The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1637
  • Half way thru my trick or treat revisit. Made about 105k and gone up 250 odd places.
    Now I'm playing with the big boys. 95 on the leader board and 236k off the top place.
    Despite making those 105k points, on the Seasons total score leader board I've slipped a place :-(
  • Good morning everyone!!! Happy Flinging Friday!!!!
    Have a great day all :)
  • I'm back after a flinging time in Season greedings and didn't make any star. It seems the L factor didn't come to me today or I forgot all the walkthrough videos
  • Maybe it's people that were already pretty high, going through ABC just now, @hunnybunny, you'll get your great position back soon though, I'm sure:D
  • You'll 3 star it soon @firebombbird:D
  • :D:D:D:D sorry for so many smiley faces, but I'm happy becuase I have pieced together some astronomical and pre-historic facts and I have made a scientific epiphany:D:D:D:D
  • I've just improved to 57/75 stars, 18 to go :D
  • Hi everyone!
    I'm absolutely happy because today I downloaded 2nd half of Cloud City in my phone & 1st half in my PC ... finally, finally, FINALLY :D
  • :D @annifrid, do you like it so far?
  • @AM I've only played the first 5 levels of the newest update so far, I have to get used to the new Lando Bird. But I like it :)
  • @AngerManagement -- So what was the scientific epiphany?
  • @Annifrid -- The thing I didn't figure out about Lando until I watched the walkthroughs was that you can fire his lasers after he crashes through something. Enjoy!
  • Anyway, I'm off to Cloud City now :)
  • Anyone lurking?
  • @Hunnybunny -- Just returned to intermittent lurking.
    @AngerManagement -- Interesting, will take a while to digest. Especially since I just had a big lunch and feel like a nap.
  • Everyone playing the new ABSW I expect. I'm still struggling with TorT. I'm growing to hate a couple of levels
  • Hey, @mvnla2 & @hunnybunny:) I learn't most of it from reading Dinosaur books and the last term in physics was about Space, and Stars...the rest (about 2%;) was my own knowledge before-hand;]
  • The intended epiphany from the above evidence was something else, but I'll let you have your own perspective on what I mean:)
  • The more you hate levels, the more you want to get over and done with them, @hunnybunny:) It's not very good for the objects around you though, as you may get out of control and whack them as hard as possible (speaking as a personal anecdote;)
  • @AM I try only to whack piggies very hard.
    One level I can see what to do, but just not executing it very well.
    The other has a comment in the walk through "two birds, two pieces of rubble left, 109k"
    I use two birds, get two pieces of rubble left for 105k
  • I hate it when you do exactly the same as someone else, but they somehow get a much better score than you:(
  • Like the walk through when their bird causes total destruction, and your shot a small dent in the side if the structure
    Grrrrrrrrrr again
  • I know exactly what you mean, but you get it in the end, after doing the exact same shot as the previous thousand attempts:/
  • guess I missed them
  • It's amazing what a small whine, or this case a "Grrrrrrr", can do for your score.
    One difficult level cracked :-)
  • Hi Angryboy, I'm lurking and flinging
  • hey @Hbunny! congrats on the level!
  • Goodnight all, and Goodbye for a fortnight. Off on my hols :-)
    I don't think the glaciers and geysers of Norway and Iceland have much in the way of Internet connection!
    I'll try to download once a day just to see what your all up to
  • @AngerManagement --
    I'm glad you had a scientific epiphany. You certainly get an A+ for general knowledge and dedication to putting facts together even if not required by school.
    I did digest your dissertation, and am debating whether to make any further comments (mostly on writing style), for fear that I'll spoil the fun of your epiphany. I just LOVE to give "constructive" criticism, but not always sure the recipients like it as much as I.
    Just one comment, though:
    Do you know that some scientists believe that the Ordovician Mass Extinction was caused by a gamma-ray burst from a super-nova? See:
  • I'm glad you got that dastardly level cracked, @hunnybunny, now enjoy your holiday in Norway and Iceland, lucky you:D

    Wow, I've never done any research into any of the mass extintion events, @mvnla2, all I really know is a few theories from the Cretaceous extinction, more commonly known as the dino-death:) Sounds basically like a mix of my two favourite sciences, Paleontology/Archaeology and Astronomy, I'll look into it, thanks:) About the constructive critisism, I would gladly take it, because I realise that you are trying to help me, rather than hinder me:)

    Hey, @angryboy:)
  • @angermanagement could you send me that in ap.m? I work with a guy who's very smart and scientifically a genius i would like to see his o pinion of your discovery and i know he will be very interested in your theory,:) i myself do not understand the whole concept but it seems congratulations is in order:) great job!!
    OB I'll take a PigKiller please:)
    Hi @mvnla2 and @Hunnybunny :)
    Happy Friday !!!!
  • @angermanagement did you ever hear of the show 'ancient aliens'?
    Aside from the alien theory the show is very interesting with a lot of facts about ancient civilizations, ttheir existence and UN explainable knowledge of the universe i can't explain it but its a very interesting show:)
  • "ancient aliens", hmmm, sounds good, @kathy:) I'll try to remember to take a look, in-between Cloud City and Astronomy/Paleontology;D What's up @angryboy (Ha, first time using that American term aswell;)
  • oh just chillin' @am, you?
  • @mvnla2, I'v been taught most things about English, but I always become stuck at when to use 'too' and when to use 'to', any ideas?
  • Playing some Cloud City, @angryboy, have you started it yet? (Never heard anyone use 'chillin' either;D)
  • @kathy -- I don't think @angermanagement was claiming he made a scientific discovery, just that it was a personal discovery that he could put together facts he knew from various field and come to a logical conclusion.
    However, having your friend comment would probably be useful. You don't need him to send it in a PM, you can copy from his post above and paste into a e-mail to your friend. I mean copy as in "select all," "copy" and "paste." Heaven forbid you would try to copy by hand.
  • @am use 'too' when it's used like 'many' or 'very'
  • I beat it yesterday @am, very fun! chillin' as in 'chilling', 'hanging out', 'relaxing' AKA chil-laxing
  • @AngerManagement -- We'll have you speaking American English, not that stuffy Kings' English, yet. (Hey, JOKE, all you British!)
    As for "too" and "to" you ought to figure this out yourself using Google. I'm afraid that ABN isn't likely to help you with that, since "to" and "too" are often interchanged in posts as well as your and you're (probably the fault of spell-checkers, and that we can't edit posts on the main site). ; )
  • Thanks @mvnla2 good thinking
    @angermanagement 'too 'means also as in i too am playing absw in place of i' am also '
    to is used as going to a place or going to do something:)
  • Oh yeah, I know what chillin' is, but you were the first time I've heard it used, we never use it over here:) Congrats on finishing it:) Did you get the Score Addict? Also, thanks for the help, I'll try to remember, it seems as though a split decision on which to use will probably be correct:)
  • I am going 'to' smoke I'll be lurking ..I'm sure you are lurking'too' @ angermanagement:)
  • lol, thanks for the suggestions guys and gals, I have to admit that American English has much better pronunciation, except for the word leisure, you pronounce it as though it is spelled leeezure;D Also, us English used to speak with the same accent as Americans, but we decided to change to differ ourselves from you, I don't know how I know that considering I loathe History:]
  • I learned a new word today -- drupe, and no, it's not misspelled. Usage: An olive is a drupe.
    @AngerManagement -- Suggest you try Googling define "too" and "to."
    Not so sure on a split decision being correct???
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