The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2128
  • @estar, so good to see you're feeling better these days. I hope all turns out well with redoing the bathroom. I know what you mean, it is pretty horrid-looking with that huge hole in the floor where the toilet goes.
  • Mr @rat9, here are some other adjectives for you: big phone room, the Long Drop, Oval Office, House of Ease, the Cloakroom, potty, sh**ter, sh**house, the Time Squatter, thunder box, and the Retreat!
  • Sorry @theanonymoussomeone, didn't see your comment until I read back on the previous page! Thank you for the compliment. We'll have to see about getting your avatar uploaded. Let me know if you need help with that. Hope you're doing well, and enjoying the summer!
  • @SweetP The soil down here is dense red clay, hard as the rocks it's full of. Tilling leaves about 4 inches of good topsoil in a clay bathtub roots can't dig into. Strong winds flattened last year's tomato and okra plants, so I was ordered to dig 18" deep pots. If I didn't have elderly neighbors, you better believe I'd be using black powder to blast those holes. :)

    Fortunately, I didn't hurt my elbow, just the entrapped nerve. It starts tingling before it hurts, so that's my alarm clock to quit. :)
  • @SweetP…thunder box, lol. Never heard that one before!
  • Thanks @SweetP, but those were for @Estar. I could have kept going. I hadn't got past the well known clean ones yet.
  • I picked em up in a couple of spots @Kelani. I was bouncing around. But the majority came from level four.
  • That's a fitting description, isn't it @fenikus? It's one of my fav descriptions, second to the Retreat - where I hide! Heehee!

    @rat9, those were some I'd never heard of, got them from hubby. LOL
  • Pfiewww the end of a good dyi day, floor is done and the first row of tiles are on :))

    @fenikus well to some it is a delicate, but I am a Dutchie AND I consider myself with little to no taboos, Also I hate beating around the bush or dodging a straight question... just not in my nature.... sooo here goes... it is a butt issue... not the kind one might think off at first, involving the intestines (although the doc did order one of those sweet cleansing rituals for me as well, luckily it was clean, pun intended), buttt ever since January (so yes 5 months of no relaxed feeling!!) every muscle in my left buttocks is clenched up tight, so sitting is an issue and causes much pain and definately discomfort. Also had tummy and vback issues (probably due to sitting differently cause of the tense muscles) Have had scans, bloodtests and the sewercheckup, physiotherapy and dry needling (much like acupuncture, except they use the medical proved trigger points) to make the muscles stop contracting constantly. Butttt is all didn't pann out or reveiled the true issue. I am now trying to use the technique written by Clare Davies in his Handbook of Trigger Points (it covers the same trigger points as they do with the dry needling, only one can use a tennis ball and massage the trigger points themself, multiple times a day, without having to pay big bucks for a specialist) and fingerscrossed, the pain levels are reduced by half!! sssst don't want to jinx it, cause it could also be a couple of good days in a row.
  • *stumbles in slightly weepy and 100% exhausted*
    OB could I have a large mug of nighty night yes please?
    I'm hoping to catch my birdy friends in one place before I head off for my hols tomorrow. Unfortunately the pit falls of being self employed is working your ass off till the bitter end. No money coming in next week but bills to pay means an 11hr shift today :( Working tomorrow till 3pm and leaving at 4pm has tipped me over the edge. Hubby has a list a mile long to do tomorrow and although I trust him.........well.....Y'now ;) worst thing will be getting the babies to the cattery. It's a 2 man job so it'll have to be done when I get home. The little buggers have already sussed out that the suitcases are in the spare room and are acting up. Anyway, some food was cooked last week and I'm just back from the supermarket getting the rest of the essentials. It's at this point when I realise I'm back in work in 9hrs time that I think why.........? Well the reason is we're going to a place that just lifts my heart! We're heading to the north west of Scotland to a stunningly remote house with large deck overlooking a beautiful loch and mountains! It's going to take approximately 4 & 1/2 hrs to get there but at this time of year even though it'll be around 10pm when we get there it'll still be light! So I've got my 80% deet and waterproofs is a Scottish summer holiday after all;( Don't get me wrong,I love my tropical getaways but this is precisely what the doc ordered. Lots of long walks,lovely pubs and jaw dropping scenery. I may have to check my boot for @mumsie as she found out there's a shellfish farm at the bottom of our hill! Please keep your fingers X'd for good weather so we can enjoy some crustaceans on the barbie!
    Sorry but I'm absolutely brain dead tonight and have only picked up on the toilet talk?????? Ermmmmm I call it the loo most of the time but if I'm in a restaurant I ask where "the ladies" are. In my house I've got the downstairs loo or toilet as that's just a washroom and toilet,upstairs are the ensuite shower room and the family bathroom. Other words (depending on area you live in and level of alcohol you've had) are the bog and the lavvy! We don't use the c******r or the s******r!
    Ok my brain is about to start screaming so......... *so long,fair well,auf wiedersehen,goodnight*
    Hope everyone is well and has a lovely weekend!
    ((Hugs)) to the peeps who like them!
    P.S If hubby starts working then I'll feel justified popping in next week ;)
    Kisses XX
  • @sweetp thanks and we procastinated a LONGGGGG time over redoing the bathroom. Me and hubby are a good team and we can get the job done fairly neat, but it always is an uphill battle to get started. But now we are over the first hump, things are looking better already and the energy to continue just flows in :)
  • JLZ!!!!! Hugggggsss and kisses!! haven't read your novel, but just seeing you face made me want to rush to comment :)
    going to read now LOL
  • I knew it!!! I was counting the time and didn't expect you to pop in JLZ, wow those are some long workdays! And only 1 hour between client and leaving!?! brrrr the thought of leaving the last minute planning to my hubby is just terrifying LOL. But get your butt in bed and sleep honey, you will need it to get thru tomorrow! If I do not see you before you leave, have a wonderful time and enjoy you vacation to the max!! Love ya!
  • Good luck with the skeeters @JLZ666. I'm jealous of the view.

    So it's a PITA @Estar. It could just be from us being a PITA all the time.
  • @jlz666 sounds idyllic in the sun. But I fear that if the Scottish weather does it worst, and us Welsh know all about rain, it's not so good. But there again, no work, beautiful house, amazing views,just you and your other half, could be idyllic too....
    On the bathroom front: the shed at the top of the garden. My grandparents had one as late as 1972.
    @mvnla2 you're right, Burbman beats you hands down on the over average score
  • @rat I never thought EStar was a PITA
    @Estar I know it might be awful for you, but I'm glad to hear it's not as bad as I imagined
  • Hey everyone! ! Just a quick pop in before i get to fat behind. .@Jlz666 aww you poor lass you've worked yourself into a quite a state ..I wish you the bestest happiest most relaxing 'hols' sounds fantastic enjoy the break hun♥♥
    So we are all up to date on the Potty talk i hope haha
    @bernersenn :( your leaving us in the river race?
    Well congrats my friend you did a fine job of flinging and hopefully i will see you again and the River RatPack can meet up hunnybunny space.
    Speaking of which when IS the space update @Pa ?happy your thumb is feeling a bit better;)
    @hunnybunny your conducting this research as well ?
    Well i think it would be cool for whoever has the most above average scores entered legitimately to earn something. .I know @Burbman is a respected member so no question of his scores ;)
    OB I'll have a Marmoset killer please ;)
  • @hunnybunny you got that right, it could have been much worse. But January and february I spend lying on my back (not for the fun kind hahaha :p) on the couch, with little to no energy... that was a scary time, but luckily that was a separate issue and I did find the colporate of that. So what is left is indeed painful, uncomfortable and sometimes mind crushing... but luckily not life threatening.
  • @jlz666 Wow That is beautiful ,) looks very peaceful, )
  • @E-Star, so you have what we call here in the old U.S. of A. "a pain in the ass" (more delicate folks would call it a PITA :) Here's hoping the new self-therapy will work for you! I've had my own share of various muscle/nerve problems and it was always the self-therapy or some adjustment of the lifestyle that did the trick, so I hope the same applies to you!
  • Ooopsy (((((bhugs )))) @e-star i didn't see ya there♥
  • Ohhhhh I Wanna go there @jlz666 ... what a view huh?
  • JLZ are you trying to make me jealous??? hmmmm we both have vacation, but I think you got the better deal here hahahah, but much deserved hon, just enjoy!
  • @fenikus yup, like I mentioned to HunnyBunny, at first I had tons of other stuff going on which made it ten times worse and I guess one learns to live with a certain amount of pain and we humans just adjust when we need to. So either the self therapy is working or my brain has adjusted the levels of pain it can tolerate without it giving (subconsciously) constant attention, which drained all my energy. Just happy the potential real dangers have been eliminated these last couple of months and all that is left is (so the docs say) harmless but painful and annoying issues. It does suck though, I always ride my bike to work during the spring, summer and fall months... but I haven't been able to for 7 months and it is killing me to see the sun shining in the morning and me having to wait on the tram and sit uncomfortably for 30 minutes (but not in pain, unlike when riding the bike) and watching the beautiful weather pass me by. ow well... one day... one day...
  • Oh I'm really far behind now.
    @kathy no,no ,no honey you'll never have a fat behind! Too funny!
    @estar are we really talkin about your butt? Honey........;)
    @hunnybunny yep you know exactly what my holiday will be like ;) I love holidaying in our matter the weather :D
    @estar I'd have you both with me in a heart beat :D
    Ok I'm really done :(
    Night night all
    See you in a week.......or a couple of days depending in weather lol!
  • Oohhh @e-star you know Im not laughing at you situation ((((((hugs)))))
    I'm sowwy your just a funny gal Ssometime s;)
  • @kathy Never heard of it being referred to the medical way no... I did know the meaning, but didn't link the medical and the metaphorical meaning of it.... from now on I do.... thanks to mister @Rat!
  • Huh @jlz666 fat behind ? Whadda I say *reading back*
  • Happy Hols @Jlz666 we'll miss you. .have fun♥
  • @JLZ yup... IKR... fenikus asked me directly and you know me, I can not dodge a straight out question and well frankly, because the real nasties were ruled out all that is left are some stubborn muscles and nerves that just will not leave me alone. Like I mentioned in my earlier comment, I am not much for beating around the bush and always open and honest. Not like they will be sitting next to me in the theater and point fingers at me right?? hee hee
  • @kathy I couldn't find that comment either... I thought I skipped a few too.... must be the overworked brain of JLZ playing tricks with us ;)
  • Lol @e-star i think if i went to the theatre today. .they just might be pointing fingers at ya think hee hee..
    Haha fat behind I see what i typed now. .haha.. Oohh well
  • Nooo i see it e* my first comment above lol I meant 'far behind ' not bothering to fix it..haha
  • Goodnight all
    Happy holidays @jlz666
  • Naughty, naughty, @fenikus nighty, night
  • Nightly night @hunnybunny
  • LOL…thanks for the compliment Mrs. Bunny, g'night.
  • I would never call @Estar a PITA @Hunnybunny. I said I could be a PITA.

    I hope it's worth the wait.
  • Woohoo Pa that answers my question above; ) I may join you if i can; )
  • Ok I'm really going to bed but please listen out for your *ding* @kathy!
    Thanks @all
    See ya's!
  • Whahahaha @Kathy ermmm I think you could be right, We should go to the theater to getter, I am blunt enough to ask... Whatcha lookin at... Wanna pick a fight?! Don't cha be looking funny at my friend! LOL happy flinging!

    @Fenikus snickers that is too funny and ever so sweet of of you to say!

    Night night @hunnybunny
  • Mister @Rat it has been a long wait isn't it... I am still hoping for a normal seasons update instead of the advent at christmas, but it looks like Rovio is out of seasons to celebrate :(
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