The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2126
  • @Kelani, what level is @Kathy working on?
  • @Kelani, I think that would do it, but it would also change how you appear on the rest of the site. But as far as I know, @BPC shows like that only here.
  • @fenikus In this "old" forum, you can't change your displayed name. This is one of the reasons we adopted the "new" forum.
  • Ah, thanks Slim…too bad cuz I was already envisioning ways to prank some guys in here ;)
  • @AMSlimFordy lol. Well, if ever find yourself accessing it, as long as you don't type add/alter/delete/drop/insert, all will be well. :)

    Out of curiosity, who does have access? I've got another bug project I'm working on, but I need the total # of players for each platform to do anything with it.
  • @fenikus Gee, I wonder what pranks those would have been. :P
  • @BPC Sorry, I missed your note. @Kathy was talking about Blossom River #20 - the self-destructing marmosets that (so far) only do so on iOS
  • He's always watching. Spooky, isn't it?
  • @Rat That it is. Your doing it is equally spooky. :)

    @JLZ I'm missing mentions like crazy today. I saw @chicamangachick and thought "is that like anime?" :) I agree with ya, though. Hand me a tiny phone and @Kathy would beat 3 of my scores, order a pizza, check stock quotes and take a call before I could turn it on. :)
  • Hm, finally got BR-19 one-birder on video.
  • IDK @Kelani. I saw "new" character swaps, so I was mislead! I don't have the $$ to buy telepods. Anyway, the question was to those fortunate iOS flingers about the updated SWII.

    I could use a few of those self-destroying marmosets in #20, but it's not happenin' on my Android. Lucky iOS players...*pout*
  • @fenikus get a good score, or just the video?

    Awesome. I set aside an hour today to put my contacts in, and got it done in 10 minutes.

    @SweetP isn't @Kathy using android? She got a 2370 pointer earlier. If she can get the 33-34k one, it may be possible for the rest of us.
  • @Kathy @fenikus @kelani -- I used OBE to mean overcome by events. I had written a response while catching up. By the time I caught up, the question had already been answered, thus OBE, and I didn't really have anything else to say.
    Yes, I deleted the CRs. Didn't see any reason to use that much blank space. And, no, no imprint on my forehead.
    @SweetP -- I've completed all the new levels in AB SW II. The bird-side ones are diabolical. Don't even have 2 stars on some of them. I've also been counting coins.
  • @SweetP -- As far as I know the self-destroying marmosets require and old iPad and an old operating system. Otherwise on IOS they're next to non-existent.
    @Kelani -- Are you talking about contacts as in people or contacts as in vision correction?
    I think @BirdLeader is the one with access to the databases, and he can code, but way too busy.
  • @Kelani, my BR-19 score captured on video was just under 127K. Not bad but 2K below my highscore and certainly under 130K which I'm chasing. I'm debating whether to post the video in the walkthrough cuz it would make you "look like an idiot" again (your words, not mine). It is contrary to your claim that there is one and only one way to get this 1-birda.

    Anyway, I lost count how many 1-birders I had on this level, but I think it's between 20 and 30.
  • @mvnla2 I meant contacts as in evil little silicone hydrogels. :) Sorry about that.

    I figured whoever had db access would be too busy to care, even if I wrote the query. Eventually, I will get impatient and go count them all manually, but I was really hoping to avoid that.
  • @fenikus Oh come on. I make myself look like an idiot all the time! What's wrong with you doing it? :) If you have a working strategy, post that sucker! I'd like to see it when I get home tonight. If it's actually different, and not you just tweaking my words, I'm big enough to admit when I'm wrong. :P
  • @Kelani it's the same basic chip shot, but the boulder didn't hit the life preserver; instead it hit the very corner of the lower TNT. In fact, I don't think I ever got it to work when boulder hits the tube and then TNT, so I wanted to verify my perception and review the video…it all unfolds a little too fast for my weary eyes. Finally got it.

    I don't know, maybe the way you described it is the only way to get above 130K but I doubt it makes a difference as long as you get the stone to hit the tower.
  • @fenikus Yeah, I see no reason it's not possible, especially given the quirks on each platform. IIRC, I never did hit that 1b shot on ipad. On PC, the low-power bounce shot was the only one that punted a cube to the right spot. Another trajectory hit the lower half, and yet another blasted a cube all the way to the sling, which was fun to watch, but useless. :) Still, post that video. People need your feniwisdom.

    Time to go cook Chinese food for grandma (or meemaw down here). BBL -much later if she wants seconds.
  • Animal control just called to say rabies test came back negative on the woodchuck my dogs ended the other day. However, brain tests show his IQ was negative 79. You have to be a really dumb woodchuck to dig your way into a fenced yard guarded by two dogs 10 times your size.
  • @all there is one, sure fire, top three placed, above average in all levels. She earlier edited her CR error!
    Not the friends or free levels, but the "proper" ones. Check out her leaderboard!!
  • I had to google woodchuck: a groundhog, hope it wasn't the one who always gets the weather wrong. Although that would explain the IQ
  • Lol @kelani imeant @chimichangachick ;) she's my friend i told her to come here; )
    @jlz6666 I know you all love me hee hee but you gotta beat me over the head next time with the ' subtle ' stick haha♥
  • Mrs. Bunny, nah, don't worry -- it wasn't the famous Punxsutawney Phil. But he looked a lot like "Chuckles", Connecticut’s official weather predicting groundhog. He's as accurate as his buddy Phil.

    p.s. We had to return the paracetamol favor and make you google something yourself ;)
  • @Kelani, do you just need to know quantity of ABN members in each of the platforms? If so, you can do that by entering "iPhone", "iPad", "Android", etc. in search box of the "all members" page.
  • @kelani did you say you were missing notifications? Or was that you @fenikus?
    Either way i am not getting all of them either. .a few here and there only when I'm mentioned abs iDO have the the gold star clicked. .hmm
    @e-star any idea?
  • Thanks for the spelling there, @fenikus, you may have noticed my deliberate avoidance.
    Anyway, back in cold, wet, UK, it's time for bed. A bit early. And I'm sure the one hour time difference hasn't given me jet lag. Just partied out........
    At least there's no chance of being flung in prison for flinging here lol
  • I would think The Mighty Manu would be the one with the most above average scores entered.
    Uhmm I can think quite a few..marc987 , moonsabre, ripsy, e-star well no cuz she doesn't play space or sw..uhmm definitely @mvnla2 uhmm many more..yuriyigolkin ..etc...
  • Is that really true @hunnybunny in Spain you can get arrested for playing angry birds? You all just messin With me?
    Night mrs. Bunny
  • @kathy fenikus started it, he was just messing....
    I checked out the MM, Marc987, yuri, ernor, none of them match mvnla. Too tired to check anymore, but an interesting topic. Goodnight xx
    Oh, and How about Karen68? Now there's a great flinger. Really must go.......
  • Mumsie dashes in - niece picked up from airport at 07:30, not great golf played from 10:00 to 13:30, chit chat and a cuppa with winning opponent til 14:30 then home for a quick tidy of toys and things left all over the house by the invasion of small people, evening meal sorted, ***blob bed on couch way pitching DVD ***then to bed. Only THEN I remembered that I haven't thanked @JLZ666 hubby for the fantabulous gift of a fortnight in Gleaneagles - ( it was a fortnight wasn't it not just a night???? ) Give hubby a (((hug)))) and a kiss from me!
    @rat I never came back for our dance and then WOW I re read back and tickets for the masters and a place to stay! Checking flights now!! Okay are you ready big guy.........................
    (((((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))) hope Mrs Rat is looking forward to my visit as much as I am. Have to go to sleep now cos golf again tomorrow! Another match - pleeeeaaaasssee golfing gods give me a break and let me at least look as though I know how to play the game! Gngb @all - oh OB any cake left? Yummy - I'll just take a couple of slices back with me - thanks
    Mumsie dashes out
    Edit! Blobbed on couch watching DVD!
  • @Kathy, as far as I can see, Mighty Many is really only serious about Rio (and ABO to a lesser extent). I'm surprised you Space players even know of him since he only entered scores for the first episode.
  • @bonneypattycat @kelani

    I have probably played every level of every ABs game but have not posted a lot of scores yet in the Nest. AB-O is almost complete except for a few of the new updates.

    I am also working my way through Seasons and trying to obtain an above average score. This is tuff because all the outstanding players (I consider myself average or a bit above) are in the top 25-50 and have raised the above average score.

    Then I will go to Rio.

    I had to delete all my scores in AB-O Free because it would not open after loading the update last week. Trying to post 1-2 a day. Some levels are easier than others.

    Games like Icebreaker, Juice Cubes about 1/4 of the way through.

  • @mumsie -- Have Kathy's gremlins invaded your device? I can usually understand what you're saying, but this has me stumped:
    "blob bed on couch way pitching DVD" ????
    @all -- No way am I the ABNester with the most above average scores. Will have to consider.
  • @mvnla2 - see edit above!! Stupid auto correct - think I may have filled it with drivel!
  • @fenikus I'm not a space player .much
    And Crap i missed all these notification and i can't reply right now in a rush..
    Hey @wwrw01 hey @Mumsie hey @mvnla2
    See ya byee..
  • @Kathy A few weeks ago you told me (I think it was you) you call her "chicka" or something. Then there you go, turning her name into chinnymagoo or chunkychicken. chittychittybangbang.. whatever that word was :P Doesn't matter now. I'm sure we scared her off by now :)

    btw, my "missed notifications" were just me being oblivious cos of hectic day, not a forum problem. :)

    @fenikus Good idea. I could get a rough estimate from that list, but what I really need is a platform count of all players who posted scores in a single game. Specifically, Space. That'd be enough to confirm or disprove my results. If proven, then I'd need the same platform count for a handful of suspect levels to see if it's global or just some levels. So, that'll never happen :P

    @wrw01 I hear ya, entering all those scores can be a lot of work. Leaving them out is also a good way to stay below the radar. :) I'm sure some of us will still be playing Rio when you get around to it. Feel free to swat down a few of @fenikus 's scores as your way of saying hi.
  • @Kathy Hi ya doin

    I will eventually enter all the scores but getting an above average score is where the really hard fling'n takes place. I can feel the "love" between you and @fenikus.
    Have a good evening. Anger Advisor @lesleyg may be a good candidate for your quest of the most above average scores.
  • @wrw01 lol yeah, we all tried to play nicely, but people started talking. :) Glad ya stopped in, man.
  • @Kelani @wrw01 -- I think the winner is probably @Burbman -- Checked a few of his leaderboards and didn't find a single below average score. He has also entered all episodes except the recent SW II. Angry Advisor has not entered scores for all episodes or all games.
  • @mvnla2 Could be. I'm sure there's quite a few potentials out there. Just need to find the biggest AB addict :) btw, I snuck in and answered your FAQ question. Least I could do after my reverse imprint crack. :P
  • @kelani wasn't me who told ya anything about my friend chimichangachick I think you guys were talking about the actual place or maybe you read back a few pages idk?
    But anyway yep probably scared her away she is very nervous about meeting new people I'm sure she's 'lurked' here a bit. .but aww forget it I'll pm ya.;)
    Anyway back to my original request sorry I typed itv wrong
    If my friend @mecstaveler (chimichangachick) pops in and I'm not around could everyone make her feel welcome please; )
  • @Kathy hmm. I wonder who said that. I am 100% positive in the last ~10 days one of the BP ladies told me y'all call her chicka. Ah well. no need for anyone to be nervous. Everyone here seems harmless enough.. 8) But any friend of yours is a friend of mine, If she stops by, I'll be on my best behavior. Promise :)
  • Thanks @kelani ;)
  • Are you sure @mecstaveler hasn't been in the BP before @Kathy. I've chatted with her on numerous occasions. Nice lady.
  • @kelani -- I didn't take offense at the reverse imprint crack. Would be a decent explanation, and I don't have one. I have a vague recollection of putting my iPad on my computer, but don't know why I would have done that, or why it would only cause CRs.
    @all @SweetP -- Just finished 3* ing new SW II levels. The bird side is not quite as bad on the second go-through as it seemed on the first, but still very challenging.
    Now to try to collect all the coins. Some of them look pretty inaccessible without using character swaps. We'll see.
  • Hmmm Pa.. maybe she has ? Can't remember she is very nice and funny too. .hope she pops in;)
  • I dunno @Kathy If too many more nice & funny ladies come in here, I bet us guys will get banished to the ramshackle clubhouse out back.
  • @kelani, I started calling her Chicka, which is much shorter than chimichangachick, and easier to remember than mecstaveler - when she started flinging with us in H&K, and we PM'd with her a while back.
    No, no we wouldn't want to banish you fellas! Hmm, kinda reminds me of those days back in the '60s when my dad used to go to high-stakes card games in the back room of his friend's dry cleaning business, or at Uncle Jake's house, with the blinds drawn in broad daylight, and I was the "lookout" in case any cops were on a stakeout.

    @mvnla2, I see you dove right on in after the update! I hope the AB Goddess is kind to you and sees you through to higher scores. I'm sending you lots of L-factor to help you along.
  • @SweetP -- I always dive in right after the update. Talk about addicted! Will wait awhile to try for above average.
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