The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3148
  • And @BrianN those queens have nothing on me, I’m far more gorgeous / real / cuddly!
  • The Crown is mine! All mine! Again!
    Sorry Princess
  • It's like the old days. We got through a page in 2 days. Actually, it was several pages a day in the very old days. Quality, not quantity, that's what we have.
  • I meant IT (Information Technology) not it @kathy. Is that what you were confused about. Oh what the heck, forget all that and let's just share a few Pigkillers and a crispy pigear for Twiggy (who is snoring again, very unladylike).
  • Ohh @DesperateDan IT ok I get IT lol,
    Now having read my above post I get what your saying about IT :)
    *Pulls stool up next to Dan* OB a couple of Pigkillers over here and a big plate of Crispy Pig Ears, with an extra large bowl for Twiggy *
  • Very quiet in BP tonight
    @Kathy @DesperateDan @Ixian57 where are you?
    Missing Brian? Or rejoicing in his absence?
  • Trying to keep dry @hunnybunny. Miraculously managed a dry dog walk. Our emergency fall back in case of bad weather is Parc Menai. I think this must be the country's most scenic business park. People come here for a afternoon out, feed the ducks, go on the woodland walks. Many people come here for their driving lessons. Twiggy and I know all the secret paths. Saw a kingfisher today so I was made up.
  • No red squirrels yet though :-(
  • Most watched TV programme?
    Me and the Bunnyman are going Star Trek and MASH
  • @DesperateDan, Biblical rain here, too. Cooking, eating, and car to the pub for quick one!
  • I'm here, lurking, had a shower today:) uhm not much else going on, so the new question is Most watched movie?! I'm gonna say... American Graffiti, hmm do I pick 2, I'll pick for my second Saving Private Ryan (although I've never seen it?
    My most watched movie would be A Bronx Tale, just watched it yesterday Again lol, probably 100 times!
  • We had a biblical rain here as well last night it was awesome with k the waves crashing against the shore, was great as!!
  • Great as ? Idk why I typed that¿
  • When we lived on the Marina saw loads of fab birds, including Kingfishers, but the best was in a little wooded bit next to the car park: a green spotted woodpecker, actually pecking at wood!
    Little Things that make your day
    Love to you and Twiggy x
  • @Kathy, I remember coming out of a pub (can you believe I was actually in a pub, surely not!) on The Esplanade and a storm came across the channel, great crashing waves, lightning like you’ve never seen before, and loads of people sheltering under shop front to watch.
    Nature is wonderful
  • I don 't watch soaps so (sad this) probably University Challenge as it's been going almost 30 years since it restarted and we always watched it as a family. But that's not rewatching. For repeat watches probably something like Love Actually, I would guess about 4 times. No-one really watches something 100 times, do they? I don't think I would have read any book more than about 4 times, apart from the Very Hungry Caterpillar which I read out loud many many times.
  • As I said recently, I haven't really got into binge watching even though I have Netflix and obviously iPlayer. But I have been binge listening on BBC Sounds and there is definite theme developing. All of these very good BTW

    The Coming Storm (the road to Jan 6 and beyond)
    Virus (the hunt for the origins of Covid)
    Burning Sun (K-pop sex scandals)
    The Great Post Office Trial (the worst scandal imaginable - I was screaming abuse at the PO executives and in tears for the poor people affected)

    All conspiracy and scandal.

    Do you think I should get out more? (BTW, I do not believe in any conspiracy far as I know!)
  • @HunnyBunny * Eyes bulging* You were in a pub??? Oh my!
    Yes @DesperateDan 100x I've watched A Bronx Tale ! I swear! I'm very tired as usual :0
    Dave is cooking burgers on the grill, Loretta is making something in the kitchen, I can't say it's nice being sick, but it's nice having people do stuff for me :)
  • Have you guys ever experienced Edema ? It's awful ! I just want my life and my health back! :(
    I gotta go, gonna fling ToT a bit, I'll be lurking..
  • If only a Twiggy lick could do the trick @kathy. She did try when Chris had edema. She sensed something wasn't right. And Chris did get through it. Anyway, Twiggy sends a Twiggy lick anyway. She enjoyed the crispy pig ears but we do need to cut back!
  • Thanks @Twiggy for the Edema Lick , hopefully it will help put it away Bay:D
    "Don't say anything, but we'll still have our PigEars:D*
  • Rejoicing in my absence @hunnybunny but thanks for your kind words, I'm wiping away the tears as I type. On the Glasgow leg of the tour just time to mention the bloody rain in Manchester. Bloody rain bloody Aussies. Not too bad here, tomorrow it's Durham, Durham, Durham, Durham, Durham, Durham, Durham... You get the idea there. Most watched film? Citizen Kane. X
  • Most watched film = Lord of the Rings (I consider the trilogy to be one film!)
  • I thought Glasgow was very quiet yesterday knew there would be a logical answer as spock would say.
  • @DesperateDan I’m with you on University Challenge

    And most watched films are chosen by The Bunnyman
    Bond, every bloody Bond film, ever
    Any black and white (UK only) war film, God only knows how we one the war without Kenneth More, Jack Hawkins, John Mills, Richard Attenborough, et al
    Where Eagles Dare: does anyone actually understand it?

    In 2018 my New Year Resolution was NOT to buy any clothes, shoes, handbags, accessories, as long as he didn’t watch that bloody film
    I did it (although the Michael Kors website was bereft of everything on New Years Day) and I bought him the DVD!
  • Thinking @BrianN might be turning pink
    Agree on cricket
    There really should be an additional day if rain stops play for at least one day in a Test
    Strangely enough, it’s bloody sunny in Old Trafford tomorrow
  • I think, many years ago in Australia, they went the whole hog and added an extra test match when one got rained off. And I think they also played the first ever ODI instead of the test that got scrapped. Can't imagine that flexibility today.
  • Yep, Dan, Australia won’t budge an inch
    Should have played at The Rose Bowl, or Cardiff, weather down here is fine
  • Why can't a girl with no legs not play soccer? Because she's a girl.
  • Backtracking, most watched tv (not a fan) Friends.
  • Hey @hunnybunny, it's quizzy Monday. I challenge you to see who can get the most points on Only Connect. First two rounds. Anything more than zero always a success.
  • @DesperateDan What's Only Connect, and can only you and Bunny play?
  • @BrianN not a football fan, but at least the women don’t act like big girl’s blouses
    Football: eleven men pretending to be hurt
    Rugby: fifteen men pretending not to be hurt

    @DeperateDan I was so cynical of three young girls on Only Connect: they smashed it
    Mr Bunny 1 -v- Mrs Bunny 6
    (Missing vowels round, so not a success on your criteria, got a few connections too)

    @Kathy it’s the most complicated quiz show ever. To even understand the questions should give you a point. Only on BBC, so yes me and Dan and Brian play
  • Never seen a single episode of Friends
    Nor Game of Thrones, Hunger Games, Love Island (obvs) and probably loads of other “most watched” TV shows
  • Same here @hunnybunny. Those girls are my favourite team. I thought they were going to crash and burn but no! I got 1 point but would have got a few more if I had a few more seconds each time. We always froze the walls for about 5 minutes.
  • Er, wow @karen68. Just wow!
  • @Hunnybunny I Love Quiz Shows, Let's pick a day and make it ,Quiz Show Day ? Anybody game ?
  • Hi @,Karen68 :)
  • @Karen68 are you mad at me? Upset with me?
  • OB please Bring @Karen her Special Stock, however many fingers she wants on the house , my treat :D I really wish they could fix the smileys in here!
  • Let's play some music?
  • Never @Kathy! I’d use heart emojis if I could.
    Thank you for the drink, I’ll enjoy it this evening after work.

    @desperatedan my jaw hit the floor on that one.
  • I heard there was some controversy over this song?
  • Thanks @Karen68 That's good to hear : ) and there's always a drink waiting for you :D
  • Ok gonna try to improve ToT ha!
  • Forget ToT ! Gonna read my book, I'll be lurking about. My daughter is supposed to come and visit me today !
  • Have you tried Wordle @kathy? Could be a little competition?

    Song seemed OK, was the problem the video? The singer? Taken at face value the song ought not to offend. But things are so complicated in the States at the moment.
  • Done it again. Got a puppy score on a level but on the day afterwards. Still stuck on 29. My private "score" is about 35. Sigh.
  • Interestingly enough, my Classics score and my ABO scores were very similar. But @karen68 has super powers.
  • What the heck did @Karen68 do?
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