The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1700
  • @hunnybunny India in a bit of trouble now. The Final between India and Sri-Lanka is taking a turn.
  • Well said, Mighty, but Twenty20 is fun too
    Like all games, there are exciting ones, and deadly boring ones.
  • Ok. It's me. The 1700 page changer :)
  • See you both soon. Off to fling. Seasons, of course, for me ;-)
  • Whew! What a close finish. India wins it :)
  • squeeek
  • @all Just stopped by to hear any news on "Pigs in Spaaaccceeeeee" update.
  • Hello @rat. No news on the Space update or Rio for that matter.
  • *whispers something to #56 and leaves*
  • @#56 say hello and goodnight to @Rat for me
  • Hi all just popping in for a quick visit.
    @grammyk Another nifty iPad trick. 5 finger pinch minimizes the current app you are in & takes you to the home page ( same as the home button without hitting the button). 4 finger swipe up leaves you in the app, but brings up the whatchamacallit bar at the bottom showing all your open app, most recent first. This is REALLY handy when you want to switch quickly between apps, like say.... When you get a good score on an AB level and you want to jump to safari to enter it on the leaderboards.
    @kathy I'm with you on the stubbornness (craziness) of sticking to a level till you FINALLY get that score you want. I finally succeeded today on one I've been working on for 5 days.... This time. It sure feels good when you finally get it! Hard to stop trying for just a little bit more! :-)
    ABcrazy.... Out.
  • I made my goal in Rio today, making the 30M club! Just in time too, maybe, if more levels are going to be released. Let us hope!
  • And I did it on a single device, using the current version at the time a score was earned ;)
  • @BPC Woah! Congrats.
  • @e-star, @abcrazy, thanks for the tips. I am roaring away on this great new machine :-)

    Played with the free versions yesterday to learn game center, etc. Deleted the after opening all the levels. Ads just chew up data charges.

    Got serious with Rio this morning as it is my favorite.

    My game center nick is GrammyK.LL if anyone wants to connect.

    It rained most of the day so i was able to play all day guilt free :-)
  • @grammyk Airplane mode or no wifi signal = no ads. I don't know how that effects the free gameplay though. Works fine on the paid versions.
  • @abcrazy, yeah, that was my main experimentation yesterday. The airplane mode. But i found the game center was inconsistant picking up the achievements. You need to quit both the game and the gc with the red minus in the tray after getting out of air mode, then when you start them up again gc is supposed to get everything but it didnt. Im just real happy to not have so many ads anymore in the real thing :-)
  • @grammyk I see, I don't do Game Center so I wouldn't know how that works.
    No ads = good.
  • @abcrazy, so do you play on ipad but just put in scores here? I am enjoying all the achievements I was always envious of :-)
  • Good night all..:( * reluctantly places flashlight on @Kimmiecv booth.."nice shooting pahtna "
    ((((( hugs)))) you go to bed early yourself Missy..i don't want to see you still here 6 hours from now when i wake up lol
    I say good night..then wake up.and say good morning to you lol..
  • You're not too old for plushes @Annifrid, no one can resist their cuteness, especially Bomb :)
  • Heehee IKR @Kathy!! :D Except it's my WEEKEND now!! Can't promise anything!! WAHAHAHAAAHA may see you for your wake up!! But I'll try not to!! ;)
    *shines KitKats flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to Dreamland *
  • @annifrid I have red plushie and my husband has the black bomber. I'm 71 and he's 70. So you're in good company! Cuddles!
  • Good morning all! And in a few... Good morning Kathy :D
    Kimmie Weekend!! Yeah, me too and it just started to rain here. Not to worry, I am okay with that, now I don't have to water the parents garden today hee hee!

    And hello to you @tompuss and let me tell you I agree, there is no age to plushies. I am a bit in awe though... 70 and playing AB and loving it?! Amazing and RESPECT! Not sure that we ever met before, first time in the Bloated Pig? If you read page one you will find lots of fun things, suchs as the menu our beloved chef and sous chef have put together. Also there is a list of beverages our very own Kathy has prepared. I myself am the artist in here, usually sitting in the corner booth lurking. (you can check our bios at the bottom of the header in page 1 by clicking the paintings of the team)
    The barkeep is Orange Bird, but he doesn't talk to much. Just give him your order and enjoy the friendly environment of the Bloated Pig :D

  • Whoo Hooo weekend indeed!! :D Hello e-star!! Howz it going! Raining!! Jealous sooooo jealous!!! Me want some of that too!!!

    Hello @tompuss :) Welcome to the BP! Don't think I've seen you here before either! And kudos for playing AB and having plushies! Couldn't agree more! Never to old ever!! ;)
  • Doing Guuuurrrreat :D As always Kimmie, if I could I would sent it to you, but sorry the ocean is just to big ;)

    @Lisko haven't seen you in a while, still holding on I hope? Just remember a day at a time!
  • Sigh.......just my luck e-star ;/ Shoot can't believe it's already 3:30!! WTH does the time go??!!

  • I swear the internet sucks all the minutes out of an hour and puts us in hyper speed. hate it that is for sure! But mweeeh what can a girl do huh? You better skittdatle and find your Pillow! :/ mwaaaah kisses my sweet friend!
  • That's it exactly!! Stupid time zones!! Enjoy your rainy day!! Did I mention I'm really jealous!! :D Get lots of flinging done in your Queendom of seasons Dutchess!! After all it is raining!! Heehee Oh I'll just miss getting an ear full from KitKat!! LOL
    Mwaaaah right back attcha!! :D
  • This Dutchess of Seasons will Kimmie, cause you are right, there is no better excuse than a rainy day to spend some time flinging! Sweet dreams!
  • Good morning all!! Happy Friday:)
    Welcome to the BP @Tom Puss :)
    I'm off to wOrk see you all later..happy flinging:)
  • Hi @all!

    @E-Star - Still hanging in there :) Actually that's the reason why I haven't been much online, 'cause I've been trying to do everything so that I wouldn't have to think about drinking. TLM is at hubby's parents' place until tomorrow and I've been trying to learn how to fix a motor and yesterday we went fishing so tonight we're going to smoke some fish :D I'm doing okay, though there are weak moments but so far nothing bigger :D
  • Hello @e-star and @kimmiecv! Thanks for your welcome, I'd been meaning to visit for some time. . . the same way I'm always meaning to post my scores. But you know how it is - too busy flinging to get around to it!

    As u-know-who says: "I'll be back"!
  • Thanks fire bomb bird! How are you today? :)
  • I'm good, just playing AB
  • @Lisko Good for you!! I am so glad you are still hanging in there, sounds like a great plan and working on motor all ready :D Love fishing with my Hubby, we do go out sometimes in the Summer, but we live in a major city, so not to many lakes, mostly canals.
  • Happy birthday @tompuss
  • @sunshine oh, what a beautiful cake! I zoomed in on the picture: it's a real work of art and it would be a sin to slice it up. Thank you!

    @firebombbird yes, having great birdday, thanx for greetings. Going for a little fling now.
  • I was wondering if anyone would have any suggestions for me. I play on PC, but lately I have been thinking of getting something else also to play AB on with a touch screen. I don’t think I would like a tiny little phone, but I know there are larger devices like an iPad that I might like. The problem is that I would probably only use it to play AB and so an expensive device with a data plan would be overkill. Is there something with wifi and a larger screen that would work? Used from ebay? I don’t see many (if any) people with high scores playing on a Kindle Fire, so I wonder if it works well with AB. I already use a regular Kindle, so with a Fire I would at least have another use for it besides playing AB. Also, would I need to make another membership here at the nest to enter scores? Or is it permissible to add scores with two different devices?
  • @stocktoad I use to play on droid and got an iPad. I love it!!!!! I find myself using it for everything I would use my laptop for. I rarely turn my laptop on anymore. I can get into google doc on my iPad and edit them just like the laptop. The only thing I can't do is make phone calls, but then again there is FaceTime. :D
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