The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3151
  • I should have said mullets are banned, they're beyond funny.
  • Maisie Adam, comedienne, look her up…
  • Is that The Incredible Mrs Maisel?
  • Yes I like that one @hunnybunny. Very Brian Eno.
  • @Kathy
    There are two teams
    One is in, so they send out two players
    The other one is not in, but out, so all eleven players are in the field
    The team that is in, bats, until one of them is out. Another one comes in, until he’s out. They all take in in turns to come in and get out
    Then the team was not in, but out, repeats the pattern, sometimes for five whole days, and sometimes it ends in the most disappointing, mind numbing draw!
  • Love The Beano
    All piled up in my grandparents house
    Long story cut short: actually my grandmother’s sister and her second husband, with a budgie in a cage
    They were fab!
  • Watching The Hundred
    Not keen, the green and purple graphics do my head in (probably too much wine!)
    But at least the horrendous loud music has been muted…
  • The last(and best) of the great British comics still going strong. A pal of mine still has a subscription even though his kids left home years ago. Jealous.
  • No such thing as too much wine. Graphics don't bother me but loud music at sporting events(especially during play) is a pet hate of mine. I keep thinking it's the neighbours kicking off.
  • Ha Ha, only the Beano would feature an abandoned slime factory.
  • Why are you eating breakfast for dinner @hunnybunny?
  • Oooh, I was checking out the Mighty Hoax 5-15 walkthrough page and someone there a few years ago referred to the sexy and crazy @karen68. Whatever used to go on the nest back then? I think we should be told.
  • The Owl too is an onion.
  • Ironic news flash No. 2
    Lizzo outed for fat shaming!?
  • @DesperateDan I knew without looking at the walkthrough that it had to be Xebic who said it. That’s just the way he was.
  • Settling down to watch last two episodes of series 3 of one of life's little pleasures Der Pass.
    "What's that?" I hear you cry. Well in ep 1 s1 a body was found exactly straddling the Austro-German border in the Alps thus necessitating the cooperation of a German detective and an Austrian cop both completely different in character and moral outlook.

    Loosely based on The Tunnel where a body was found exactly in the middle of the Channel tunnel thus necessitating the cooperation of a French cop and an English detective both completely different in character and moral outlook.

    Which was loosely based on The Bridge where a body was found exactly straddling the border on the Malmo/Copenhagen bridge thus necessitating the cooperation of a Danish detective and a Swedish cop both completely different in character and moral outlook.

    I'm actually waiting for the version where a body is found in the middle of The Ambassador bridge @karen68 thus necessitating the cooperation of a Canadian cop and an American detective both completely different in character and moral outlook.

    I'm not selling this am I? Actually apart from the body on the boundary(you won't see that in Hundred) it's very different from it's predecessors and really quite layered. Seeds sown in series one are only just producing shoots now. It's on C4 if anyone fancies it. Given that it's in subtitles you probably won't hear from me again tonight but please take heart I'll be back tomorrow. X
  • @BrianN I’m sure that’s the sort of stuff Bunnyman watches in his Man Cave
  • So what is wrong with the All Day Breakfast?
  • Missing a little black pudding maybe?
  • If that's not to your taste can I recommend The Change. Extremely funny take on the descent into the menopause as I'm sure you ladies will agree a seam rich in humour . Written by and starring Bridget Christie she gives men a good kicking along the way. Delightful.
  • Bloody Hell, @BrianN, I’m well past the menopause, everything obsolete, down there…
    But will check it out
  • ... Ahem got more information than I bargained for there...
    Quickly changing subject:
    Seasons update. Yay!
    Have been marooned in what Rovio laughingly call Abra-ca-bacon for ages. There ain't no magic here just sad faced clowns. If the name hadn't already been taken by John Bunyan I'd have gone for Slough of Despond where hopes and dreams are crushed by fear and self doubt.
  • Like some of you guys I use the compare feature @asher is usually so far ahead I track whoever is in second place. In the case of ACB it's gordo(with a number I can't remember) and he must be some kind of savant. His scores are eye numbing. Not as good as @asher's but we know he's in league with the devil so that doesn't count. I wish I could just disappear through a portal.
  • Phil Oakey, of course, on the haircut front.
    Kate Pierson and the other one in the B52s.
  • 1351 pages in and John Bunyan gets a mention.
  • 1351 pages in and Slough gets a mention.
  • Lunchtime Seasons update:Boo!!
    Rovio you @#*&holes.Last night just before retiring to bed I lost all my progress again and this time it wasn't my fault, no pressing Facebook button by mistake. Don't know how it happened but my tablet spongs out frequently necessitating restarts on a regular basis and after last night's reboot found myself locked out of all levels from S Ham to ToT... Again!!
    Fizzing. Does anyone have Chris Hemsworth's no.? I need the extraction team(bet Mr Bunny has seen that one).
    Mind you there's no point in storming Rovio offices they'll soon be Sega offices. Do you think if I send them a nasty letter it might stop the £700 m takeover bid going through?
  • Sorry @desperatedan wasn't ignoring you there just had to get off my chest. Means I have to get more coins to unlock Slough of Despond (SoD for short) and play the bugger again. Thank goodness I decided to put my scores down at the nest as I went along. First world problems eh?

    Yes I did have Phil Oakey in mind re funny haircuts but as well as being humorous it was also gorgeous. Didn't he have a gig with Silvikrin or L'Oréal at one point?
  • Caught The Fire the other night @hunnybunny and I reckon if they changed the name of the tournament to The 40 your boys have a chance.
  • @BrianN think you’re right, are you watching now?
  • Not fond of poetry, but this gem from John Betjeman:
    Come friendly bombs, and fall on Slough,
    It’s not fit for humans now…

    Sounds a bit like Brian’s android rubbish, has never happened on Apple (for me, at least, three iPads on and every score faithfully carried over)
  • Yes Ricky Gervais didn't put Wernham Hogg in Slough for nothing.

    I am watching The 100 @hunnybunny. The Mrs is out on the lash with her pal Suzy' Glug' so the tv is all mine. Looks like Fire have a top notch bowling line-up but brittle batting. Could be close tonight though.
  • But what you've really been waiting for:Seasons update update... update.
    3* enough levels to unlock Abra-ca-Slough and my progress was all there!?!? Same with Wonderham. Baffling is not the word.
  • Fire snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

    Southern Braves doubled their score in the last quarter of their balls. Dwell on that.
  • I once hitch-hiked a lift from The Severn Bridge services to a roundabout in Slough from a young female member of the Welsh National Opera.
  • Throw an American place name into a song and it takes on an air of mysticism, adventure and romance. Just doesn't work in this country.
  • The Seven seas of Slough is a classic @desperatedan.
    Fog on the Tyne
    Billericay Dickie
    Camden Town
    Daggenham Dave

    What you on about Dan. They all sound very poetic. In fact we should take an alphabetical tour round songs featuring london towns or boroughs(heh heh).

    Nah they do sound naff though I think Waterloo Sunset bucks the trend.
  • The Fire were unlucky tonight @hunnybunny comes under the category 'Could've gone ivor way(you have to say it in a louche cockney accent). Better season this 100 for WF. Couldn't be worse of course.
  • Dumped on a roundabout in Slough by a member of the WNO must've been a real low point @desperatedan.
  • Anyway enough of this frivolity and back to the main subject which is my Seasons progress of course. I've worked out that if indeed all of my progress on previous levels is intact it means I won't have enough coins to unlock my past efforts. Going forward can go from Slough to Valhalla no problem but my OCD may not allow me to leave previous episodes unlocked. What to do? The obvious solution would be to buy coins with actual cash. I know I can hear you coughing and spluttering @ixan57.Don't worry my friend my response to that is to use the words get and stuffed in a two word sentence. Maybe I could watch adverts for two years to get free coins. Maybe Eamon Holmes would look good in a pink catsuit. Maybe I will disappear down a portal...
  • When are we going to see Northern Superchargers or Manchester Originals? Levelling up my arse as Jim Royle would say.
  • Good night my friends I hope I haven't been too verbose this evening but I have skin like a rhinoceros so please tell it like it is. Do I discourage chatter?
  • Not at all @brianN. For me, music, cricket and angry birds is a perfect anal blend.
  • That Costello video is unwatchable due to the excessive perspiration quotient though.
  • Thanks @desperatedan you're too kind. Steviep147 making a Classic video. Whatever next?
  • Howdy folks! How's everyone today
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