The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1701
  • Yes you can intermingle scores. I asked Slim that when I was getting ready to make the switch.
  • @Stocktoad nice to see you in here! As for the device question. I am biased, apple girl all the way :D so I can not really help you there. Not other than to say that the iPad mini is a tablet which can be bought (yes indeed for a pretty sum of money) without a dataplan over here. Not sure how it works where you live... ermmm where do you live?
    As for the leader boards, I think I just read the top flingers in Season knowing which device is best for which kind of level. So I believe it IS allowed to put in scores from different devices. Just as long as you obtained them yourself and without Power Ups.
  • That is correct estar! Stocktoad lives in Wisconsin .
  • @estar beautiful banner! I love the kitty!! Meow!
  • Congrats @sunshine, you are the one who made the 85000th comment in BP :)
  • Hee hee the kitty is from a childrens book Olivier B Bommel, loved it! Not sure if @TomPuss is meant to be a link to that, but it reminded me instantly
  • 85k!!! Whoooohoooo!! only 15k too the 100!
    Congratz @the rest of the team!!
  • @JunkenMetel Amazing!! Love the photo's and you comments. Awww they are so cute (for birds that is, cause the naked ones are a bit scary LOL)
  • @stocktoad, my devices, each better than before, xperia x10 phone, galaxy tab 10.1, ipad.

    If you dont care about game center, it is my policy to NEVER buy used electronics and there are tons of inexpensive android tablets out there . You will be amazed how you will start doing things from the comfort of couch instead of sitting in front of PC. Hope this helps.
  • Cute birds @JunkenMetel :) I'm sure they will fedge soon
  • Happy Birthday @Tompuss! Not cut the cake!! We'll all be drooling! Great thing about a virtual cake is you can eat your cake and still have it! (Mumsie sidles over to the cake and just breathes in deeply)
  • @E-Star - thank you! Yes the naked birds are a bit scary. But I love them anyway; some maternal instinct, I guess. "A face only a mother could love...."

    Glad you like them @firebombbird!

    @stocktoad - I had to buy an iPad mini for work, and I do like it to play ABF on. I don't use the GameCenter (although I use Facebook -- go figure). But I still mostly play on my laptop PC, because I like using the mouse, and I like having the biggest screen possible. The larger the screen, the better your aim...

    If you get a tablet of some kind, my advice is to get on with the best, largest screen you can afford, and stick with models that have a good reputation. Most of the manufacturers -- including Apple -- offer refurbished models that are usually a good deal, especially since they come with a warranty. If you buy a used tablet, I would only get a very recent model with an excellent reputation, and only buy from a seller who has a strong history of satisfied customers, and backs up their merchandise with their own warranty.

    If you're thinking Android, you might want to look for a slightly older version of the Galaxy tablet with just wi-fi. Samsung has been making solid, reliable products for a while now.

    Good luck with your search!

  • Can I have some cupcakes please
  • Happy Birthday @tompuss. Happy to see a flinger older than me. It gives me hope that I might still feel like a kid years from now. I play on an I-pad and it works fairly well even with my old fat fingers. Welcome to the BP.
  • @e-star what a great banner! And nice to hear from another cat-lover. I really would like an avatar - I spent a whole morning trying with Gravatar, but no success. Where did you find that one on the Net?
  • @TomPuss A few questions in the hope to figure out what went wrong with Gravatar.... Did you set up the Gravatar account with the same email address you use here at ABN?
    Did you upload an image to Gravatar? and Did you marked the check box to select the email address you want to use the image for?
  • @rat hi! Well, I'm not the oldest (see "Seniors" forum)! I too am so pleased with my iPad, for AB and everything else. Wonderful for retired people!
  • @e-star no, not from the Dutch, just from the English "puss" (same word, our languages being closely related) and Tom is a very popular name for male cats (also called "tomcats"). We have a famous book called "The Tale of Tom Kitten" by Beatrix Potter with lovely illustrations.

    As for Gravatar, I'll get my thoughts organized and write back. . . too technical to think about now - getting sleepy. Bye for now
  • Happy birthday @TomPuss, we haven't met yet, I'm hunnybunny, loving those cakes
    @stocktoad we haven't met either, but I love all your avatars, i play on new (ish) iPad. Love it, just not for AB. Use it much more than I ever thought I would.
    Hey, AngerManagement another fab cake
    How you all doing?
  • Gosh, I forgot @Junkenmetel and those amazing bluebirds.
  • Yum Sunshine forgot to mention before, but the cake is delicious, I had a piece when Hubby got home from work! Now I will go for the after dinner cupcake, AM they look sweet!!
  • ow And hello to you too HunnyBunny
  • Any of you lovely ladies got Tiny Thief yet, what a great game:D Feel free to take a cupcake as well:]
  • Hey @all! been on vacation for the past few weeks, but @kimmie called me out in her congratulatory post and told me to get my butt back in here! Spent most of my vacation getting some of those last few pesky below average levels in Seasons up to at least that level. I have a handful more to go, then I should have all levels of all the major games over average. (must be time for more levels, Space anyone?) Waaaay too many posts here to catch all the way up, guess I will have to just pick up here and carry on.
  • Hi Estar, AM, Burbman
    Burbman catching me yet?
    AM just failed on yet another link. Will try again
  • Heyyy Burbman, long time no see ;)
    as for me... nope no Space girl, but Kimmie is in StarWars, so maybe you can haunt her in there? She is having a ball (NOT) in CC. Where did you go on vacation?
  • And AM nope sorry, my life is way to busy to even consider spending time on anything other than AB, ABN, videos and owww ehhh whatchacall it work hihi So no TinyThief for me.. great huh? will have a peak this weekend :)
  • Tom Kitten for you Estar
    AM forgot the= again lol
  • Well, you figured it out yourself this time, @hunnybunny, 'tis a step in the right direction;)
  • Thanx HunnyBunny I know beatrix potter but never read/seen much of it... so didn't know there was a kitty, thanks for the link!
  • @AM made tentative steps into ABSW this morning (just as a side dish, of course Seasons remains supreme). Got to Tattoine 1-9 and got the sabre. I'm I right in thinking, don't go for high scores until I get Luke's bigger sabre?
  • You are kind of right in thinking that, @hunnybunny, but I'm pretty sure that most of the levels do not require the green saber to get a better score;) However, it is a good goal to go for, considering you need to pass 160 levels with 3 stars, then 40 levels with at least 1 star in order to achieve it;D
  • Back to seasons for me, just a little dabble now and then to Luke, Obi and the rest
  • Baby steps;)
  • Indeed. Revisiting ACB today, got a little fed up with TorT, so back to flinging
  • @estar - The family and I went on our annual independence day road trip to the bro-in-law's place in a small town in Idaho. Had a blast hanging with my nephew, teaching him the finer points of AB, he's four now, so it is more than just "Kill the Piggie!!!" like it was last year! He still didn't quite understand my penchant for resetting a level midway through the first bird's flight if it was offline though...maybe next year...
  • LOL hmmm maybe not... my hubby still looks at me with a big frown when I reset a level after the first impact haha... 4 is a great age... still young enough to still like everything you do, but old enough to be coherent :D
  • Yup! and when they belong to someone else you can give em back when you get tired of them!!
  • ROTFLMAO!!! My logic too!! Love spending time with my nieces and nephew, but my ow my am I glad when they leave again :D
  • Vegetables of vengence. Rofl. Pig bang boss acheivement. Sure am enjoying this game center achievement stuff.
  • Nice thing is that my kids are old enough now that they can pretty much take care of themselves, no need to go back to the young uns for me!!!
  • Back to work for a bit, lots to catch up on. Happy Friday everybody! (unless its already Saturday where you are...)
  • Happy Friday to you as well Burbman (still 30 minutes of friday for me)! And nice to have seen you again!
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