The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2127
  • @Kathy I'll probably subconsciously treat @mecstaveler different now that I've read her profile page. I didn't realize before that she is almost bedridden with neurological issues. I'll try to treat her as I treat everyone, but that pesky mental filter might start working. Not necessarily a bad thing according to SWDNF. lol

    Hi @SweetP. You were the lookout huh? Musta been a big game. Ha ha

    Edit: Sorry about stealing your page change Ma.
  • @SweetP Thank you! I knew someone told me that name before :) lol. I can see you being a li'l P lookout. :)

    @Rat any thoughts on NYC's $600,000 rodent crackdown?
  • @rat9, yup always playing outside with the neighbors keeping my eyes peeled for the cops! I don't know about the big game stakes, but I do remember there was a LOT of $$$ on that table every weekend!

    @kelani you're welcome. I hope she stops in here so we could all give her a huge welcome! Heehee, I remember giving all the guys a big scare when I ran in and screamed, "Daddy! There's a policeman outside!" Everyone scrambled, hiding all the evidence, even the card table was stashed away. When I followed my dad to the window, he started laughing and shook his head at me. I looked outside, and there was the cop, placing a parking ticket on our car! Welllll, he DID tell me to keep watch, and I did exactly that!
  • @SweetP No high stakes, but my mom and dad had neighborhood game night every weekend when I was littlekel. Everyone came to our house to lose at cards and pool. Dad cheated and counted cards, mom was just unbeatably good. Don't think the cops ever came :) Heh, cute story. DId you get an allowance for being the lookout? :)
  • Did ya ever see the movie A Bronx Tale..hee hooohaha
  • Gotta fLing I'll be around..
  • On a semi-related note, cops really don't like it when you put fake parking tickets on their windshields.
  • Haha @kelani! I've done that before, using an old parking ticket. When I lived across the street from the beach, there weren't very many parking spaces, and most were metered. I could never remember to feed the meter before the time ran out, and so I'd get a ticket. Actually, I've gotten (only) three in the two years I lived there. Anyway, I got the idea to use one of the old tickets I kept, when I saw the meter cop writing tickets, but didn't bother with the cars that already had one. Ta-dah, it worked!

    Yeah, I got allowance all the time! But those Saturdays were the best, because my dad would give me extra money to buy goodies for myself and the neighbor kids I used to play with!
  • Nighty-night @kathy.
    *shines Kathy's flashlight, replaces the batteries and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland*
  • Indeed. This is why I resist signing up for Facebook, twitter, and other social media (ABN is an honorable exception).

    I always enjoy playing the Devil's Advocate, so here's a rebuttal:
  • @fenikus I like yours better.
  • Helloes.

    -Aperture Science Innovative Facilities
  • Sweetp - love that avatar!

  • Hi @theanonymoussomeone -- Strange that no one answered you. Thought I needed to refresh, but no, the place is empty, and I assume you've gone to school by now, or did you say you were finished for the year?
    Don't undersand your "Aperture Science Innovative Facilities" comment. A whole sentence would help. : )
  • @Pa @Fenikus thanks for sharing!! I like them both how clever!!
    @theanonymoussomone I didn't understand your comment either?
    Hi @mvnla2 ;)
  • E-Star pops in for a few second.... We ( 3times hubby and me) are working on the toiletroom... or is it bathroom?! Anyway the little girls/boys room... so not the one with a bath and sink to wash up. Do you English folk have a name for such a room? Because I don't believe toiletroom is the correct word. Any I digress.... we are working on putting a new floor in and plan on doing new tiles on the wall and such. That's the reason for you, mister @rat, missing out on some Starlight yesterday ;)

    But scanning the previous pages I see my Pops @wrw01 dropped in... and I missed him :(( But it does make me happy to see he knew the way in here, I was afraid the little grey cells were abandoning him, ya know that happens at a certain age... nothing to be ashamed of if it does tend to happen Pops :))))

    Anyway, wanted to let you know the absence has everything to do with being busy instead of non-good days... actually I don't want to jinx anything, buttttt maybe...
  • Hi @e-star Yep we call it a bathroom either way if it has a toilet its a
    There are actually many different name but that is the most common.. when in public at a restaurant we just say ladies or mens room;) hope it goes well;)
  • @kathy you are a weird lot.... bathroom even if there is no bath?!? (actually we also call our bathroom a bathroom if there is only a shower and no bath hee hee) But thanks for explaining, I was beginning to think I missed a word :))
  • @E-Star -- The term real estate agents use for a room with toilet and sink is "powder room," but in real life your guest never ask to use the powder room, they ask for the bathroom.
  • @estar I thought the English called their a loo, privy or w.c. Better ask an actual resident, though. Over here, we have lots of terms. powder room is becoming a bit too popular. Others are: lav, lavatory, restroom, toilet, bathroom. And of course, john, crapper and outhouse.

    Hey, what does "3times" mean in "3times hubby"? You've said it a few times, and I can't figure it out. :)
  • Lol @e-star Yes the English language is wierd I agree .;) so many words that make no sense lkethat haha.
  • English is stupid. If I didn't know it, I wouldn't learn it. Imagine all the poor English students trying to understand why "daughter" doesn't rhyme with "laughter".
  • So many examples @Kelani to many to say lol.
  • @estar
    Another way to refer to your "toilet room":
    1/2 bath = sink and toilet
    3/4 bath = sink, toilet and shower
    full bath = sink, toilet and bath tub with shower (some would say it does not need I shower in the bath tub

    Some day you will be there too with that grey red hair. See my comment on page 2125 about you
  • I don't think we have a room with just a toilet in it @Estar. We always put in a sink for washing up. No tub or shower OK. But it must have a SINK. I'm sure I misread your comment about no sink.

    As far as what we call it, you'd think we were obsessed with toilets, because we have lots of names for them. Just a few are Powder room, Washroom, Ladies, Gents, Loo, Comfort station, the Facility, the John, Lavatory, Potty room, the Library, Water Closet, the Head, the Can, the Crapper and many more. But if you're in the Deep South, they might make you go outside. Then it's called an Outhouse, Privy, or Latrine unless you've been drinking. Then it's called "Any Port in a Storm".

    You asked. ha ha
  • Pa you forgot commode haha probably a few more too lol
  • Wow! I shouldn't have gone to the little boys room while typing my answer to you @Estar. Ten comments showed up that I didn't see until I posted. Please excuse any duplications.

    I told you we were obsessed with toilets.
  • Inside joke to me on the husband times three @Kelani. Don't ask.
  • @Kelani, English is easy. Sure, if I don't know the word, I typically have no clue how to pronounce it (and those phonetic spellings don't help, I never learned how to read them).

    But consider the language of your Grandmother (you know, the one that made fruit "preserves"): Every noun has a gender (male, female, neutral) and is different in plural (you don't just add an "s"). Many verbs are the same. To top it all off, there are 7 cases that change these nouns and verbs based on the context they're used in. You can learn the conversational language fairly quickly but it will take you a lifetime to stop sounding like a doofus :) One good thing is that it's 100% phonetic, so if you can read it, you can speak it and vice-versa.
  • Speaking of toilets…the basement of my house, which is just one big room, has a toiled right smack in the middle of it. Working, flushable toilet. You can see where the previous owners did some plumbing to eventually install shower and sink but they're not there. I wonder what all the experts would call *that* room??

    p.s. This was one of the big reasons I bought my house. Great conversational piece :)
  • my sweet Pops @wrw01 I sure did see the comment and a kiss on the (with less hair... is that the nice way to put it??!! I am trying to be respectful, really I am hee hee) head for making me smile when reading back! Are you home again? Did you find your way back? Or did you have to look up the address and reintroduce yourself to the misses? again, just being friendly and making conversation Pops!

    @all thank you for explaining the toilet room... sorry Mister @Rat but I have to admit, we indeed do not have a sink in our little girls/boys room ourself (the majority of Dutchieland does, before you think all Dutchie are this weird), reason for it being we are living on 60m3 (read a heck of NOT al lot) and therefore the BATHroom is just next door and the kitchen is right around the other corner. So before you think we are unsanitary people, we do wash up after visiting the john and housekeeping (read me) comes around regularly to wipe down the door handle ;)
    Pops, do you really say 3/4 bathroom?!?!
    Mister @Rat Whahahahahaahaha thanks for the laughs, that summary of names for the toilet is amazing. Funny though, I all know a lot of them.
    @fenikus NO way?!?! hahahahaha a toilet in the middle of the room and nothing around it?! I hate going to the potty in a 3/4 or FULL bathroom, the thought of someone showering or bathing in my ermmm not like flowers smelling back end product makes "it" crawl back inside LOL

    Anyway, the floor is almost done and it is starting look like something again. Boy do things you take apart look horrific :)

    @Kelani I am so sorry but indeed it is a wink wink inside joke with Mister @Rat. He can not say my husband name just one time... he needs to say it three times and snickers like a little kid hahahahaha ... but I will refrain myself from doing it again as I can understand it is not nice to others, again I am sorry.

  • @estar no problem. inside joke. gotcha.

    @Rat add to your list: porcelain throne, bog, and the poor Southerner's outhouse: The Front Porch.

    @fenikus lol. Did you find any chains and manacles attached to the walls nearby? That should tell you whether the former owners were kinky or just exhibitionists. Like @Rat said, most building codes require a sink if a toilet is in a room. Some bizarre codes say the sink must be "within arm's reach of a seated toilet occupant". Never figured that one out.

    Grandma's language sounds like it should be on the Top 10 list. I could probably learn it by immersion, but all that Cyrillic nonsense would take forever. :P I have no idea what dialect grandma spoke. Aside from "preserves" and a few muttered profanities, she only spoke English. But, in your honor, and keeping with the theme today, I learned one phrase:

    Gde je kupatilo?

    (I'd give my 2.6M to be able to say "Smack in the middle of fenikus' basement" right now)
  • @kelani I wanted to congratulate you with the #1 position on the river. I'm quitting with this episode - no way to get some more points. It was a plaisure for me to compete with you, @fenikus and @rat - and of course with all the other players. We'll meet in space, till then.
  • @bernersenn It's been a challenge and a pleasure, man. Glad you're gonna play Beak Impact also. Only 5 days to go :)
  • @all My thumb must be anxious to play in Space. It started working a few hours ago. I flung a few but didn't want to push it. Fingers crossed that it continues to function.

    Still funny @Estar. Hubby, Hubby, Hubby. lol
  • @Kelani We lived in the civilized area of the South. We only used the back porch.
  • If I wasn't worried about throwing out my thumb, five days is enough time to dethrone Princess. But don't worry @Kelani, I've got it wrapped in ice.
  • I did pick up a quick 2k though @Kelani.
  • @Kelani, we use both Cyrillic and Latin alphabets. As if all those things I mentioned (especially cases, they are really tough) are not enough, they make kids learn two alphabets when they start elementary school (which is between 6 and 7 years old).
  • @E-Star, you are talking good vs. non-good days and the other day you mentioned pain…is it too impertinent to ask what's troubling you (if it is, just ignore my question :)?
  • @rat, my fingers are crossed - and will be till you say it's steady
  • @Rat Where'd ya pick up the 2k? Glad you're taking care of that thumb, but even if it's not 100%, you'll still kick my butt. I used PC for 95% of our River run. Installed Space on ipad last night was awful. I should have caught it on video. Also, the past week's digging thru clay in the garden put me back in an elbow brace.

    @fenikus I know it's easier for kids to learn, but..Yuck. American kids would revolt if they had to do that. Do the school teach any of the dialects or other minority languages, or at least have some Alphabet Song so kids can sing their way from A to Ш?
  • I'm with you @bernersenn. I have given up on swimming in that River!
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