The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2223
  • @jlz666 already thanks for the good luck token. If it works, I wanna ask you to repeat it on sunday. What I saw yesterday made me scared. Those germans walked through the defense of the Brasils as if they were not existing. I found it great, because the Brasils didn't belong in the semi-finals, cause they got tons of help from the refs.
  • My mistake @rat I just meant out of place. I didn't think anybody outside Britain would have heard of him so it was funny to see his name pop up in the middle of a conversation here.
    Going on that game @bernersenn,Brasil didn't deserve to get into the competition in the first place. You can't take it away from Germany though,they played well but I think the girls here in the pub could've beaten Brasil! I really would like to see a Germany V Netherlands final but as you say.....anything can afraid!! If they get through tonight then cross my heart I'll wear it on Sunday.........if it's late.........and I'm not in public ;)
  • @JLZ Eh, was just bored and time for a change, wanted to include the no-PU thingy. Mostly I hated the ugly puke-mint green color on my old one. Like I told someone else, it's not a real cat, just a cat head shape with some eyes and whiskers painted in. Of course, now that I'm using it, it's confusing the hell out of me. Lots of similar dark avatars in here. :)

    Oh crap. Please say that @estar PM nag was your idea. If she's resorted to outsourcing. I'm in trouble.

    @SweetP WB and of course you were missed. I figured you were playing Seasons, or on vacation. :)
  • @Rat I may have to book another weekend cruise on the River. All the splashing around has knocked me down to one high score. Fortunately, our BP Top 5 domination is still safely intact.

    edit: crap. Just got a 160k DCB on the challenge, which ruined my 140k Top 50 score.
  • I was intrigued by the pig bloat discussion
    Red bird to hit rock on top of nearest lava clump at nearest point, does not quite spin all the way (yet) then gentle nudge with bomb bird and 'pig bloat' follows.
    Does not seem to help much but who knows
  • @bernersenn, I normally would relish at the idea of seeing 8 goals in World Cup semi-finals but after Germany scored 4 goals in 6 minutes inside of first 30 minutes, I almost turned off my TV. It was like watching a Sunday morning pickup game. 6 minutes of brilliance by Germans and utter confusion by Brasil. Never seen anything like it in this level of competition, I was shell-shocked. Interesting statistic: Germans sent 12 balls into the goal and 7 of them were goals. They are a good team but I don't expect they'll have such an easy time against either Argentina or Holland.
  • Man, after all this football, you guys are going to need a week in rehab to get back to normal. :)
  • Okay, off to paint my face in Orange for later. I am conflicted though, I really like Lionel Messi. Either way, it's going to be an interesting final -- Germany has history with both Argentina and Holland in the finals.
  • @Kelani, they're weening us off gradually. I think we'll be okay ;-)
  • Hi @all! Just a flying visit, as I'm in total overdrive here getting ready for friends arriving Friday!
    As my scores are despairingly average and any high ones pure luck, I have no wealth to share with you in that respect. But I can share these with you:

    Cygnets hitch a ride

    Lovely montage of Pink Martini/Amado Mio

    A class act from the '50s: my most favourite magician ever


  • @fenikus, what are telling man? Against Argentina or Holland? When do the Germans play against Argentina? Friendly match or such thing? Todays match will be a formality - you'll see. Btw, @jlz666 is supporting us by wearing her - luck bringing - orange shirt.
  • @bernersenn, think Maradona era: 1986 and 1990 finals were Argentina vs. Germany.
  • @fenikus, my friend. True. I misunderstood you, thought you were talking about the coming final. Won't happen.
  • @fenikus, Jagger or no Jagger, doesn't matter.
    Btw, if Holland doesn't win tonight I'm the fool of the Nest tomorrow - at least of this Pub :-)
  • @Karen68 Very nice score you got on MM7! :) I entered my 143k at the same time. When the screen refreshed, I saw K and 144k and thought "nice typo, stupid" so I go re-enter my score. Refresh. It's still 144k! I was about to enter -1 when I finally noticed that score wasn't mine. :P
  • @JLZ That one's lovely. It's got the same spooky neon green eyes, too. I thought your current avy looked like an @estar original. I'd never seen Cute, Art Deco, Egyptian and Demonic influences combined before. kinda scary, but I like it anyway. :) btw, I think you guys are up to something sneaky. First she outsources the PM reminders to you, now she's resorting to bribery! Even worse, I noticed I actually owe her two PMs! Lordy, what have I gotten myself into?

    I figured a few of you ladies might be OPI fans. Paint companies do love staying trendy. I'd never heard of the brand til the commercial. My cosmetic counter visits ended 14 years ago, along with that goth phase my bandmates forced me into.
  • Go, holland, go
  • Go, Tootsie, go
  • "Go tootsie go" haahaaaa!!
    @kelani "cute" & "demonic" were all @estar had to work on.....I think she did a great job! I love my kitty :D Ummm no Kelani she actually didn't ask me to harass you,far from it. I didn't mean it to get out. I was surprised @kathy picked up on it to be honest!
    I'm currently curled up on the sofa in my blazing orange T shirt,eating a bowl of neon wotsits!!! I can't get more orange!
  • @JLZ yay 80s movie references! I think my cosmetics counter anecdote may have unearthed some repressed memories. *shudder* Anyway, yep, she did an awesome job, just like always. I wish there was a sculpture available. I kept a bust of Anubis on top of my left studio monitor, and your kitty would've been perfect on the right. :) Hmm. not sure what harassment you're referring to now. I meant my long-ago-promised PM reply, but I suspect you mean the infamous orange shirt. :P
  • Hey JLZ looking good in your orange angry ....... T shirt! Better not let Him know I am the least footie fan out there, not even watching, sorry @bernersenn. Have a wii fit date in a few :)
    Awwww I remember your avy well, so cute! But love you for never changing your cute but demonic avy, makes me proud to see it every day. Btw @kelani did you catch the tail-fun of her avy?

    Ow and kelani, I see the bribe didn't work.... Yet... Just so you know I have got a sweet selection ready to go, couldn't help myself when shopping for groceries today o_O
  • Gotta love and leave, wii fit is calling my name... Awwww it is so proud I am spending some quality time with him everyday, don't want to leave him hanging. Tata....
  • @estar That was actually the first thing I noticed :> Don't worry, your bribe wasn't in vain. I shall reply within the next 24 hours. Promise :D

    @All Hey, I just saw a commercial for the Rio2 movie, and at the end, I could've sworn it mumbled something about "15 Angry Birds levels" coming out on the same day (July 15). Didn't see anything about it in the news, though.
  • Hi every one! ! @bernersenn i will put on my matching shirt with @jlz666 :) hope it brings some luck for your team! !
    @sweetp lol of course we missed you ♡
    Thanks the the videos @TomPuss I haven't watched yet. . Just got in from work. Another loooong day:/
    OB I'll have a PigKiller please!
  • @JLZ666 Tee-hee :) OB, Hollands gin 'n' toxic all round, please!
    Me in bed (match too late for me), Hubz in front of telly. Go, Dutchies!
    Nighty night @all xoxo
  • @estar, no issue.
    @kathy, let's hope that your shirt brings luck. It's halftime 0-0 and the dutchies need some inspiration
  • Night night @tompuss X
    We're rocking the oranje tonight @kathy!
    I'm not being cynical but it's looking like both teams are waiting for penalties. Sorry but IMO nobody's fighting. Not a great game so far.
    @estar how to make me feel like a slob! You're on WiiFit...I'm on 3rd bag of crisps! I'd only ever change my avy for special occasions,she's mine for life! BTW babes if Holland get through tonight then you'll hear about it whether you want to or not! I think the neighbourhood will let you know!
    @kelani surely you can't be serious?
  • @JLZ serious about what?
  • @Kelani what is MM regarding your comment to karen68 ? And i just watched the Rio movie. . The first one. .but i kinda thought Rio 2 was out a while ago..I also think i saw something somewhere about a season an update hmmm..
  • Maybe it was ABN old commercial? @Kenobi
  • Have no idea what is going on in these players heads. They're playing like they don't want to lose not playing like they want to win. Extra time. Who would want penalties?! Arghhhhhh :(
    @kathy I'm waiting on his reply ;)
  • OB, I'll have my favorite, Tanqueray and toxic, please!

    Thanks for sharing those videos @TomPuss, I just adore those cute cygnets, hitching a ride on momma's back! Reminds me of the time I got chased by a black swan, as I was trying to find my golf ball that landed near the pond she and her babies were living in. I ran as fast as I could to get into the golf cart. My dad was laughing so hard, he nearly crashed the cart into a tree as we made our hasty escape!

    I love your old avy @JLZ666! Very sweet picture.
  • {football} yawn
    Don't often watch it. Now I know why
  • and Wikipedia both say "Three of four Angry Birds Rio episodes — all visually tied to Rio 2 — have been released." Dunno how reliable that is, but it does reference another update.
  • @Kelani I like law and order rerun marathons ;)
    Now Wikipedia eh'' not reliable imo
  • Hey @sweetp! Yep she was cute! Nice to see you X
    @hunnybunny it's sometimes a yawnfest but I had high hopes for tonight but sadly no ....I'm glad my house is a football free zone for most of the year! It's engines and wee white balls for the majority ;)
    @kelani......really? You didn't get it? Do I have to put quotations around it? ;D
  • @jlz666 what did you mean about babies ? One getting away sorry now i forgot. .you were telling @TomPuss. .crap I'll read back if needed.
  • @jlz but a penalty shoot out is always fun......
    Let's go and watch before bedtime
  • Hi @all! (Happy dance) It's been quite a while since I got a top score. Been slogging my way thru ABSW DS2. Nailed it on #15. Drinks on me!
  • @JLZ Oh wait. Did you just 80's movie reference me back? lol. Sorry, I went to pull weeds in the garden, and the humidity stole my brain. :P
  • Did I hear drinks being given out? I'll have a G&T - thanks @ABCrazy! @sunshine bought one over to me in B&R but that one hardly touched the sides going down - Hic!
  • Last comment before bed
    @kelani is officially certifiable
    Woo Hoo
    We knew it all along ;-)
  • @Hunnybunny wha.. no way. You're screwing with me again, aren't ya?

    edit: well, I'll be a... something or other. I thought for sure that'd go in the circular file.
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