The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2125
  • Night @kelani have fun today. .tomorrow. .night night sweet dreams:)
  • I cannot sleep:(
  • O.k see @fenikus that's why I'm the Princess soon as I get here 2 page change in 5 short hours when we first started this forum seemed like i was the page changer always so @team nabbed me the'PrincessPageChanger ' if you look in my album you can see my original avatar courtesy of e-star :)
  • *Bird Addict rushes in and takes Kathy's flashlight from OB. Proceeds to clean it, polish it, replace batteries with fresh ones. Hands it back to OB for safe keeping.* Night night @kathy, you should be able to fall asleep now. kisses
  • Aww @bird-addict you are so sweet brought tears to my eyes. . thank you. .
    I shall sleep now♥♥night night my sweet birdie friend.. I know you miss her as much as i do ♡
  • Yes, I sure do. : ((( But it wouldn't surprise me to learn that she sneaks in here late at night and takes care of your flashlight when no one is around.
  • Maybe she does birdie that's a sweet thought. .night night. .sorry I'd love to keep ya company but work tomorrow .. it's 2a.m. But I have Friday until Monday off! ! Ack more inn p.m. tomorrow. Night my friend. Really really this Mwahhhh♡
  • night Ma
  • @e-star
    You are correct in that at times you can be a young whippersnapper but only in a good way. In reality you are kind, generous and very giving to others. Sorry I did not get your note sooner. Early bedtime with an early rise. Hope to head home today.

    Yes, the Dutch "Princess" will put a smile on your face and earn a place in you heart with her humor and wit.

    If I missed you BD sorry but better late than never. Happy Bird Day!!! Hope you did something for yourself to celebrate your special day.
  • Someone Please welcome chickamangachick (@mecstaveler) if she pops in :) thanks!
  • @Kathy -- Weird! Can't understand how all those extra CR's got in there.
  • @Kathy chickamanga? I thought it was chimichanga, or are you being funny? :)

    @mvnla2 Weird indeed. I take it you saw no reverse-imprint of Enter on your forehead this morning? :)
  • Good afternoon guys. Question: my highscore on level #9 has been beaten. No problem with that. Good flinging is good flinging. But, no proof in the comments. What to do with this?
  • @bernersenn These guys would probably say post a congratulatory note on the walkthrough, asking for a strategy and screenshot. Me, eh... I'm a wuss.
    r3d3vil23 is Ranked: 213 out of 3,349 and the score's only 80 points over yours. On the other hand, your score is pretty high. If I didn't know you, I wouldn't believe yours, either :)

    edit: I hate it when people beat a score then stay silent about it. I try to tell myself maybe they just don't know it's #1, but I know better.
  • @bernersenn, so you got another one of those "there's a new sheriff in town" emails, eh? Man, I hate those! I remember when in Rocket Rumble I had almost half the top scores at one point in time, that is until Mighty Manu decided to take the matter into his hands one weekend. So in a matter of 2 days, I got 5 of those and they all rubbed in who's the real sheriff! I never recovered from that beating down, I'm still 20K behind him in RR and see no way to catch him!

    Simply congratulate the flinger in question on his great score, and ask him/her if they wouldn't mind sharing their strategy. If you get no reply in reasonable amount of time, add a post cc-ing Slim Fordy if you are really suspicious about the score.

    FWIW, though, both your scores are beatable. I had several chances for 110K on that level but there was alway "something" that prevented it.

  • *watches tumbleweeds blow across the River* We don't need no new sheriffs here.
  • @kelani, @fenikus, did what you adviced me. @fenikus, that my score in #9 could be beaten is obviously. On the picture with my score in it, you can see that the left part is completely intact
  • I know screenshots are impossible on some devices, but I wish they were required for high scores, starting 2 months after a new episode's release to allow for the initial leapfrogging.
  • In level #20 so far 1360 points without flinging a bird ;) letting it run @mvnla2 hmm what's a CR ?
  • @bernersenn your post looks good to me. It's weird, on PC I can have much less debris than your screenshot, but still much lower scores.
  • @Kathy good luck with it. Here's the scores I ended up with in 400 runs on ipad last week. Let me know your final score if it stops, or if you match one of them? 900, 2050 (x2), 2310, 6,910, 33,800

    edit: I saw that CR edit!
  • Never mind CRs (that's Carriage Returns, @Kathy, aka Enter key)…I'd still like to know what the "post that is OBE" means, lol. Out of Body Experience, Order of the British Empire?
  • @fenikus I checked my go-to site when I saw that.

    Lots of funny possibles for OBE, but nothing relevant that I saw
  • Overcome By Events
    Other Buggers Efforts
    Our Best Estimate
    Overall Boat Effectiveness
    Old But Everlasting
    Out of Body Ecstasy
    On the Brink of Exhaustion
    Ordinary Bloody Effort
  • Sounds like Overcome/Overtaken by Events could make sense.
  • @fenikus huh, it could be. Nice catch. btw, you do realize an hour on #2 would net you more than 310 points? :)
  • Hello @BPNesters! How are you all on this fine Thursday morning/afternoon/evening?

    Anyone flinging in the new SWII update? Just curious to know what's new since there are no new character swaps.
  • @SweetP heya :) Pardon my dumb question, but wouldn't new character swaps require new characters?
  • Good day everyone!

    I haven't dropped in for quite a while, I hope all are well.

    I am finally getting around to blitzing my way through Seasons. The only two episodes I have spent any real serious time on so far are ACB (number 8!) and Eggspedition (17). I am saving that dreaded Seasons Greedings for last so as not to get discouraged ;). At this time I am settling, when possible!, for an above average score. I doubt I will ever go for more than that, I would rather be working on improving my Rio and ABO scores, or even SW.

    While working on achieving above average scores, I sometimes wonder, what player has entered the most above average scores across all leaderboards? Seems there ought to be some kind of special recognition for that feat. Any guesses who that player might be?

  • Hi @BPC. Is it you?
  • hi @BPC, nice to see you. I've wondered about that as well. A global leaderboard, so to speak. I guess the quickest way would be to make a list of each game's overall top 10, then compare to see who, if anyone, is in all the lists

    Scores are odd things. Whenever I look at someone ranked lower than me, they always seem to have better scores on average than me.
  • @kelani it also depends on HOW the material is destroyed. Read this once in a reaction from @amslimfordy for the same question in one of the walkthroughs. Cannot remember which.
  • @bernersenn That's true. @fenikus and I discussed this a bit. My theory's slow crumbling destruction scores higher than a big blast, because all the small-points damage is worth more than the material's instant-destruction point value.
  • @kelani, I don't thin the player with the most above average scores is necessarily in the top ten of any leaderboard, they only need LOTS of above average scores. It is someone that participates in most, if not all leaderboards.

    I think the easiest way to settle the question would be for @AMslimfordy, or anyone with access, to run a query against the database(s?) Still, it is fun to guess in the meantime.

    I think it is someone like @wrw01, who seems to participate in all the games.
  • Up to 2370 in 2hours boooooooooring:/ I quit lol..
  • @fenikus who posted OBE ? Hi @BPC ..
    Back too work *poof*
  • @BPC, I don't know you by this name but that funky looking multi-colored cat sure looks familiar. Are you the one and only @bonneypattycat? Yes, I think you are :)
  • Not me @Rat, I do not play Space, SWII, or Friends (Personally, I would exclude the Friends leaderboards)
  • Yep, I am BonneyPattyCat. It is too long of a name, so I shortened it here in the forums. I wish. I could change both to a single, shorter name, but I have been informed that is not doable.
  • Oh LMAO! @kathy! @chickamangachick! I'm actually thinking she's not having a laugh @kelani! Y'see that's why I was very gently but obviously far to subtly trying to say "please abandon ship,all hope is lost" of course then @estar came in and said it how it was lol! Thank goodness she knows we all love her and just continuously laugh at her hoodoo voodoo phone antics! I'd actually be very afraid if she did master it all! There would be no stopping her! In her defence it is difficult dealing with everything on the phone,I should know :( You have to think things through 3 times over.
    @rat I'm sorry,I've only just looked back over yesterday's goings on and please don't hang your head in shame! Masters tickets and B&B at your place is a wonderful gift! Remember,that wasn't my gift,it was my husbands ;) yep @mvnla it was generous......very generous ;) we live very close to Gleneagles and not once has he suggested that little treat ;(
    I agree @bpc I don't think it would necessarily be top 10 players,far from it. Wrw01 would've been one of my guesses. Think he's even entered free editions as well.
    Dinner bell is ringing
    See ya's
  • Oh I'm still in my party frock....better change.
  • @BPC There could be some average score masters lurking in the pack, but it's logical to assume a top 10 scorer will have across-the-board above average scores. That's the only way i can think of for us common folk to figure it out. The database query would be the best way, and it'd actually be a really easy one to write. It would be fun to know :)

    @wrw01 sounds reasonable, but I'm too new here to make an educated guess. Finding the all-game crowd could be tough. Most people I've looked at seem to compete in only 1-3 games.
  • @BPC, how do you change your nickname just for the forums?
  • I like the idea of a "Global Leaderboard" Would be cool to see, even though I would rank low, not participating in several games.
  • @Kathy yeah, if you don't get any points within 20 mins or so, I'd reset it. Stupid marmosets seem to get smarter or some high-traction shoes after a while.
  • I don't remember @fenikus, it has been too long!
  • Maybe changing your nickname in your profile?
  • @BPC @Kelani I don't have access to the databases, which is probably a good thing. I'm an amateur coder at best.
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