The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1450
  • IKR ABSM Gravatar has been nibbling on the PU seeds I think. It has been fast all week :D
  • @mvnla2, @estar, I honestly like the concept of Power-Ups, however the way they have turned out, with the exception of Space, is obviously a plot from Rovio to squeeze out as much money as possible. If I was an iOS user then I would 100% agree with you all and join the process, however I am on Android, and therefore I don't use GameCentre, so it doesn't really affect me as much... Also I like my avatar the way it is, and I can easily find it now that everybody else here is Black and White, including @junkenmetel, as SHE (sorry again) has a darker avatar (which I love by the way, the story + nickname goes with it beautifully:) Oh, and @estar, I am a male Homo sapien, like the other 3,200,000,000 in the world;)
  • @estarpagechanger, lol I didn't even know that I just got my 3rd page changer for the last page;)
  • @Mumsie: How about an article on the main site? "Nest Protest of Power-ups Takes Flight"
  • @brave1966 We would like it. Rovio... Not so much.
  • Oh my! Such shades of grey around here! No need to adjust my avatar, I believe it's greyscale already since I haven't gone to gravatar yet. I just made a nice large batch of pignnoodle soup with fresh veggies from the garden. Please help yourself, it's good for the soul, you know?

    Now, what's all this fuss about pus in the seasons? Really? Pus happens, especially in the seasons and in the noses. That's what Kleenex and pignnoodle soup is for. There there, just rest up a bit & you'll feel better before you know it. Here... Just be still and play your game, just how you like to. Ignore that silly pus as best you can. It will all clear up eventually. We have admins for that, it'll be ok.

    (Hugs). Need another blankie?
  • @ABSM: they already know from @mvnla2 and Slim that we're not very happy with them right now.
  • @brave They're receiving quite the twitter bombardment! :)
  • @ABSM: Indeed! Wish I was on Twitter, so I can bombard them about the slowness of recent PC updates (if they came at all...)
  • Hate it... but ABCrazy, you made me laugh... about the PUs hahahahaha great insight... guess I will wait a bit longer before updating, hope the pus clears up... no need for a tissue just yet, my Seasons is still free of pus... did drop 5 places in the ranks in the leader board cause I haven't played the new levels yet... guess my Seasons will catch a cold any time soon... can't bare so see the empty spots in my leader board and see my number go up :s
  • @e-star I'm glad you laughed. I'm a purist, haven't used a PU in any game yet, not even a ME, much to my son's disappointment and bewilderment. To him PUs are cool and fun and, well why wouldn't you use them? Just a different mindset. I just play the game the way I like to play it. ABN has drawn me in with so many others that like to play the same way. So cool that we have that, no? I ignore the PUs.

    Here, some more pignnnodles?
  • Indeed it is and it must be an eye opener to see the other AB type of player (aka your son). Indeed I am so thankful for ABN and the fact the leader boards are for the purists :D

    And Thanks, but I have to turn in for the night soon. Past midnight overhere again, where does the time go? Got behind the computer just after dinner?! LOL
    So no pignoodles for me.... aw what the *bliep* just a little bit, curious about the home grown veggies :D
  • @abcrazy - mmm this pignoodle soup is delicious! You should pass the recipe onto the kitchen it could make the menu!
  • * polishes @e-star's flashlight and secures it in @kimmiecv's vault, then sets up lightsabers for her dreamwalk *
  • Dear Friends

    Given the last 24 hours I am passing this on to you because it has definitely worked for me...and we all could use a little...calm!!!

    By following this simple advice, I read in an article, I have finally found inner peace........

    The article read: "The way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you've started."

    So I looked around the house to see all the things I started and hadn't finished....and before going to bed tonight I finished off a bottle of red wine, a bottle of white, the Bailey's, Kahlua and Wild Turkey, the Prozac, some valium, some cheesecake and a box of chocolates.

    You have no idea how good I feel....

    You may pass this on to those you feel are in need of Inner Peace.

  • Thanks Brave!! I will need it, tomorrow is a work day for me :/

    and seeing it is a workday, I will hold of on taking you up on your advice @mumsie... don't think I will be very useful for my boss if I do :s

    Night night my sweet birdie friends, it was a great evening spending my time with all you in this warm Nest :D
  • AsI'd already downloaded the update (and have turned off PU's) I just have to tell you that On the 'feathered bonus level' on Haunted Hogs the fattest pig is wearing a red nose! It's 'Red Nose Day' in the UK tomorrow - 25th Anniversary - so have to give Rovio some credit for that - it just might raise a bit more cash for the charity!
  • yw @e-star! (((((HUGS))))) Sleep well, our sweet Dutchie friend. :)
  • Nighty night E* sleep well..grabs E* flashlight wraps in special cloth..places in vault for @Kimmiecv.::)
  • Aww hee hee ty @Mumsie i better get started a with my unfinished stuff
    *spots a half finished bottle of champagne* it's a start::
  • @kathy: I didn't know @e-star had a 2nd flashight! LOLOLOL

    be careful with that Kahlua... ;)
  • Nngb all! Off to see grandchildren tomorrow - Hubby and all 3 sons off for the weekend to northern France for a male bonding session (and to look at the beach where hubby's Dad landed on D-Day { and possibly to buy a little vino after sampling some!})
  • Yay! @leggy is with us! :)
  • anybody have any word on when rio and space updates are coming to PC? I don't have room on my sucky phone to install them there!

    be sure to tag me so i get notified of replies.

  • @brave1966 -- So why don't you create a twitter account? It's pretty easy. I did it with a gmail account I set up just for the purpose of AB activities; I'm MVNLA on twitter, and I only tweet about AB related stuff.
  • @brave1966 @angrybirdsspacemaster -- I think an article on the main site would be great. Rovio does pay some attention to what ABN members think.
  • Hi @spdlives... no idea there. I'm very upset about the delays myself.
  • @Mumsie -- Took a bit of internet searching to find out what "Red Nose Day" is about -- good article on Wikipedia. The link you gave to red nose day's official site didn't really tell me what it is about.
  • @mvnla2: It appears they have not been as responsive as we would have liked. They completely ignored us on introducing PUs in the apps in the first place.
  • @mumsie It's Rodeo time here in Houston, which means so much more than the big musicians and other entertainment coming to town. It means a lot to the high school students who spent the past year raising their livestock in hopes of the big prize. Those that dont advance to the big show are auctioned off locally. For those of us that bid, we get fresh pig (we split with another family) for a very reasonable price, and the students get the $$ towards their future education.

    Rodeo Pig n Noodle Soup

    2 Tbs (30 ml) vegetable oil
    1 lb fresh pig
    1 large carrot, cut into 1/4-inch (5 mm) slices
    1 stalk celery, cut into 1/4-inch (5 mm) slices
    8 cups (2 L) stock
    1/2 tsp (2 ml) dried thyme
    Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
    3 - 4 oz (75 - 100 g) noodles
    Chopped fresh parsley for garnish (optional)

    Heat the oil in a large soup pot over moderate heat and saute the pig until light golden brown. Remove the pig and set aside. Add the onion, carrot, and celery to the same pot and saute for five minutes. Meanwhile, slice, shred, or chop the pig. Add the stock, thyme, salt, pepper, and pig to the pot. Bring to a boil over high heat, reduce the heat, and simmer covered until the vegetables are tender, 10 to 15 minutes. Stir in the noodles and simmer just until they are tender, about 8 minutes. Serve immediately, garnished with chopped parsley if desired. Serves 6 to 8.

    Obviously I multiplied the recipe a few times for the BP. Enjoy!
  • wondering where every body else is hiding tonight... hmmmm.....
  • quiet night/morning in the BP.....
  • * stumbles in holding cheek * huuuuurtsssss :(((( not a good day/night :(
    *takes e-stars flashlight out of vault and buffs it up, sets out a couple candles to see her continued safe journey to Dreamland * Have a good day at work e-star hope it goes fast so your on your weekend! :)

    Hey everyone who's lurking ( @brave1966 :) ) sorry not in the chatting mood huuuurtsssss :(

  • Ripsy is here.
  • Hi Ripsy:) thanks for the lift:)
    @Kimmiecv i will turn my flashlight in now so not to bug you again..I'm not in much chat mood either..hope your mouth feels better soon:(((((( hugs))))))
  • Hmm. No one is chatty this evening. What did I miss? I guess I better read up.
  • I am working on something for a very important client. His name is Eli. He got a fancy new V-Reader for his Birthday on Monday. So I am downloading some books for him.
  • ((((( @kimmiecv ))))) * sets up @kathy's lightsabers and polishes flashlight *
  • I have been so busy, I forgot to mention that.
  • @kimmiecv Some pignnoodle soup? Might ease the pain some.
  • And just like the last one he had, the stupid firmware update won't stick.
  • Ooh Ripsy happy to hear you have a new sounds like very important special client....
    That's awesome you best take right good care of him..could be a repeat client as well in the future:)
  • Hey @brave! What's happening?

    Hello there @ABcrazy.
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