The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3163
  • Only 500 points behind @asher. Shusshh, everyone...
  • Only 500 points behind @asher. Shusshh, everyone...
  • It's ok, you can all come out now, they've caught him. Tom Hanks is sitting on top of him. OB has gone for a lie down.

    Says his name is Sir William Gammie Ogg but we know that's rubbish because nobody would ever ever be called that.
  • Anyone seen my marbles?
  • 147 points behind...

    Ooops, I think I stood on a creaky floorboard.
  • Nope, but Asher can hear you coming…
  • I've told he has urgent SPECTRE business to attend to.
  • Anyway you have couple of pints and a nap in the Lurkers and all hell breaks loose.
    Spammer nicks crown and fez!
  • As for your marbles @desperatedan mine turned up in Clydebank. Just saying.
  • @kathy "clean up required in the BP"??
    Poor @sweetp won't know where to start.
  • For some reason I can't stop thinking about Mandy Dingle covered in mud. Please help me!
  • Beyond help…
  • We got the crown and fez back but they are going to need a bit of TLC. To tell the truth, I don't think the fez is gonna make it. It got a bit of collateral in all the argy-bargy.

    Anyway, 6 points in OC tonight, but I came in a bit too late on the Wordle one, darn.
  • Speaking of argy-bargy those Smug'ards did alright on Saturday evening @hunnybunny.
  • "You've all gone quiet over there!"
  • So nobody answered my exciting Blofeld question correctly. Mr Bunny's effort was noble but 5 is not enough. I am being a little tricksy, itwould take a true Bond aficionado to get the right answer.
  • No idea, I'm afraid.
    @asher overtaken and Wordle in 2. Good end to the day.
  • He's swivelling in his comfy chair stroking his pussy as we speak.
  • Well done Dan
  • How exciting, I'm on @asher's tail again, 3k behind in Surf 'n' Turf. He's only second though so maybe he won't mind so much. @jrsquonk is the one to beat. Anyone know anything about them? He's got unbelievable scores all the way through Jurassic Pork but very erratic elsewhere.
  • @DesperateDan good on you, going after @Asher, and yeah @jrsquonk is an upstanding flinger.
  • What on earth is going on in the States? I think we need to export marbles. I think this is a disaster for the Republicans. I'll shut up now.
  • Ignore the last comment @kathy. How's the new book going?
  • Well done, Dan
  • It’s tit for tat politics
    Def need marbles, in truck loads
    Mind you, our lot are no better: we have Dripford here; and the tax evader (I’ve actually no problem with his wife paying tax in India, that’s where the businesses are and where the tax should be going) who heads up party full of drunken fools, and the Tool Maker’s son who made Kier Starmer, the tool who individually destroyed the criminal justice system when the DPP
    And all they do is bicker, make allegations against each other, reverse every policy done by the previous Government, rather than getting down to making this country a better place to live
    Rant over
    And sorry for breaking BP rules, not
  • No I was just starting my own countdown.
  • Everyone knows that countdowns start at 5 or 10 or (in Countdown) 30. You can't start at 7, 'taint natural. I tell thee, nubbut good'll come of it.
  • By the way @hunnybunny, one day you must tell us what you really think of British politics.

    Rather in the same spirit of all these football fantasy leagues, I'd like to cobble together a cabinet of politicians from across the ages to run the ship. And I tell you, there's not one person the current shower that would even qualify to push the tea trolley in. It's beyond hopeless when the raw material is so utterly flawed.
  • Hey, King Dan. I've been promoted 31 comments late.
  • Think you all know my view on politicians of all creeds. Self serving rissoles.

    The countdown police are out in force tonight I see. Of course it was 7 Blofelds. The 2 Bunnyman missed were from the early Connery films.
  • Before Donald Pleasance appeared as Blofeld he was only seen from the chest down stroking his... er... pussy. Two different actors were used, one for the voice one for the body. Not a lot of people know that.
    Charles Gray(B 2/4) was about as intimidating as Julian Clary. Camp as Butlins and I don't think he stroked a lot of pussy.
  • Is it just me or does anyone else think Sunak at the G20 was like a lost little boy wearing cap and shorts on his first day at the big boys school? I imagine him running round aimlessly shouting "Mr Grimsdale!"

    Non of them have any gravitas.
  • I think Cameron was the last one to have any gravitas. With fries and a side salad of course.
  • We better not go into what he had when he was running with The Bullingdon Club.
  • Took a leaf out of your book tonight @desperatedan and got a puppy score the day after the challenge. Hope it's not catching.
  • We need a new category. It has to be a Runt. I'm halfway to my 10 Runts badge. You'll soon get the hang of it.
  • 500 points behind @asher again. Nobody speak.
  • @kathy, spammer deleted. Thanks for letting me know!
    So glad to see you're back ❤
  • Yw @Sweetp it's good to be back :)
  • @DesperateDan are we getting new badges to work on ? What's the Runt badge and how do I qualify?
  • Well guys it just happened again. Restarted my laggy old tablet, pressed Seasons and Abra-ca-bacon all progress gone from South Hamerica down. All locked up, 0 coins and all levels from Ham Dunk up showing 3* completion so no way to get the coins needed to unlock said levels. Other than watching adverts for 10 years or paying The Umbrella Corporation actual money I'm done.
  • Hi @kathy don't mind me.
  • STOKESY!!!
  • There was a competition stared by a very good flinger, I forget his name, that was indeed, the Runt Badge
    Basically, how low can you go?
    Lowest score wins…
    @kathy will remember HappyShake? Or something like that
  • Anyway, I know you love to keep up with my social diary: we are off to Waddesdon tomorrow.
    The Manor House is a huge Country Pile, owned by the Rothschilds, and gardens designed by the little known Elie Láine. My sister and I are the world experts on him. It doesn’t count for much, but a world expert in anything is not too bad!
    The following week we are Cruising (on a Ship, Brian) for a fortnight: Madeira, Spain, Portugal and Canaries for some sun, and cocktails and dresses and heels…
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