The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1638
  • @AngerManagement -- Lol! I think even in the Kings' English, it should be "we English" and "to differentiate." I've never heard that "fact" you quoted. Are you sure?
  • Guess that's what I deserve @MVNLAgrammarcritic!
  • :D Yeah, it's true, I heard it on a documentary a couple of months ago, and it's another random thing that sticks firmly in my brain instead of easy GCSE maths;D Oh, and I forgot to mention that I used the French word 'facade' and the Italian word 'vendetta' in the same sentence earlier:D (and in a proper context, not just random;)
  • no @am most of the levels I got 1 star on
  • Errmm @angermanagement i think you got that backwards 'WE'Americans were once under British rule until the American revolution and i believe the British have always spoken the Kings English ..the American accent developed after immigrants from all over the world inhabited the united states..even within the united states there are soooo many different accents you sometime can tell which part of the country someone is from just from his/her speech:)
  • @angermanagement -- Totally missed "facade" and "vendetta," probably because you used them correctly, and they're pretty much accepted as standard English.
  • Are you going to go back through 3-starring them soon, @angryboy, I will not rest until I get that Score Addict...*looks at the time*...oh well, there goes that then, nighty night everybody:D
  • Woah, really, @mvnla2, love those words, and so does my English teacher;)
  • Im probably going to go back to get 2 stars at some point @am,
  • Uhhm @mvnla2 help me out here..@angermanagement think about it..the united states didn't exist ( well it existed but only inhabited by native Americans)
    Until the people from Britain ( who spoke the kings English) revolted and came to America ¿?
  • And plus like i said 'Americans per say'don't actually have an'accent'that is through the whole country each state has its own distinct 5O states 50 different accesents:)
  • I think we spoke the accent (which is today labelled as the American accent) and then we discovered America, inhabited it, and we changed our accent, but the Americans accent kept the same accent as you have now, @kathy...anyway, goodnight:) Good luck, @angryboy:)
  • The general American accent then;]
  • @Kathy @AngerManagement -- Love learning new stuff! Turns out AM was half correct. The American and upper-class English accents were the same, and the same as current American, at the time of the American Revolution. It is the British accent that changed. However, it was lower-class English who became wealthy during the Industrial Revolution who wanted to distinguish themselves from the common English, and who deliberately made the change! Who knew?
    Not to mention learning yet another new word: rhotic. Bet you need to look up the definition of that one.
  • Wow, I was right, I wonder what programme I learned it from? Thanks, @mvnla2:) Good Night everyone:D
  • Whoa ty @mvnla2 my apologies @angermanagement ..i should know better than 'to'try and outsmart a teenager lol;) kudos :)
  • Good night @angermanagement sweet dreams:)
  • @Kathy here's what I found about American and English accents:

    The English immigrants who founded many of the East Coast states, like Virginia, Massachusetts, etc, did not all come from the same part of England, and England did not have one uniform accent at that time. Just like we recognize the difference between a Cockney accent and the high class British of royalty, there was a huge variation in the 1600s and 1700s. The modern United Kingdom decided to standardize English to one accent, but before then we would hear accents that sounded strangely American. If you've ever seen old pirate movies or the more recent "Pirates of the Caribbean," you would hear older extinct accents.

    In the USA, we still have accents that correspond to where the first English immigrants came from. The Boston accent, Maine accent, New York accent, Southern drawl, etc, all corresponded to British regions that had those accents. Even in America, accents aren't as strong as the were since we have adopted a so-called "standardized English" that sounds more like California English. So the short answer is, we never lost the British accents we had, we just kept the old accents.

    There you go, thought it would be of interest. :)
  • @Kathy @Angermanagement -- I edited my previous post while you were responding.
    Be sure to guess the definition of both my new words of the day: drupe and rhotic. Boy, they would be good words for a spelling bee. Even with the definition, most people wouldn't be able to spell them. : D
  • Great article @mvnla2, very interesting! :)

    LOL @angermanagement can't get the picture out of my head of a bunch of monkeys falling out of trees and miraculously becoming "human!" Heehee toooo funny!!
  • ((((( Kimmiecv))))) you lurker you lol...thank you:)
  • @Kimmiecv -- Yes, I agree that the standard CA accent is the purest American accent. But have you ever heard a San Gabriel Valley accent? Don't know how common it is any more, but you would not believe the person was born in CA if you heard it.
  • Roflmao @Kimmiecv 'im a monkey. Oohh hee ohh .'Poof 'ooops i fell" hi my name is Michael I'm human....ooohhh Roflmao hha oohhh stop..
  • Hey Sweet Pea!! Been far to long since you popped in!! :)

    @KitKat it's FRIDAY!!! :D

    @mvnla2 I don't think I have but I wish I had, sounds like it's an odd accent, I actually have some southern twang because I was raised round it but I've mostly gotten rid of it except if I get excited (I know huh she's ALWAYS hyper!) or if I get really upset, otherwise I have a pretty mundane non accent. Still I'd love to hear this accent from San Gabriel!
  • Now i gotta go play RIO hahaha...
    sorry am Kimmie gut me going with head
  • @Kathy IKR!!! Darwin's "ape theory" was debunct by himself on his deathbed but lots of peeps still like to think of themselves as monkeys falling out of trees!! LOL makes me laugh everytime I hear it!! :D
  • O.k what am i missing i don't see sweet pea? I refreshed read up..she's not o.k @Kimmiecv?
  • Oooh rio!! Where we all "came from" only in a game!!! WAHAHAHAAAHA now if they fell out of the trees and turned human that would Really be funny!!! :D
  • Heeheee @Kathy that's @angryboys nickname!! :D
  • Ohh yeah sweetp that's a new person on ABN, but Not to be confused with the original Sweet Pea aka Angryboy!! ;) she stole his nickname! LOL except for the ea part!!
  • Ooohhh hahaha @Kimmiecv lol i forgot :) i hate those stupid Rio monkeys i am stuck in carnival forever...:(
  • I'll be back speaking of sweet p lol;)
  • Because he's hardly ever here anymore :(
    Guess we'll have to hit Rio at some point........After seasons?!! Although the last of bad piggies is up now in ABO @KitKat so yeah guess we can figure it out after our Looong trek in SW then seasons!!
  • Ok, I need to get a few more chores done anyway! Put it off to pop in here! ;)
    See you all later! :)
  • K @ Kimmiecv see you in a bit it'll be a long time before we decide we still have Hoth, cloud city, bobba fett ( not sure if you wanna do that one) then we'll be in absw till the cows come home:/
    Going flinging OB another PigKiller please and do we have a shovel?
  • So @angryboy -- Are you on summer vacation? Does that mean we'll see more of you, or are you still off the AB/ABN wagon?
  • yes I'm on summer vacation @mvnla, I'll try to pop in more often during some parts of summer, although i fear when I return to school I will rarely be here
  • in fact..... I'm not so sure I beat all of ABS
  • uh oh... BRB *poofs to the circus*
  • @angryboy -- Do you have summer school, or are you just referring to school in the Fall? I totally approve of your concentrating on school. We do miss you, but school should be your first priority, well maybe your second, and I don't mean first is AB or ABN. Best wishes.
  • Dilemna battery dying..need to smoke and use the ladies room..sooo..
    I' back choose to leave phone..aeghhh withdrawal setting in..
    *takes deep breath* is only 15 minutes..breathe breathe....
  • school in fall @mvnla
  • Heeeeey, @angryboy playing minecraft right now. What ya doin?
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