The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1646
  • @tas????? I hope you haven't disappeared on me!! I really want to hear you haven't lost your scores and it's a bad joke!!!!
  • Hmmmm are you out of school now @tas?? It's awfully late/early where you are isn't it??

    @Ripsy, angermanagement is right, I've gotten the Eagle thingys several times in space, I even one time got the 5 pack! Never have gotten it again but I did that one time!
  • Sigh.......::::.::::::........
    Ok then I'm off to fling!!!
  • So, is this where I can get a hot drink when my dogs woke me up in the middle of the night because they had to fight over who gets to sleep by my head :-)
  • LOL yep it sure is! OB whatever @grammyk wants, sounds like she could use it about now!! :D Ahhh the love of our animals and the jealousy they display!! Heehee
  • Oh great!!! Another mouth to feed. It's not like I don't have enough offspring eating me out of house and home. But this puppy is ravenous! Thanks for the cheese @kimmie. Could you bring the whole wheel next time? Minnie's kids were fighting because there wasn't enough. BTW @mumsie, Minnie was the only kid I brought to the bar. The rest were her kids, grandkids, great grandkids, great great grandkids and so on. She had been staying with me for the last five days and I had to get her and hers' out from underfoot before they drove me crazy. Ask @hunnybunny, she had a similar situation recently. @mumsie asked me if I named all my children. Yes, but after the sixth litter, I took a chapter out of the George Foreman play book. I started naming them all the same. First name, Heyyou, middle name, Getouttamyhouse. Minnie told me she just loves her new home and plans on staying forever...or until OB starts sweeping up better.
  • LOL @rat can't say as I blame you for ANY of it!!! :D Good grief that's waaay to many offspring!! And yep a whole wheel next time! Don't want anyone fighting over food!! ;)
  • @kimmie, Minnie told me it's been quiet at the BP this week. She's going to let the children come out an play. So, watch your step!!!
  • @kimmie--After 38 years of marriage, about eight litters a year, six or so in each litter, I've lost count. You do the math. I think their born pregnant.
  • Lol, i do hope i can foster some puppies some day as i did not let my little girl breed.
  • Yep it has indeed! Good thing I love animals!! No matter what kind! :) also to bad I'm off for my pillow walk and can't stay to play with the oh bajillion kids!! I have to work in the morning and once again I've stayed up waaay to late!! :/
    @rat enjoy your day and good luck keeping the peace with that many kids running around!! LOL :D
  • Hi @grammy_k--I've got a few kids and puppies looking for a good home. What part of the globe do you reside in?
  • WAHAHAHAAAHA @rat I'm inclined to believe you!!!!! I'm to scared to do the math!! :D
    @gammyk mines fixed so no accident can happen!! ;)
    @rat meet @grammyk! She's a newby! :)
    You both have a great day!! Hope to catch you both earlier next time! :)
  • It's so quiet, and with Minnies' kids are all over the place, it's making me homesick. I think I'll go home and fling a few birds. Good night all.
  • Nope, haven't been able to upload screenshot.
  • @rat, alberta canada, nite all :-)
  • @rat9 did you see what happened?
  • @grammyk--Alright, another Canadian. Welcome to the group.
  • @tas--Where'd ya go? I was headed to bed.
  • Consult the bottom of the last page.
  • Hi @all!

    @Rat - The kids really are all over the place O.O

    @tas - Oh nnoooo, that sucks :( Hopefully there's a way to get the scores back! :/

    @grammyk - Welcome to the BP :D
  • @tas--oh nooooo!!!!!
    @lisko--Hi, I was just headed out when I heard about @tas. Help him if you can. I'm not cmptr literate enough.
  • @Rat - I would gladly do anything to help him, but I'm really not too good with computers :( Maybe @AMslimfordy or the other @admins could figure something out? :/

    I just returned playing ABO, managed to increase some scores a bit but I'm still sssoooooo far away from the top. I don't think I'll ever get closer to those top scores :P
  • Thank you all for welcome. I did notice only 3 canadians put themselves on the map in the map group :-)
  • @Grammyk - Haha, I just checked the map and there only 3 members from Finland and one hasn't been active for a year :/ It's somehow weird that AB is a finnish product/brand, but there's not too many finns in the nest. I would really like to go to Canada at some point! Well, I'd like to go everywhere but with the fear of flying and without money it's a bit hard :(
  • @lisko, too funny, same here, dont fly or have money, but i dream of warm! places :-)
  • @grammyk - Hahaha, great to know that I'm not the only one :D At the moment I'm actually pretty happy 'cause the weather got a bit cooler. We had a heatwave and it was pure suffering for me. Now we're back to the normal midsummer weather which is A LOT of rain and the temperature is barely over +10C :D But tomorrow we're going to celebrate the midsummer no matter what the weather is, we were thinking about going to check a bonfire which is only 10km away from our house, and the nightless night when the sun won't go down at all, I just love it! Too bad that it seems that I'm going to be the driver so no alcohol for me :(
  • Good morning all:)
    @tas good luck I'll try to see if i can find you some help..ask @rdnzlrips :)
  • Good morning all:)
    @tas good luck I'll try to see if i can find you some help..ask @rdnzlrips :)
  • Ripsy..
  • @Kimmiecv I'm soooooo ready to move ahead let's go!!!
  • @lisko, we here in alberta had about a week of nice weather and feel we are still waiting for spring!
  • Good morning @Kathy! :D Gosh, I still can't live with the different time zones, it's almost 2.30pm here :D

    Edit: @grammyk - When do you have summer and how long does it last? :D In Finland the summer starts in the beginning of june, but usually the weather isn't getting warm until august. This year really was an exception, we had the heatwave and the weather was exhaustingly hot (over +30C) for several weeks, I'm ssooo happy now when we're back to the normal temperatures, 'cause you can always put on more clothes but when it gets too hot you can't run around naked and everything like the lawn etc. were already dying, 'cause of the endless sunshine :(
  • I'm off to work hi @lisko and @grannyk have a great day..evening afternoon, night whichever the case lol..:)
  • Good morning everyone :) Have a nice flinging day
    @tas, may be @AMslimfordy can help you with that
  • Is anybody see me ?
  • Good morning @minh I see you. I'm just flirking. How are you today?
  • Hi @ABcrazy, I'm fine today, you can call me @fbb or @firebombbird
  • Hi @fbb I'm good today too. I was very happy with a score I got yesterday and I'm very close to another one of my goals. Hopefully I will get it today.
  • ......aaaannnnd I did it! OB, I'll be celebrating later on. Please let everyone know drinks & meals are on me for today!
    (Tat episode #1) :-D
  • Thank @am! I'm still not done yet. There are several more levels I should be able to improve on. I've been on a roll lately & just can't stop! :-)
  • @tas What platform do you play on? Have you made a backup recently?
  • Congrats @ABcrazy :)
    I've had enough of Tatooine, I'm happy with my #10, and moving on to Cloud City.
    OB, please, a very big and very cold bacon ice cream. The weather here is simply too hot, it's over 30C even though it's 8 pm.
  • Thanks @annifrid. Enjoy your ice cream! Fans can help with the heat some.
  • Never made a backup @abcrazy. Unfortunately, my first Underdog badge was hanging in the balance too! It's probably too late now.....
    Anyway, how are you guys?
  • @tas--So, so, so, so, sorry to hear about your scores and puppy. @Happyshake had the same thing happen a while back. He saw it as a positive moment to improve all his scores, which he proceeded to do in spades. Good luck crooked letter buddy.
    @all I haven't been to the BP much lately. It has to be important for me to sign in to the ABN. I've only got twenty points left before I lose my "precious". Not looking forward to the Out of this World "Squid".
  • Hey all!! Been busy in real life and didn't have much time to pop in. But I see disaster has struck @tas!! nooooo and no back up!!! I learned my lesson a couple of years ago, luckily "only" 6 or 7 episodes in Seasons back than, but ever since I am a back up maniac... don't ever want to cry like a baby ever again... well maybe when I am senile and in diapers. But not when I am able and flinging!
    @rat heyyy how are you doing! You speak in riddles for me, so I have no clue what you are talking about. Which precioussssss (ow I so here gollum!! love it!!) and what about Squid?! must be an episode in space or starwars maybe?
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