The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1648
  • @ABcrazy Loved the picture of your boxer, but I was referring to the leader in Star Wars, except for Tatooine.
  • emmmm I think Mister Rat was referring to the new Nester who was filling out all topscores @ABcrazy
  • Hi @AM! I wasn't allowed to have any dogs when I was growing up either. I've made up for that since then. We have 2 now. I'll try to find a pic of the other one to post when I get a chance.
  • And another page chattered up.... it is not me really... it was mister rat... I am sure of it!! Sigh... now I have to go back and see what I have missed :/
  • and backkk... pfieuwww didn't miss anything, it was my comment that did the trick and filled up the page... sorry :s
  • @ABcrazy @Estar He makes me feel like a novice.
  • OoooooOOOOOOOooooooohhhh... That. Yeah @rat @e-star, that new member may be for real. The admins are looking into it.
  • @Estar Don't you go blaming me for filling up pages. I'm at the grocery store.
  • who does mister Rat? ABCrazy, you female right? looks up, doesn't see a he... or do you mean AngerManagement... he was here just a few ago...
  • @rat I think s/he was going for effect. Join up & slam them with a near perfect sweep. Well..... Hehehehe... I cut into that a little bit today. Can't have just one player sweep a whole game.
  • @e-star I think he meant the new member who is currently dominating SW except for, now, two episodes.
  • Nahhh Mister Rat I would never, I am not an criminal... ya did skip my last comment right on the previous page...

    Stay away from the snack isle!! *loud voice over the intercom in the grocery store
    *PLEASE keep Mister Rat away from all the Snacks and Candy!! Please direct him to the veggies and the lean meats THANK you!*
  • @Estar Apiece of food from breakfast just dislodged from in between two teeth. Good sausage. And yes, I should have brushed after eating, but at least I now have food in my belly.
  • hee hee, good thinking... that is why many men keep their beard and mustache right... to store food in it? And I think the cashier will be very pleased not having to take part in you lunch today :p
  • ABcrazy You are correct!! I think you've got a battle on your hands if you want to keep 1st in Tatooine.
  • @rat That's just gross. Funny. But gross. ;-)
  • @rat as to the battle, you may be right. I intend to make it as challenging as possible. :-) Given how s/he racked up scores and posted them all at once, I'm hoping they will move on. Wishful thinking?
  • Oh @e-star I am a female. Yes. Kickin piggie rear! Die piggies!
  • @Estar I saw the comment about you feeling like being in prison. Too bad. I refer you back to my earlier comment. Your too fast for me.
  • @ABcrazy I am just awestruck. I know how hard it is to attain a single 1st place. A whole set of worlds? That quick? I'm just a little suspicious.
  • @Rat I'm suspicious too. It's been flagged to the admins. I'm just going to keep playing my game & not worry about it.
  • @all Now I've went negative. Uncharacteristic! Bad Rat, Bad Rat.
  • Our other dog is a Great Pyrenees.
    She's a sweetie. Too slow to catch any rats. But mail, trash, and FedEx or UPS guys BEWARE!
  • *tiptoes over all the 'heyyou' and 'getouttamyway' babies makes sure not to step on anyone*
    Hey everyone:)
  • Nahhh I don't feel like I am in prison, but when I would be on my own, I would live like one I think.... never would come out of the house, just fling fling fling and live on bread and water... But since I *couch* trained *couch* ehhhh sorry ever since I met Hubby, we have only spend 1 evening and day apart!! (really not kidding and no we are not together for just a month... 11 years now) And he has been the best "he who does not fling but loves my love for the flinging" ever. So No way do I feel I am in prison

    Waits a few before hitting "post comment" so mister Rat doesn't get confused... pompydom.... sigh.... maybe now... nah just a couple of more seconds... don't want to scare him away just yet... lala lala lala...okay hit it!! Whhhheeeeee
  • @Kathy Hello and help me with @Estar. She filled my soul with so many good feelings that a bad one just popped out. @abcrazy Oh look, a puppy.
  • Kathy!!!! my sweet friend!! [[[hugggsss]]] it has been a while since we actually bumped into each other in real time. How have you been? oops, watch out you have got a heyyou in your seat... let me... miss getouttamyway haven't you learned any manners? this is Kathys seat! shoo shoo!
  • Really @E* only i day apart in 11 years WoW!!!
    Oh no I'm being followed by the blue error box:(
  • Go and blame the Dutch girl, she is far away enough for ya? huh mister Rat?? hahahhahaha but rest assured, it has passed midnight over here, so I am almost out of here and you will have the place back to the slow and more suitable for the less young people to follow.
  • (((( hugs))) E* thanks for saving me from sitting on heyyou lol never imagined the BP over run with rats ROFLMAO !!
  • @Estar Your a newbie to this marriage thing. 38 years with the most beautiful woman in the world. Ahhh, feeling better about my soul again.
  • @Kathy yup only 1 day and night and ow boy did I not sleep well that night!
  • @Kathy See, the names work, don't they?
  • Hi @kathy Please have some Crystal on me!
  • Great names @rat wOrk perfectly :)
  • Thank you @ABCrazy :)
  • Just an update on the cruise
    Hiked up a mountain to a glacier yesterday, explored a pretty town today. Very expensive lunch (anyone else been to Norway, eye watering prices). Afternoon playing birds, exhausted after all that walking, got my Seasons Bonus no.1 spot back - how dare DonnMega overtake me? Lol
    Still daylight, but no sun to be seen, at twenty past midnight!
  • How've you been? Are you still in DS? We just moved to Hoth:)
  • Hi @all. I've got to pop out for a little while & do the carpool thing. Please help yourselves to drink & food on me. OB take care of them while I'm gone? Thanks. BBL
  • Hey @Hunnybunny sound like yore having a great time...
  • awwwww so sweet!!! And yeah I do want to believe I am only at the beginning of a very very long marriage indeed. I know if our bodies will allow us to walk this earth for such a period of time, Hubby and me will be the old couple for sure. Don't blame me for not really believing you on the most beautiful woman in the world, would ya.... cause my hubby says I am the most beautiful one and well I trust Hubby more than ermm the first virtual rat I have encountered hee hee... but Good for you, I wish there was more of the everlasting love we have found... wish all would find this amazing feeling!
  • @hunnybunny You told me @Estar was funny. But, you were wrong, she's hilarious.
  • Battery getting low be back shortly:)
  • Hi @hunneybunny Congrats! Please join me in celebrating! I just made #1 in Tatooine.
    @kathy I'm still in Tat. Still a few more levels to work on to stretch my lead.
  • Thanks ABcrazy, just one more and than I am off :D
  • @Estar Only one word for that. Amen!!!
  • @Estar How about my wife is the most beautiful woman in the US. I haven't been to India. So I will concede your husbands comment if he limits it to there.
  • HunnyBunny... hows *E-Star swings from side to side and sings* "the lovvvveboat... soon will be making another run.... The Love Boat... promises something for everyone"?? So you are in my timezone but with daylight?? Well it is pitch dark over here!
  • Sure I will go for that... but ermm India??? Can I have a country closer to home?? no scratch that I want the whole home continent... now you figure out where Dutch girls live and you will know which continent it is ;)
    Common let those braincells work up a sweat... think...
  • @Estar Why did I think you were from India? Senility, it's a great thing if you use it correctly.
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