The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1647
  • @estar-First things first. Hello E-Star. Never on when your here. I'm referring to my ranking in the Angry Birds Nest. People tell me the Out of this World icon is a spaceship or rocket. All I see is a squid! I like being explosive. It fit's me.
  • lol, @estar, he means he doesn't want to lose his Explosive Rank, because he'll have to move on to the Rocket, or as he describes it, 'the Squid' xD What do you want me for, @theanonymoussomeone:]
  • Nope we seem to keep missing each other, timezones will do that to ya... ahhhhh I see yup Out of this world, but ermmm squid? LOL where you not the guy who could not figure the puppy badge? So maybe a app with the doc in the near future? LOL
    I love my rank for the moment... not sure what it is called, but I love that there is a star in the icon.... might even ask the guys to cut points when I am on the threshold of another ranks :D
  • Oh, wow, 10 minute over-post, don't think that'll ever happen again;D Hey, @rat, I see you're only ~10k off of your goal:D
  • Gonna check the Squid... lets see if my imagination will get me squat... ehhhh squid.
  • yup, my imagination works fine, cause it can indeed go for a squid hee hee, never noticed that.
  • @E-Star Thanks for your referral to the Nest. I didn't know it existed until I came across one of your videos while roaming the net. I also love all your wonderful artwork. I keep seeing great avatars with your signature on them. You didn't draw the squid, did you?
  • Master Slinger, @estar:] The next one is at 7500 points, and it is a Golden Slingshot:D Also, when you get to Slim's standard of points you'll get an extra special Star...Sling God:D
  • @angermanagement--Only ten more precious points? Speaking of points...16k to go. Moving terribly slow what with my love (lack of) for CC.
  • hahahahah LOL no Rat I didn't make the squid, I think it is an in game picture they used. And thanks for the compliments on my pictures, I indeed have gotten quiet a collection by now. Also do all the images for the Bloated Pig and the Avatar contest header. And ermmm well I forgot, a lot hee hee, just love creating the images that pop in my head when I am in the virtual world. And no wayyyyyy You found me first?! Yeahhhh I made one wondering and minding his own business and innocent flinger in the Nest Whoooohoooooo... okay now I am blushing!!
  • Nahhhh AM I don't want to be a god... and it takes way to long to get there, so I think I am going to be the Master Slinger from now on... yep, when the time comes, I will get Birdleader to cut my points :D
  • Ill be happy when I finally get move on from the red & white underwear.
  • ouch... CC is starwars right? Well good luck to you and cheers for sticking it out. I tried the first 2 or 3 episodes and ran back home to Seasons. Just didn't love the one-birdies and the over complicated moves in SW
  • @E-Star Hehehe he he You got me on the floor doing a @Kathy. I need some help with my avatar. He's suppose to instill fear in everyone but they all think he's cute and cuddly.
  • Awwww you are in boxers ABcrazy... I LOVED those... like hazing and what better season to wear boxers than the summer right :D
  • @E-Star Cold Cuts in Space. @angermanagement is pushing me to take the number one spot.
  • Whahahahahahahah he supposed to do WHAT??? LOL ROTFLMAO.... breathe breathe... hahahahahaha... oops sorry.... *starts shaking in her boots* from.... nope sorry no fear... just uncontrollable laughter... okay FEAR right?!
  • @E-Star Your too funny. I needed a good laugh. Recently got the estimate for the rain damage in my living room. Eeeek!!!
  • Space huh? yup ran out of there after DZ, did pretty well, but like I said... me likes solid ground, so back to seasons again. I am on my revisits in Hamoween and almost finished in there. Which reminds me, I need to comment my videos in ACB... I think I just did the first 5 and forgot about them. Ow well, if people really need me they know the way to my YouTube right?

    Ow and as to the avatar... not making any promisses. I do the worst on requests, I am a girl how loves to to stuff she doesn't need to :D
    But keep filling my brain with hilarious images and stories, there will come a time that my virtual image of you is complete. Like Kimmies and her snails.... still love that one and makes me smile from ear to ear when I see that one hihi
  • oh oh, is it cover by insurance? (see we have talked before, I know I mentioned that I loved you still chipper look on life even though the rain was poring in). If so, will they fix it soon? What ever happend, did a spaceship come crashing down into your attic? With a furry little alien that called himself ALF??
  • @E-Star Sorry, no pressure. I loved talking to you. I hope we connect up a little more often. Gotta go do real world stuff.
  • @e-star I prefer my boxers to be canine. :-) But I'm ok with the shorts kind too. They are quite comfy with an oversized tshirt to sleep in.
  • @E-Star There you go again. Your not going to let the real world get in my way. I saw the post you made about me a while back. Thanks, I don't try to stay positive, it's just a way of life. BTW, I was stationed at Area 51 with the aliens back in the 80's.
  • No pressure taken from you Rat, really, I am my own worst enemy when it comes to my little projects ;) Indeed it was fun to finally see the scary and impressive shake in my boots mister Rat. Give my regards to the WHOLE family and speak soon!
  • OB is it too early to break into that Crystal I brought in yesterday? I'm ready to celebrate!
  • So true so true mister Rat... and I for one live by that rule myself! Ow boy, stationed meaning you got the first contact? where they friendly? Did you wear black sunglasses... hee why did you flash that light in my eyes... ehhhh what was I saying... sorry forgot... hi I am E-Star, who are you?? hee hee
  • Mister Rat, I like the sound of that. Hello @ABcrazy What ya celebrating?
  • going to google canine... I think it will be my english word for today LOL
    back in a sec...
  • Owwwww duhhhh I knew that word already, just didn't connect the boxer and canine hahahahah whooopsy
  • @E-Star Your too fast in more ways than one for this old man with fat fingers.
  • over here it is 11 o clock in the evening, so nice timing ABcrazy! Cheers on your victory!
  • @E-Star Loved, loved, loved, talking to ya. But I really gotta go. Keep em laughing for me.
  • Hi Mr. @rat. I made #1 for the Tatooine episode in Star Wars today! First time to be #1 for me in any AB episode. :-D would you like some sparkling cider?
  • owwww dear, no not going to make old jokes and fun of such a scary rat... I think I drove to many old geezers to the mad house already in my adventure here in the Nest. But I am on the computer, as I usually am in the evening. Chatterbox like me needs a keyboard otherwise her brain is going to explode if the words don't disappear thru her fingers onto the screen and out of her head quick enough. LOL
  • @e-star Your English is so good I forgot its not your native language. You made me laugh with your response. We do have a boxer boy by the way.

    Thanks for the congrats! I'm pretty excited. It's been a lot of steady flinging.... Crystal?
  • Yeah yeah yeah.... I tried and gave up on that a long time ago... getting out of the Bloated Pig is like watching paint dry... never happens quick enough and when you do finally decide it is time, bam... paint is still wet... and in this case... another comment you HAVE to reply hahahahaah ... but scoot... shoo shooo out of here... OB get the broom will ya and chase this rodant out of here! Byeeee mister Rat, loved talking to you as well! See ya around!
  • @Estar I didn't realize a man could laugh hard enough to have an accident. There goes another stereotype.
  • Thanks ABcrazy, I would love some (thought you never ask.. was about to sneak one past ya hee hee) and I am in awe... although my ranks in Seasons is pretty high I never ever will get a #1 position in there, with all the big guns, I think I will be over excited if I am #4 or #5... only a couple of places to go... anyway, impressive flinging my friend. And thanks for the props on my english. I have been active so long in this virtual world, I think English has become almost native hee hee.... I have to be careful not to start talking in English to hubby, cause he will seriously wonder if I am ripe for the loony bin soon.
  • Awww whyyyyy mister Rat... don't tease the young girl with an open shot for an old joke... diapers anyone?? LOL hahahhahhahaha
  • @all Byyyeeeee everyone
  • By @rat. Have a good afternoon.

    @e-star link to my real boxer
    I didn't think I could make it to number one either until about a week ago. That member who joined last Friday and immediately posted scores to take #1 in almost every SW episode was a minor setback, but ultimately made me that much more determined. I still need to work up some more points just to make my lead that much harder to catch. :-)
  • @ABcrazy Estar had me laughing so hard I missed the offer of a drink. Here's to your first pace in tatooine and my new puppy.
  • byeeeeeeeeee mister Rat! OB can you clean up the droppings of our rodent friend? I am sorry, I didn't know of his ermm little disability, will be more careful with my comments the next time I see him (ermmm yeah like that will ever happen hee hee)
  • Love your dog, @abcrazy, we can't have one because my sister is scared of them;D
  • @ABcrazy I saw that. Is he/she for real? Wow!!
  • Awww he is cute ABcrazy!! I need to check out peoples albums more, love the real life looks into the other flingers homes :D
  • @Estar--I stuck around. I decided that food for the soul was more important than food for my big belly. Thanks for the help with my diet. The wife has been out of town this week and my cupboards are bare.
  • Hi @rat yup, he's real. Curled up on the couch next to me right now. Not spoiled at all....
  • But watch out for him @rat. He hasn't caught any rats yet that I know of, but there are a few less possums around the house.
  • hee hee, told ya... hardest thing to do ever... or maybe it is just me... hmmm scratches head, wonder if I am the sticky paint In this equation??
    Anyway glad I can be of assistance in your quest to loose weight and not needing to go to the store and buy groseries. But ermmm a whole week? she left you with all those kids for a whole week?? Can not imagine how much weight I would loose if hubby decided to skip away for a whole week. I am THE worst cook and the WORST caretaker of myself. So I think in that situation I would live of some bread and ermmm water... and no I am not a convict living in a cell. All though I am typing like a mad woman who has been released for only one hour and has to have every second count hahahahah
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