare? Where hare?
  • @Zack's flock, @TomPuss -- Happy Bastille Day! It' an appropriate time to remember that the French were our staunch allies in the American Revolution. So let's raise a glass of champaign to toast them.
    My local wine store is suggesting a very pricy bottle, but I think we can suffer with the relatively modest Crystal. OB -- Please make sure there's plenty iced and on hand, even if our French friends are going to have it for breakfast on the 15th!
  • Quiet in here, OB. Mind if I scream?
    Solar levels 10 & 11
  • I hear ya on 11 @hunnybunny * joins in screeamm*
  • @mvnla2 @sglouk is also from France , just so you know he's probably not on the map? i didn't check.
    but anyway *clink* cheers to all of our friends from France !
    Happy Bastille Day !
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