The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1635
  • @hunnybunnywhateverelseyouwanttocallyourself :) My Seasons Level of the day today was in TorT as well, picked up about 5K in 1-7. We will see what tomorrow brings...
  • I have found that my rankings are significantly lower on those episodes that were released advent style. Must be because so many flingers only had that one new level to concentrate on for that day. Even above average scores on all levels don't really crack the upper reaches of the episode leaderboard like they do on most.
  • @Burbman still 4k behind me on that one ha ha ha
    Catch me if you can........
  • Goodnight @Burbman (although I'm pretty sure it's not that late for you).
    Happy flinging all, and may all your piggies meet their maker ;-)
  • Oh, I'll catch you, just might not be until some time in 2014 ;) Goodnight!
  • @Rat -- I'm sure it is very distressful to have it raining in your living room. But don't forget to take a pic so you can laugh about it later, or if not laugh, remind yourself that things could be worse.
  • @hunnybunny -- I do like your new avatar. Just think, you won't have to carry silver spray paint when talking to @Werewolf, or maybe you have to anyway? Not that up on werewolves.
  • @Rat just coat your ceiling with bubble gum and all will be well...well er, um, wet and gooey that is. Sorry to hear about your humid home.
    *Bird Addict poofs over to @Hunnybunny's home* "Wake up Hunnybunny WAKE UP! you're having a nightmare! *Bird Addict begins to shake Hunnybunny then looks around and spies tell-tell signs of the nightmare - including the beautiful chair in the scrap heap. Gathers Hunnybunny in her arms and gives her a big (((((( ( HUG ) )))))) and says, "awwwww, sorry it's real life and not a nightmare. A nightmare would have been preferable, no?" I guess sister visits without jerk hubby will be in your future?
  • @fbb - Eh? o.O
  • @bird_addict--OK, I've thought about it since yesterday and I still don't know how to take the bubble gum comment. Are you really into gum? Do you own stock in a bubble gum paint company? Are you trying to start a new fad in interior design? I enjoy a piece of gum as much as the next guy, but on the ceiling? Hmmmmm
  • Good morning @all! I'm bored, we were going to go see boats today with the little monster, but it's raining so I don't think it makes any sense to drive over 50km (one way) for that. Maybe we'll go some other day when the weather is brighter :)

    @Rat - Ouch, raining inside sounds pretty bad. Even when it's raining here, I'm glad it stays outside :D
  • @angermanagement--Sorry, I lost patience with your Cold Cuts suggestion when it started raining in my living room.
    @hunnybunny--I need my patience back if your done with it and more buckets.
  • @lisko--At least it's not raining as hard inside as it is outside. I can't (won't) turn off the AC to stop the rain. It's hot as .... well as humid here.
  • @Rat - Oh no! I hate when it's hot and humid, it's just killing me! It really sucks when you go and get a shower and before you even get your clothes on, it already feels like you've never had that shower.
  • Oh no...My cmptr crashed. I hope it's not water related.
  • @lisko--No humidity is one of the few things I miss about living in the California desert. How's the weather in Finland?
  • @Rat - It's ok, we had a pretty hot and dry season so it's actually nice that it's raining. At the moment the weather is rainy, windy and it's only +15C so not too hot in here :D
  • @lisko--Sounds wonderful. Text me the address, I'm headed to the airport.
  • @Rat - Hahaha! Too bad that we're going to be away for a few days so you may bump into a locked door :D
  • @lisko--Where's that text? Oh, you thought I was joking. I need someplace to live until my house is fixed. I've always wanted to visit Finland. Come on, help out a fellow nester. (This would be scary if I was serious) he he he
  • @Rat - Hahahaa! Sorry, I lost your number :D Oh, imagine that the Angry Birds Land in Särkänniemi is only about 30km away from our house :D
  • @all

    20 New Levels in Cloudy City and Power Ups included!

    Have fun killing the Piggies :-)
  • @lisko--Sorry it took me so long to respond but I had to do an internet search to find your address and what a Sarkanniemi is. Sounds like fun. See ya soon. Har dee har har
  • @lisko--You have more Angry Bird Lands than we have Disneylands. Are they fun? For kids and adults?
  • @lisko--I'm a second cousin, twice removed, of Mickey Mouse, but he doesn't hold a candle to Angry Birds.
  • @lisko--Great relieving some stress talking with you.
    OB Make that a non-alcoholic wine made with sour grapes to go please.
  • @Rat - Haha, I have to admit that I've never been there even when it is ssoooo close. It's mostly just because Särkänniemi is not so cheap place, for two adults and one kid (under 3y.) only the tickets would cost over 100€ which is 1/3 of my monthly money soooo...
  • New ABSW update looks like i'm back for a while :P
  • can anyone understand what darth vader says in the cut-scene?
  • @theanonymoussomeone, is that general, or is there a story behind it;)
  • Or is it metaphorical?
  • well, looks like I'm gonna be here a while, @OB a gallon of your finest cran-apple please, thanks!
  • @angryboy--Hello neighbor. According to the members map, I live across the river from you.
  • wow, we are close to each other @rat!
  • @angryboy--have you been inactive for a long time or am I looking at the wrong angryboy profile?
  • probably the wrong one, I tried to get to my profile from my forum profile and it went to another user
  • @angryboy--Well, I was going to look at your leaderboards and profile, but I can't figure out which angryboy you are?
  • my main profile name is 'angryguy'
  • @angryguy--Found ya. Your profile sounds youngish, mine is oldish.
  • @angryboy--I thought I was all alone in this part of the country. What do you like to be called? Angryboy, angryguy, or angryperson? All your moniker's sound angry. Are you?
  • angryboy in the forums, no, not really, it's just what I came up with
  • Hey guys, how's your quest going, @rat?
  • Hey @Aboy and @Rat :)
    i am catching up on all my email notifications, waiting for dinner Hubby is preparing. I just needed to pop in for a sec, cause Rat you are hilarious!!! I haven't had much time to spend in the BP lately, but I sure hope that soon I will and hope to see ya then. In the mean time, keep on going, cause you make me laugh reading up on the BP messages at the end of my workday, thanks!
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