The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3162
  • Discussion of best Bond villain might be livelier than best Bond given Craig has absolutely nailed it(though the Welsh Bond very underrated - ahead of his time I think). Blofeld the obvious one. Barrel of Watneys Party 7 for anyone who knows how many different actors played him on screen. Also some pork scratchings for knowing what SPECTRE stands for.
  • Oops I feel like such a fraud. Anyway on the subject of lost marbles this is for you @ixan57.
  • @BrianN thought you would be more original
    On the subject of counting you waited all that time to get the fez and @Kathy 's crown.
    It is like the storyline from the Johnny English film.
  • @HunnyBunny why would anyone upset Brian?
    If you have a answer let me know.
  • Very original @ixan57, at least you didn't go for Europe. I think I prefer you snoring in the LL.
    Upset little old me? But I'm so nice and fluffy and cuddly and as thick skinned as a pachyderm.
  • Anyone in Edzell heard of Sir William Gammie Ogg then? Apparently he's the most famous person to have lived there.
  • Special Executive for counter intelligence terrorism revenge and extortion
    So says the Bunnyman
  • Did you ever say what the Bunnyman does/did for a living @hunnybunny? I'm starting to have my suspicions.
  • Blofeld
    Charles.. Something
    Telly Savalas
    Donald Pleasance
    Max Bon Sauder

    Bunnyman again
  • Bunnyman was a special counter terrorist operative in the South Wales Police Licensing Department
    There are dead / broken / mad licensees all over Cardifff
  • Mozart Mass at The Proms. Anyone?
  • Suspicions confirmed.
  • Binge watching Life on Mars I'm afraid @hunnybunny. I never saw it the first time round and when I played the 'oops scene (which was the only bit I knew) I realised it was worth a shot.
  • One of his most beautiful works @hunnybunny. Fraid Mr Bunny only gains the pork scratchings.
  • No one in Edzell has heard of Wiiam Gammie Ogg.
  • Well, you must go to the churchyard then and spread the news.
  • Unless of course when @ixan57 gets to zero, the world ends. I have been entertaining this as a possibility and have put my affairs in order.
  • It's quite evident that being bereft of marbles is a prerequisite for posting comments here in the BP. Goodnite all.
  • Patience @DesperateDan all will be revealed when it happens. Officially 14.24 BST
  • Mornin'' Birdie friends :)
  • ZERO
    Well after 37 years service in the railway industry including driving, signalling, maintenance and current job station services the company made me a very generous offer to retire early as i have not been at work since 5th January due to ill health and on full pay. (age related vertebrae wear and tear in the neck causing pain when cold or repetitive heavy lifting. Nothing serious but they don't want any liability for the future.) My retirement age(66) is this December so was very surprised at the offer and accepted it. At 14.24 BST my shift was meant to end if at work, the contract of settlement comes into force at that time. So my dear friends.
    P.S sorry @DesperateDan there is no apocalypse and yes @BrianN before you say it (I can read you like a book) I did say pain in the neck.
    Footnote all you guys and girls in the BP are the best, thanks for the company and banter.
  • @Ixan57 That's a neat song :) I'll have a Bloody Mary, easy on the bloody play part double the vodka please!: I can your not leaving the Nest though right?
  • No @Kathy not leaving the nest. Will be dead and buried when that happens.
  • Well that's good news @Ixan57 :) not the dead and buried par, of course, but that you not leaving the Nest :D
  • @Kathy any response from your request for BP pictures and icons, remember the pictures that were posted, especially Halloween seemed to get good response and birthdays
  • I don't understand the question @Ixan57 , Did I get any response to my request for pictures? No I did not, in fact I don't remember requesting pictures ¿ Oltimers kicking in
    I'm tired, I think îll take a nap, be back in a bit.
  • @Kathy the comment on page 1361 near the bottom 8th September to birdleader
  • Okay thanks @Ixan57 I will check it out after my nap
  • @Ixan57 yeah I remember now, I asked @Birdleader that before and something to do with the BP being off-site and a bunch of techno gobblygook that I couldn't understand for the reason it couldn't be done, idk .
  • @ixan57 CONGRATULATIONS and welcome to the retirement club!!!
  • Sounds like you and the Bunnyman are in retirement synchronisation @ixan57. Congratulations. You can take up a hobby. But lay off the hedge hopping.
  • I swear the earth moved slightly at 1424.
  • Some of these pathetic mismatches in the Rugby World Cup are a total waste of time. If the teams are not good enough, why include them?
  • @ixian57 enjoy your retirement
    Mr Bunny has four and a half days to go.
  • Dan, some guy came into the pub and asked “Will you be showing Ireland v Romania on the big screen, with sound!”
    Nope, it’ll be on the small TV, no sound…
  • @ixian57 Mr Bunny thinks you are far to young to retire. He’s got three years on you
  • Last night of the Proms
    Best closing speech, ever, ignore the koala, and stick with it…
  • Completely different, now watching Amy Winehouse playing in The Dingle (pissed, both me and her)
    Ever been to The Dingle?
    If you think it rains in Wales or Scotland, try The Dingle
    Beautiful, but wet; very, very wet….
  • Well @ixan57 now that you're retired you might be able to post some decent AB scores. Heh heh.
  • Went to The Dingle today.
    Different Dingle. This one on Anglesey.
    Twiggy fell into a deep muddy ditch and swam to the other side to try and escape, but she couldn't get out. She was frightened and wouldn't swim back. I had to take my shoes and socks off and roll my shorts up before slithering into the ditch. There was about a foot of water but alarmingly about 15 inches of mud. I was quickly up to my thighs. Waded across somehow, retrieved anxious dog and shoved her back up the bank she had gone done in the first place. Could only just lift her high enough to get her out. Then I had to drag myself out. We were both in a bit of a mess but nothing that a rub down and a couple of biscuits couldn't put right. Finished a great walk. Home for shower.
    So that's The Dingle for you.
  • Thrill of the chase closing in on @asher for top spot in The Big Setup. Just 4k behind now. Yes, I have the advantage of using Classics but that's not where most of my points are coming from at the moment. I just hope he hasn't noticed, it's very tough getting any more points at the moment. And 88k needed to reach 91 million in ABO. Should be able to do that if I get my Jurassic Pork mojo working. Ughhh!
  • Oh, poor Twiggy and Dan. Another Dingle: Dingle Road is our closest train station, and the nearby park obviously known as Dingley Dell
  • Off to bed, disillusioned with:
    1. Tennis final, just don’t like either of them
    2. Today’s Puppy Challenge. Described as a “Fun Level” Well it ain’t if you’ve got below par score that you can’t improve on
    Nighty nighty
  • @HynnyBunny The two I wanted to see in the final both lost in the semifinals:-(
  • Well, you must rush out and buy this then @hunnybunny.
    They don't sell music like this any more.
  • @Sweetp clean up needed in the BP , we got a spammer:( page 3163, about hallways down, you can't miss it!
  • JD Button and Tom Hanks are chasing round and round the terrace waving chairs at the spammer. OB might hyper-inflate at any moment. The lurkers are cowering in their booths. 'Bout time we had a bit of excitement in the BP.
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