lowest score challenge (Moved to the "New Forum"!) Page 2
  • Can't get that 5160 first bird and bubble again, at the moment. Onwards and upwards (or should that be downwards). This challenge really makes you think!
  • @Happyshake Thanks for your approval of my selection. Many people gripe about how they clear everything and yet score less than others. I thought this would be a great teaching moment. Hopefully it will help them better understand some of those differences. I did not, however, anticipate your OCD of taking it down to the to the levels that you have. How do you do it? Great info. I haven't played it past a couple of flings to test my memory, but from the sound of it, catching the bunny isn't going to be easy.
  • @Rat you can nip at my furry heels at last lol!
    But I know I'll be beaten in the end, who cares? I'm having fun!
  • @hunnybunny, That's what it's all about. I'm a little confused though. Is your current score 57500 or 59900? I will be deleting the screen shot of my pitiful score. Look forward to seeing yours.
  • @Rat my 59900 screen shot is already posted
  • I know it's only 50 points lower than yours @hunnybunny, but 50 points is 50 points. My new low is 59850. Thought all I got for a screen capture was an Icebreaker ad. But even though it ended quick, I got it. Back to you Ms Bunny.
  • Arrrgh! Not nipping for long
  • christ on a pony, that is difficult. I need a walkthrough! This is as much strategy and precision shooting as the "normal" game.

    I should sell that idea to ROVIO. Imagine a level where you start with let's say 100.000 points and for all the damage you do you get minus. When all pigs are gone the score is what is left. A whole new game idea.
  • @Happyshake, I could tell you how she did it, but then she'd get mad. lol
    Still fewer points out there. This score, 59850, will not be the winner this week.
  • Yay me. I can only get down to 60950. Quick question- are you all on iPads? I'm on a lowly iPod touch 4g. I'm guessing it makes more precise shots possible on the iPad? Because on my iPod its very difficult to aim on this level.
  • @AngryBirdsSpace(human)--I play on an iPad. I don't know how you iPod and phone players do so well. My fat thumb takes up the whole screen. How do you aim when you can't see through your own appendages?
  • We rely on the aiming line if it is there. Guess if it isn't.

    I'm having a real hard time just winning this level never mind getting a low score. But I was able to get down to 60660.
  • Can the next challenge be seasons? I don't play space...
  • @SeasonsKing yeah, I also vote for that. Unfortunately we have to wait what the winner decides and it does not look like it will be me.
  • Well, my 59900 looked good until the rodent beat me (again) but only by 50 points. I'm starting to get an inferiority complex;-)
    I have two Seasons challenges ready, I'll either have to beat Rat or sweet talk him, I'll put my money on the second
    Here, ratty, ratty, some foodie treats for you........
  • Sorry @hunnybunny. I'm on a diet.
  • As my best attempt at bribing @Rat9 failed, there was only one thing to do. Beat him. 59650 hahaha!

  • Congrats @Hunnybunny! Hope your score lasts a while.
  • Thanks @mvnla2 I doubt it will, the rat can't bear to be beaten!
  • @Hunnybunny that score is phenomenal. 5422 average/pig. I hope you'll disclose your strategie once this is over. I'm baffled.
  • @HappyShake I'll disclose it now, albeit rather embarrassingly
    I always shoot the first bird through the middle of the gravity fields, but just bending up slightly. It takes out the very small pig, gets caught in the volcano force, which either sends the bird straight into the north east pigs, or bounces off the wall and into them. Variable as to how many pigs are killed. In this case lots!
    Second shot echoes the first, but bends down slightly. Supposed to take out bottom pigs. Third shot straight through the middle.
    This low, low, low scoring attempt, I completely missed the second shot, exploded the bird in the middle of nowhere, for no points (the shame of it), and shot the third bird as I would have the second.
    As with all AB levels, a little bit of strategy, a little bit of luck!
  • arggghs...another 100 tries - no chance. This level is like bowling. Whenever I have a decent score after 2 birds there is an unsolvable split. Hope for more luck in the next challenge
  • The unsolvable split happens 99 out of a 100
    Keep going.....
  • Ok I'll try what's the challenge for this weekl , @Pa?
  • Top of page one has this weeks selection @Kathy. It's Space, Red Planet, 5-4. Good luck. @Hunnybunny already has an extremely low score. As she said, she's going to be hard to beat this week.
  • Look at the rankings there, last place has 12,000+ points...
  • @SeasonsKing not quite sure what you mean, but here you have to kill all in pigs with the least collateral damage. There are eleven pigs, at 5k each, so any score has to be over 55k
  • @Happyshake--You need to put a completion time for the challenge on page one. I'm not asking for a count down clock like the more well known challenge, but a midnight on (X) date would be nice. Friday to Friday kind of thing. Too vague at the moment.
  • So you have to complete the level with the lowest score INCLUDING 10k for leftover pigs?
  • @Kathy no WASTE the birds you don't need. Shoot them into water, sky, crush their poor feeble bodies into a rock. Anything not to have collateral damage or 10k per left over bird.
    @HappyShake I thought it was a weekly challenge, which means Wednesday. You don't think @Rat is trying to get two extra days do you? (I know he'll beat me whenever the finish date is!)
  • @Hunnybunny and @Rat the first challenge went for 10 days because it picked up a bit slow. The second challenge started Oct. 16th so it will end Oct 23rd. I will add that to the top posting
  • @SeasonsKing @Hunnybunny indeed, there's a user on place 757 who entered 12.200 points for that level, which is totally impossible. But the user ranked 756 has a lower score in the highscore list than my best here in the lowest challenge. That is truly amazing.
  • @HappyShake can't get lower than 60090, can you? Truly amazing. Space boys losing to Seasons girl. HaHaHa!

    OMG I'm leaving myself wide open to get trounced. Again. Who cares?
  • What's your score @HunnyBunny
  • @kathy 59650
    Can the two girls beat the boys?
  • 59990 - I give up. At least I managed to break the 60k barrier which was difficult enough
  • Im getting close @HunnyBunny how much time is left @HappyShake?
  • WTG Pa :) :) Im still trying .. we still have time right?
    Need to charge my tablet a little more:)
  • To bad we don't have a leaderboard:/
  • Yes @Kathy, you still have time. The challenge doesn't end until 8am EST tomorrow. There is a link at the top of page one that takes you to a countdown clock. You can probably fudge it an additional 16 hours because this thread doesn't track times, only dates after midnight. Since @happyshake didn't pick midnight as the cutoff, unless someone checks before midnight, nobody would be the wiser.
  • Keep going @all. I was able to get a PPPA of 5398 once, but couldn't get the photo to upload. So collateral damage can be kept to below 400 per pig.
  • Ok Ok Thanks Pa;) heee hee I'm getting closer;)
  • Thanks @burpie wherever you lol I read your comment in notification but can't find it ?? Ohh maybe i didn't refresh hahaha:)
    Sweet dreams; )
  • Oops I didn't get a screen shot of level cleared:( but you can see that it is right?
    Does it still count?
  • @all--My strategy

    1st shot through upper gravity field, about a birds width in. It will go through the top small pig, loop to the right wall and explode without touching the four additional pigs the concussion will take out. Score 26980-27040.

    2nd shot through the two highest remaining pigs by going just outside the upper gravity field or just inside it depending on which two high pigs remain. I like it if one of them is the helmeted pig. It makes the second shot easy. Score something under 38000.

    3rd shot straight through the small pig of the remaining four. This will kill two of them. As you pass the second remaining small pig activate Bomb bird. This will push the small pig into the last pig.

    Although the third shot is straight, it is the hardest. Sweet spot can't be more than one or two pixels wide.

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