The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3159
  • @DesperateDan i'm pretty sure Brian's N is not numpties
  • How do you know, King ixan?
  • @DesperateDan on your head be it, not the crown the wrath of Brian
  • Saw a woman today wearing the most voluminous pants. Not a good idea on a windy day I thought she was going to take off. It was like watching two stripey windsocks having a fight.
  • Given the way England played against Fiji and Samoa played against Ireland, England could be going home after the group stage in the RWC. Not looking so smug now are they @hunnybunny?
  • Still smug, “we are just trying out players and tactics…”
    I made that up, but sounds about right

    Dan, quizzing time! Although I’m loving the Attenborough Mammoth programme. All those Neanderthals, just where I am in The Short History of Everything
  • Can anyone here cook?
    My neighbours have coffee and croissants delivered for breakfast FFS!
    And Pizzas for dinner. Also delivered.
    The Pizza Express is £3 with Clubcard at Tesco, a ten minute walk, and £12 for delivery
    Today we had Bunny Chow (no rabbits were harmed in the making of the dish) just a South African shanty town meal. Take a round loaf, cut it in half, scoop out the doughy middle - make croutons or bread crumbs for the freezer - stuffed with a veggie curry. About £2 per portion, depending on the price of the bread.
    Rant over…
  • When you've read that, you need to read The Body, also by Bryson.

    2 points only, the mergers one. Knew more but I was just too slow. Poor on UC but how can such intelligent people be so crap at British geography. North Downs in Wales? Dartmoor in Cornwall. You get my drift.
  • Pizza not a good idea anyway. I must cook more. Share with the dog quite a lot so have to avoid onion. Don't get me wrong, she has dog food but she has this Twiggy way of persuading me to hand over my food. It cannot be resisted.
  • Just watching the latest Bond which I haven't seen before. Nonsense but fun.
  • I do most of the cooking in our house @hunnybunny, I'll eat most anything but the other three are quite picky. In fact my youngest won't eat a meal unless the word nugget appears in it. Wife and daughter like chicken/fish/pasta whereas I prefer red meat n two veg so often three different meals on the go. Although ironically they'll both eat beef mince (the lowest form of meat-except nuggets, as we know they're basically mechanically separated chicken arse and scrotum) Rissoles!

    So Shepherd's pie is a regular on the menu and living in a rural area means you can easily get hold of a nice cut of sheperd, especially if you don't mind roadkill. It's pretty basic stuff but I think the devil is in the seasoning. I'm often complimented on the size of my rack... er spice rack obviously. I ran out of herbs(I love saying herbs in a scouse accent) the other day had to cadge some from a neighbour. Can't shake the feeling I'm living on borrowed thyme...

    Welsh faggots anyone?
  • As a alternative to chicken nuggets why not try them out on chicken balls (same thing?) @BrianN
  • Shepherds pie is minced lamb.
    Cottage pie is minced beef.
    So make them Cottage pie. Simples
  • And if you really want to spice things up, try curried chicken balls
  • I hope you are referring to spicing up meal times @ixan57.
  • Is @Ixan57 the new cook?
  • If he is then expect tatties and neeps on the BP menu @kathy.
  • On cooking, I’ve never heard of him, but his Nigella is priceless
  • Bloody Hell, I got the Blue Error Box, not seen that for years!
  • Tatties, Neaps and Haggis: three puréed baby food!
    My best dishes: the aforementioned Shepherd’s Pie (with “Heart Attack Mash” so much butter and cream and egg yolk…) Lamb Biriyani and Paella
  • Well I didn't and that was very funny. Possibly understated!
  • I wonder if the Royal Mail could cope with portions of Lamb Biriyani.
  • Too many cooks spoiling the broth around here. I also do a lovely Heinz tomato soup.

    Did you ever see Harry Hill's Nigella?
  • Having a look at today's challenge @hunnybunny and you've excelled yourself with that mark. Were you wearing exploding platforms at the time?
  • My son's not quite this bad, though he does like hoops.
  • Cottage pie is what I make them @ixan57 but thanks for pointing out shepherd's pie is made with lamb, makes perfect sense. However my mum always made it with beef and called it shepherd's pie so it will always be shepherd's pie to me. Have you tried it with finely chopped carrot as well as onion and cheese on top with a dash of Worcester sauce in the mince? And yes to the heart attack mash.
  • Heh Heh. Takes hoops to a new level.
  • Ok, that's enough hoops.

    I feel I am trapped in an AB Two Ronnies sketch. Getting pups from yesterdays Challenge. Think that's about 5 now. Worth a new badge?
  • Not something LeBron James ever said.

    On the other subject :get a grip.

    The Badger
  • Ali Bongo! There's a name to conjure with.

    Hokus pokus, fishbones chokus!
  • @HunnyBunny I got the 'Fatal Error box ' the other day, agree is been years
  • Yes @Kathy I got the fatal error also it was @BrianN
    From Brian's last post i think he has lost his marbles. He is from somewhere up near Elgin
  • Very very good @ixan57. Your standard has gone up recently.
  • Loved Life on Mars and Burp!
  • So what was yesterday’s Challenge?
    Out all day and missed it!
  • Talking of hoops, went to a posh restaurant on Sunday. Mr Bunny ordered the Squid (OK, they’re rings not hoops) Squid Ink the batter, so looked cremated, but tasted delicious…
  • Gus Squidink. Feeling a little fishy today. Nowhere near Elgin.
  • S Hamerica 1-18 Bunny. Anton came closest.
  • What is this fatal error box of which you strange people speak? It sounds ominous.
  • No recollection of that top score, whatsoever, but did leave the breadcrumbs, as Rat would’ve said
  • It is a little seen, tiny, white box, with an extraordinary badly pixelated blue outline, saying “Fatal Error” IN BLACK!
    Don’t worry, it hasn’t killed a Nester yet, as far as we know…
  • Who knows @hunnybunny, it might be like Final Destination. Once you receive that message maybe your time's up.
  • England supreme tonight. Do the cricket team qualify as smug English B'stards?
  • Absolutely not!
    Just those Rugby players
  • Blue moon-ah you saw me standing alone-ah.
  • Well we all piled outside to look at the moon but it was low in the sky and obfuscated by clouds so we drove to Little Brechin(waved at Matt Lucas) it's just a couple of miles out of town('bout 100 miles from Elgin) and the clouds parted like the Red Sea, beautiful. In fact it was Super but not very blue.
  • Think I might've seen a couple of wolfmen down the town. All is normal.
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