The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2526
  • Not in Game Center @catsnbirds. I'm not ranked at all in Space.
  • @rat Aren't you rat9 on Game Center? I was just there. You are ranked on the episode leaderboards, but not the total score leaderboard.
  • I'm sorry @catsnbirds. I thought that's what I said. I'm not ranked in Space. Friends and family ask me if I'm the #1 Angry Birds Space Player in the world, why doesn't it say so in Game Center? Keep in mind, this is not important to me. But it is an irritant.
  • @Rat -- Sent a couple of tweets myself. I don't think you follow me. You can find me on Kathy's list of people she follows.
  • @rat without using obscene language, I'm at a loss of what to say
    Game Centre has 122 people with the hacked 922 trillion million, or whatever, on Seasons. Another twelve who didn't quite hack well enough, but I did like the two who managed 999,999,999,999 which showed some imagination. Ernor was the top name after that. Indeed, the King of Seasons. I checked Seasons because I know it so well.

    I'm confused, hackers allowed, real players deleted. What the heck are Rovio thinking of! And where are those Rovio reps who were supposed to join ABN? I remember one who looked after Stella and some such other stuff that any self respecting flinger would not go near (sorry those who play that stuff), but where are the rest?

    @kathy sent a friends request on Twitter. I seldom, if ever tweet, but like to keep up with others
  • I got and accepted your request @hunnybunny ,and @mvnla2 I'm sure you saw i retweeted both your tweets you have iphone right? can you help rat favorite which followers he would like to see tweets from, and any other questions. android is soooo different, i was comparing with a friend at work, it's weird how they are so different :/
    @tompuss soory to hear your still in the hosp, but it's a good thing really to keep you to make sure there's no complications ,your in the right place, my heart and thoughts are with you♡
  • @Kathy @Rat -- I have an iPhone, but I use my Mac to tweet. I can certainly help Rat.
    @Hunnybunny -- There are still some Rovio people around. I've sent PMs to one who pays some attention to Epic. I think @Estar has a contact for AB Space at Rovio.
    I did tweet Peter Vesterbacka about Rat, and he said he would look into it.
  • And Why is Gamecenter only for IOS players?
    When I did that interview years ago, the reporter SAID that ABN players are the Highest scoring flingers! I think Rovio has been paid off by Gamecenter Idk there's a conspiracy somewhere lol, and I'm not a conspiracy theorist!
    They are totally discrediting ABN flingers.
    Can i even view Gamecenter with my android? does anyone know how i would ?
    Wait @hunnybunny you don't have IOS do you? hmmm
    Ob i need a drink, Pa i know you don't care really cuz you Know and Everyone in the Nest knows U Da King of Space!! but is bugging me that They sent you An Actual Email, basically calling you a cheater and/or a hack! you wouldn't know how to hack into Gamecenter if I paid you lol!
    Ob make it double!
  • Oopsy sorry didn't see ya there @mvnla2 :/
  • I'm done with my rant Ty @mvnla2 :)
  • @Rat -- I sent you a tweet. I don't send many tweets, and they are all about Angry Birds. A lot of them go to Peter Vesterbacka. The hardest thing about sending tweets is getting your message in to the allowed characters.
  • @Rovio -- See @Rat9's comment on page 4 of the AB Space Pig Dipper S-15 walkthrough about how he got 7,628,550:
    There was (may still be) a well-known glitch that produced extremely high scores. There is a list linked at the end of the main walkthrough post that gives the scores greater than 170,000 that have been verified by ABN. The ABN leaderboard is capped at 170,000 for S-15. With that cap, Rat9's score for Pig Dipper is 3,686,140 and his score for all of Space (not counting Mirror Worlds) is 37,375,795. See Rat9's Space leaderboards here:
    I would bet that makes him the legitimate highest scorer for Space in the entire world. What is the GameCenter name of the person you claim is first in Space? I don't think his score is close.
  • I posted this here because I can't seem to post it on walkthrough. Need to edit and send to Rovio.
  • That's Perfect @mvnla2 :) I dont see the need to edit it. Ty for standing up to the plate with this issue. Did you see the Tweet with the guys pic of the supposedly World champion of Solar? i favorite it and retweeted so if you haven't you can find it in my twitter page. uhmm i don't think they gave his name for Gamecenter, I'm curious if he's a member of ABN? doubtful i guess or he would Know rat is the king, but if Rovio offerd him $ To promote Solar system who knows?
  • Ahhh Pa Maybe it's one of your Archenemy 's ?????? who's jealous? hmm probably not though if so he'd not Mess with the Rat lol;)
  • @mvnla2 can you see on GC who has the highest score in each episode, or is it just an overall Space total? I would imagine if it just shows the entirety of Space it would be hard to say if that is the same person who claims the highest Solar episode.
  • @Kathy -- You can see scores for individual episodes, so I tried to figure out who it was. However, there is no one listed with exactly that score for Solar System. There is someone close with a lower score (not sure how often GC updates my board for everyone else in the world). That person's score is 9th on the total Space LeaderBoard, among those left. Highest score on Space is 37,229,968, which may be Romo (if he is BeautifulVVorld). Rat9 would be first if they used his ABN Space leaderboard score.
    My post above has been edited, so you may have seen the edited version.
  • 0h o.k thanks I guess yes I'm seeing the edited version, @mvnla2 , and yep Romo Is in fact @beautifulVVorld . and he is good also.
  • So the GC scores are different than ABN leaderbords i assume they are not linked?
    do they have to be entered separately? I'm sorry i don't understand how it works.
    or the score is automatically entered on GC and they just assume it's wrong,even though that Is your actual score on ABN boards¿¿?¿
    confusion sets in lol
    Ob I'll Have a Strong cuppa coffeee haha:D
  • @Kathy @Rat9 -- It's sad really. I think Rovio has been scammed.
    The photo of the Solar System GC leaderboard tweeted by AB says total of 55,614 players for the Solar System leaderboard? My GC says 224,481.
  • Wow @mvnla2 !!
    oh and Light dawns on Marble head you don't have to explain the whole GC scoring, i think i get it!:)
  • @Kathy -- GC leaderboards have nothing to do with ABN. If you are on an IOS device, and the game is part of GameCenter (maybe all games have to be?), then GC automatically collects your scores. In this case Rat9's score on ABN and on GC are different, because ABN limited the score on Pig Dipper S-15 to 170,000, while GC did not. Someone at Rovio has decided that Rat must be cheating because of the high GC score on S-15.
  • I wonder how the whole thing came about? I didn't see any ads or anything referring to posing your Best SS score, seems this random guy , (maybe works for Rovio)
    maybe it was a promotion by Rovio to get people to play, and if they did research and saw rat's scores they were just like " nah that can't be" so they picked the next highest, which Would be Romo I think ,right Pa?
  • Hmm The mystery deepens Romo Total Space score on ABN boards is 31,912,660
    glow would it be higher in GC?
    Ohh again i can answer my own question lol, actually ty to @mvnla2 answered indirectly.
    The scores automatically enter in GC ,he hasn't entered all in ABN board ,I'm catching on lol
  • @Kathy -- Romo's score on S-15 was probably higher than 170,000, but not by a huge amount.
  • Ohhhh O.k @mvnla2 i see so, it could be 170k on ABN but Not as high as rat on GC..
    I get it finally lol:D Thanks for your patience :)
  • We will Reclaim your trophy least we'll try and you have the Nest backing you up:)
    nighty night your Highness the True King of Space And to heck with Rovio/ Gamecenter Everyone in the Nest Knows You Da King of Space! :)
  • Nighty night Pa ♡
  • Goodness @Mvnla2 and @Kathy. You two have been busy. It warms the cockles of a fat old one-eyed flinger to have y'all fight this battle unsolicited. It's really not required, but greatly appreciated. Thanks ladies.

    Using the Nest and Game Center scores, I interpolated @Romo's S-15 score to be around 500,000. But I'm perplexed as to why his score of approximately 3.9-4 million is not displayed at the top of Pig Dipper leaderboard in Game Center. He is ranked #1 for Total Space, so he definitely has a score in PD that is recognized by GC. Maybe I should just ask him huh? ha ha

    Congratulations on attaining 3rd place in Solar Sytem @Ma. You're tenacious.
    Nighty Nite.
  • Whoo hoo!
    I've got my Pig Dipper score back on Game Center!!! I'm the #1 Angry Birds Space Player again. That was quick ladies. Thanks! I've got a few back problems. Can you work your magic on that next. ha ha
  • @rat9, @kathy, @hunnybunny, @all

    Just found Jimmy Fallon with a bundle of "books you shouldn't read". . . including one on "Rat Training"! Highly recommended -:)

  • WooHoooo Pa!! The Rightful King of Space gets his Throne Back!!
    Have a Fantabulous Day everyone :)
    Nice to see you @Tompuss ,no time for video, I'll watch after work :)
  • Annnnnd....I'm not the #1Angry Birds Space Player. That has to be the shortest reign of a King in History. My Pig Dipper score is gone again, and with it, my ranking in Space. I feel like a yo-yo. For you young Whippersnappers, a Yo-yo is a pre-video game toy consisting of two wooden disks connected with a dowel with a string tied to it that gave us hours of fun making it go up and down and up and down and up and down.....endless fun. A dowel is a cylindrical piece of wood used to connect joints in carpentry. Carpentry was a method used to make....oh...nevermind.
  • @rat The GC scoreboards are good for nothing but frustration. Space being but one example. Some Individual episode leaderboards have hackers, some rightly show you as #1. Even though Romo (BeautifulVVorld) is #1 on the total board, he doesn't appear on the Pig Dipper board. Neither do I, it simply shows me as unranked. But, we all know which leaderboards really count, which ones include players from all platforms, yes, our Nest!
  • @Estar The Nest looks much brighter today, did this just happen or am i losing my mind?
    Either Way it Looks Fantabulous ☆☆☆☆☆☆
  • Well Said @catsnbirds :D
  • @kathy the nest has gone pale blue
    @tompuss haven't watched your link, but you must be feeling well to post. Hugs and Kisses..
    @rat who gives a quacking duck about GC?
  • @hunnybunny it looks brighter blue to me and the Logo on top looks different?
  • @kathy, paler, brighter, new logo
  • @kathy Yes, brighter blue with figures in the background and new bird at top left for logo. And NEST in orange.
  • @kathy there's a forum discussion on new look.. My sad old iPad failed on the copy and paste link
  • @catsnbirds loving the Orange " Nest"
  • Although not loving "Pig Days" at the moment. The bird gods have not been kind :-(
  • Hi All

    I'm not a regular poster but have checked in and would like to add my 2c.

    @all who write about Game Center.

    I think most on ABN care a little about their scores/ranking etc as this is one of the reasons to subscribe/post to the nest.

    Game Center is a nonsense as clearly tons of the scores are 'hacked' and are BS.

    But sadly I now think there are *some* ABN posted scores that are false (though hopefully not many).

    It seems to me there are some clear winners:

    > Ernor on ABS (not 'AD' I'm afraid)
    > Harper Lee culture vulture on ABO ('TMAMB')
    > Rat on ABS
    > Not sure on Star Wars

    And some legends from the past e.g. Marc987, manu malin (who I assume has simply quit AB otherwise he'd be top of all the charts), moonsabre.

    But the top 10 in terms of posters, are those in this pub forum!

    Best Wishes to all.

  • Ty @hunnybunny @catsnbirds Im happy to know I'm not seein things, i found the forum ty hb :)
  • Thanks for that info @Pellystar, nice to see you here as well:)
    I dont have GC ,if i did, i agree, i wouldn't care about my ranking there, I love the friendly competition here in the Nest. that's enough for me:)
    I didn't catch the AD reference at first lol..*sad face * he's certainly trying though, in more ways than one!
  • @Kathy

    You're missing nothing with GC IMHO.

    I think you got the AD reference!!! A prince amongst humans!

    A very nice thing about this community is the building of credibility.
  • I agree @Pellystar, not sure if you saw my comment above regarding my interview with the Post,
    The Reporter Actually mentioned that ABN players are among the highest scores in the world,
    Is sad that people actually hack their scores and feel the need to cheat, where's the fun, and the satisfaction of knowing you actually attained a great score. They must feel they are 'pulling one over on everyone' which makes it even sadder really *sigh*
    There will always be cheaters i guess and we just need to accept it and be happy we are above that. Even if i dont get a great score, i still have the sense of satisfaction Knowing I did the best i could:)

  • @pellystar well said, nice to you here. How long have you been lurking, and not posting?
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