The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3150
  • Well, Twiggy might think so…
    Two of the most hateful foods ever!
  • Crown! Again!
  • I was braised on raised liver... er... darned autocorrect. If mum was in a good mood we had it fried with onions and chips. Is Twiggy drooling? Bet no one else is.
  • I love liver. I used to get seconds and thirds at school because everyone else hated it. Mind you, looking at it wasn't a good idea. Yes, good with onions, makes a good butty. All right, I'll stop now @hunnybunny.

  • Ah the good old days when you ate what you were given. Can just imagine the look on the kids faces if I dished braised liver in onion gravy up for them. As if I'd just pulled the head off a humming bird.
  • BTW @hunnybunny, I left that crown opportunity to see if you would grab it. Think @kathy's got you bang to rights.
  • Does Boston have a signature dish @kathy? Apart from Irish stew obviously.
  • And Bunny why do the Welsh insist Welsh Rarebit isn't cheese on toast? For it surely is.
  • @BrianN it certainly isn’t just cheese on toast. You make a béchamel sauce with ale, rather than milk, and you add Worcestershire Sauce, mustard, whatever; lots of different recipes call for lots different additions. You turn off the heat under the pan, add the cheese, so it barely melts in the sauce
    Toast the bread, spread with rarebit, and put it under the hottest grill ever. Just to turn it caramel coloured. Otherwise the cheese is ruined.
    At least you didn’t call it Welsh Rabbit!
  • Ah, school dinners…
  • @DesperateDan it’s a bloody long time since I’ve counted the comments to steal the crown
  • OB! I'll have a Welsh Rarebit starter followed by the skewered rabbit. Cheers!
  • So you're admitting you used to count the comments to get the crown? Tsk tsk.
  • Dan used to count the comments to get the fez. Think he still does.
  • I don't think Mr and Mrs Bunny would eat rabbit.
  • Oh ye of little faith. The Spirit of cricket was not dead nor asleep though I may be slightly biased we should have won 5-0.
  • Fabulous game, series, albeit the Manchester rain took away our chance
    Today’s Quiz.
    Name the other five cricketers, as the amazing Broad did today, who took a wicket on the final ball of their international career (four are easy, if you get the other Welsh Rarebit and Bunny Skewers on me!)
  • Strangely enough, @BrianN @DeserateDan, I had rabbit pie about three weeks ago…
  • @DesperateDan first two rounds of Only Connect
    Mrs Bunny 1 -v- 4 Mr Bunny
  • Glen McGrath is all I've got @hunnybunny as I can remember him doing it against England (of course).
  • @BrianN another Aussie, two Sri Lankans (easy) and a New Zealander
  • @hunnybunny, no idea about the cricketers, don't know why you think it is easy. It would only be a complete guess.

    Amazing series though. It could have been 5-0 to England or 4-1 to Australia and that's no wild exaggeration. 2-2 probably fair although Bazball wins on the entertainment meter by 5-0.

    Best series ever? Really close but I think 2005 shades it because it was just as gripping, session by session and there was Ashes-deciding jeopardy right until deep into day 5 of the final test. But if the rain hadn't come at Old Trafford, this series would have been better than 2005, I think.
  • University Challenge
    Mrs Bunny 10 (robbed of at least eight points because the boffins answered before me)
    Mr Bunny, sadly only 4
  • What a great evening's viewing. Ashes highlights followed by Only Connect (3 points plus smashed one of the walls) and then an amazing University Challenge where the losers got 205 points.

    Oddly enough, one of the questions was about Marilyns (GB peaks with 500 foot drop on all sides, jokily linked to Munroes). I was planning my next Marilyn expedition only yesterday as there are a couple nearby I haven't climbed yet.
  • @DesperateDan OK not easy, but with my clues easy, well four are
    Mr Bunny got two straight away, without a hint
  • Wasn't counting my points but I was shouting answers at the screen a lot. Twiggy just gives me a funny look.
  • Could be Warne. Murili of course. Hadlee?
  • Murli and Hadlee Correct
  • Sri Lankan easy, Aussie hard
  • I'd still be guessing wildly. C'mon @brianN
  • And Broad and Wayne Daniels are the only two players (when batting) have hit a six off their last ball in International Cricket. No one will ever do both
  • Sri Lankan player with highlighted Rasta hair..
    Come on, Dan…
  • Ok My own fault I know because I'm trying to do 3 this at once! Started off reading my book, then stupidity but the t.v on Law and order whilst lurking in the BP, really need a nap, but Dave will be home any minute sh well like I said my own fault!
    But Please with the cricket talk, is it like American Baseball? I gotta know now having read it all day!
  • I think the nap is gonna win the battle as I've read the same paragraph 4 times :0
  • And I didn't even mention the beer I opened an hour ago, sitting here half drank/drunk idk
  • Oh god, you explain cricket to @kathy, @hunnybunny. Not sure I can face it.

    Actually, it is quite like baseball in terms of watching it. People sit and chat and stuff goes on quietly until every now and again there's a bit of action and everyone gets excited. I have been to a MLB game (Pittsburg). Everyone wanted to talk to me because they loved my accent so much.
  • Malinga the slinger?

  • I love spinach
  • @kathy, we are soul buddies.
  • Good Mornin' soul buddy:)
  • This place is getting too high brow for me as I'm university challenged. Lets dumb things down a bit(not like me is it?) Having commented on a couple of silly haircuts and seeing the wonderful Dave Hill(Slade) with his even more wonderful up yours haircut which combined with those teeth always makes me smile. So following Manic Monday I give you Tuesdays's (hair) Teaser.I'll start you with Alana Currie from The Thompson Twins, genuinely funny and vert ballsy for the eighties.
    Haircuts for the ages. What have you got?
  • That bloke from a Flock of Seagulls.
  • Very good offering @desperatedan. From the Meringue school of fashion.
  • So @hunnybunny & @desperatedan (sorry @kathy, put your fingers in your ears and shout "La la la la...") The Ashes are done. Next! The Hundred. Have Welsh Fire managed to get anyone decent this year Bunny or will they spontaneously combust again?
  • Heh heh The Met, otherwise known as the gift that keeps on giving. A commander in the force responsible for drugs response strategy has been outed for regularly taking LSD and magic mushrooms and smoking pot before going to work. Guess he's in a good position to know how to combat the evils of drugs.
  • Malinger the Slinger and Adam Gilchrist (amazingly)
    Off to cook dinner: bacon, ham hash cakes, eggs, mushrooms and baked beans
    Back soon with the stupid haircuts…
  • Sam Curran’s horrendous blond mullet
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