The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3161
  • Morning birders, what's afoot? Right bunch of Mickey takers round here @kathy, just ignore them.
  • Went to a slimming class today. It was a waist of money.
  • I have just joined the Apostrophe Protection Society.

    Nobody is safe.
  • Both my feet are about size7 smartass. I'm on page 193\500 not gonna finish by the 6th.,..
  • Loved Frankie Valli and The Night, whoever played it
    One of my favourites
  • Pretty sure a US size 7 is a 5 here, definitely plus or minus 2, so possibly Kathy has size 9 feet!
  • My size 9 is US size 9 1/2 so I think you are being a bit unfair there.

    On the Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons front, great song, but why are there only four of them on the record sleeve? Which season got ditched?
  • Think I'm going to have to join the Ellipsis Protection Society as well...
  • What are you saying. I have big feet?
  • Has Dan put his feet in it again? Better not mention big knickers.
  • Listening to a little Roxy Music tonight. Contrary to the belief of some snobby musos they didn't die after Eno left.
  • Love US dress sizes, I’m a 8 to 10 depending on fit!
  • Typical Sunday
    I prepare the Lunch
    Go to pub
    Drink too much
    Eat the lunch
    With wine (obvs)
    Fall asleep, possibly snoring (OK definitely)
    Wake up guess the film Bunnyman is watching: 633 Squadron
    I get it right every time

    Any other day it’s Bunnyman snoring in the afternoon, whilst I watch crap on TV

    I love Sundays
  • Now watching No Time To Die, which is the longest film I’ve ever seen in the cinema without falling asleep, rolling my eyes, tutting or otherwise annoying fellow film watchers
  • Have we had a best Bond discussion?
  • Got Twigs onto a proper big Welsh mountain this weekend. My mistake. I'm stiff and aching. She's her normal bouncy self. On the way down we went through some quarries where they filmed part of one of the Lara Croft films.
  • @DesperateDan sounds like: The Englishman Who Went up a Hill but Came down a Mountain.
    Great film.
  • No quizzes for us today
    Out with our oldest friends, she’s just retired, other friends both retired, another two: she retires in October. And The Bunnyman has eight days left!
    I fear for our pockets and livers…
  • Does this mean you will have the Bunnyman at home watching 633 Squadron every day?
  • Islands in the Stream
    Woman in Love
    Chain Reaction


    They hadn't got the foggiest. Not even when they were given the answer. They were exceptional at everything else but oddly not a clue on this one (Only Connect).

    One of those screaming at the screen moments.
  • @DesperateDan no googling, is it they are written by the same person
  • Not heard from @BrianN for a couple of days. Hope he is OK, maybe gone looking for his marbles.
  • They are all American singers
  • Not a clue, Dan, came up with Barbie and Friends and Gavin and Stacey
    Answer please
  • On Films, more likely Where Eagles Dare…
    I’m sure I’ve told you lot already
    2018: I gave up buying clothes, shoes, accessories et al for my New Year Resolution, which I stuck to, Mr Bunny not allowed to watch the aforementioned (one of my favourite words) film. I bought him the DVD for Christmas. He has a TV where you can slot the DVD in!
  • Mr Bunny guesses Gibb brothers…
  • Well yes, I thought the fact that they were all written by the Bee Gees was something any fule kno. Well done Mr Bunny.

    On that note, Bee Gees only group to have a No 1 hit in both 1960s and 1970s. Bit surprising. Think they had one in the 1980s as well.

    Is @ixan57 going to explode in a few days time?
  • Gnight Birdie Friends :)
  • This is ominous, I'm taking cover.
  • That collapse of the air traffic control system. The excuses are red herrings. Special sources are indicating that it was due to UFO flying activity in the Brechin area. This might explain @brianN going off grid.
  • Now here's a connection between myself and @brianN.

    Twiggy and I enjoy doggy romps on a lovely piece of land in Upper Bangor, open grassland and some trees sloping down to the Menai Strait with great views. This piece of land was donated to the people of Bangor about 100 years ago by its previous owner, a local and prominent solicitor called John Glynne Jones. His daughter was Mary Glynne who was a very distinguished plant scientist and mountaineer. For much of her career she worked at the world renowned Rothampsted Agricultural Experimental Station in Harpenden, Hertfordshire. For some of the time she was there the Director of the station was the Scottish horticultural scientist Sir William Gammie Ogg. When he retired he moved to Scotland and upon his death he was buried in Edzell churchyard, no doubt just a stone's throw from where @brianN enjoys a lunchtime pasty.

    Tenuous? Ah, but there is more. I spent my childhood in Harpenden and my parents lived there for 50 years. I know Rothampsted well and Mary Glynne was something of a local celebrity as no doubt Sir W. Ogg must be up in Angus. If not he should be. I think you need to pay homage to his final resting place Brian.
  • Ah got the link. You have both lost your marbles.
    But seriously based on clue pasty. Forfar bridie But don't how that would connect both of you.
  • Brian active today, so who upset him?
  • It's not 1 we need to worry about @hunnybunny, it's zero. Letting a Scotsman loose with numbers is a worrying thing.
  • But still waiting for 1, it comes before zero, obvs
  • I'm taking nothing for granted with @ixan57.
  • I was lost ,but now I'm found :D
  • Finished my 550+ page book hurriedly, anxiously waiting to start my new car 'Holly' by Stephen King. Only 500 pages to this one, but I'm not gonna rush it, so if you've been wondering about my silence that's why.
  • Gnight Birdie friends :>
  • Everybody Pray for birds, we need more in the Nest! I wish the emojis woked here @Birdleader, I do understand it's 'offsite' and difficult to write the code, how about hire @comex666 to do it, o īill even pay him, anyway gnight *insert sleeping bird here* lol gnite
  • This could actually be an infinite series.
  • Why is everyone surprised that Xi and Putin aren't at the G20 summit? All heads of SPECTRE have been called to Moscow for their AGM. Top of the agenda is the spiralling cost of assassinations. Should keep Asher busy though @desperatedan, chance to reel in his scores in ABO?
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