The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1715
  • LOL Birdy your on a roll!! :D
    Tas you told that one in seniors forum!!
  • I have to give Tig his meds, I'll be back in a jiffy!!
  • OH MY! The wind machine certainly works! Seeing as these boys don't get out very often I think we should get them all on the bouncy castle don't you?!! Now THAT would be a sight!! Oh I forgot about B&R @sunshine was going to put some things in there as well!
  • Great idea , Ewan, lets go to the bouncy castle!
  • Pfieeeeuwww... bathroom break hahahahha
    @kimmie Give Tig a cuddle from auntie E*
  • Oh my yes I do believe they need some exercise @JLZ-666!! Absolutely!!! :)
    Good idea!!! Heehee lets see which one of you braw laddies can jump the highest!!!!

    Thank you @birdy!! :)

    @JLZ-666 I popped over there just a few ago! :)
  • Have all the boys got their best undies on? Things could get messy on the castle and there's young uns around ;)
  • Com'on Mumgo let's see who can get their hem the highest!
  • No more activity.....
  • Uh...what are "undies" JLZ?
  • Wth is Wrong with my phone?!! All my slang words are tweaking!! I'm seeing typos everywhere like the auto correct is on crack!! :/ instead of Tig it says gig?! Instead of laddies it says paddies?! Stupid thing!! It's going to rehab if it keeps this up!!!
  • Heeheee! Oh how I wish we could see this lol!!
  • I stand corrected.
  • It's probably in meltdown @kimmie! Mine took a total breakdown yesterday!
  • Uh skivvys @Bird-addict! You've never heard undies before?! LOL I use it all the time!! Heehee you know what skivvys are yes?

    Hey @JLZ-666 they're wearin undies?! Hmmmmm not what I heard!!! LOL
  • Just throw it at the wall.
  • Stupid thing has to melt down Today!!! :/

    Hahaahaa you and me both Jujubean!! Now That I could uhh "get into!" LOL
  • Erm do you think it's because I've dropped it just about every day? I have a thingy cover on it but maybe that's like throwing it at the wall? Maybe it's rebelling?
  • Mungo jumped, but not so high... he is a little shy and yes kimmie in the BP they are wearing their undies, this is still a family website LOL
  • Undies? Underwear....knicks....panties.......;) es @kimmie they're TRUE Scotsmen but it's a family affair today!
  • LOL panties??? Can you imagine them in pink lace numbers?!
  • Shoot!! Hmmmm maybe ill blow out some candles and make a wish and......naw it's a family site what was I thinking!! :O
  • Heeheeeeeheee I can NOT imagine Any Scotsman doing Panties!!! :D
  • Awwww don't be shy mungo! Ewan and Laird are giving it all they've got!
  • Goooo Lyall jump higher!! You can so it!!!!! Mwahahahahaahahaaa
  • *snicker* I think my "Dinger" broke!! It's been silent for a while!! Can't imagine how many emails have gone through!! I think it burned out as well!! :D
  • HaaHaaa! Oooooo so it's Lyall you like then @kimmie????
    *pops open another bottle* top up Kimmie?
  • Kimmie I have to get my head to stop spinning before I really need to go to work. So I am leaving mungo behind and hope you will have a fabulantastic couple of hours, an amazing Pillow walk and dreams and catch you in your morning!! a big Dutchie kiss!!!

    And JLZ a big kiss to you as well, keep the boys hopping, Kimmie is drewling hihihi.
  • @kimmie you'd pee your pants if you knew how many messages we got through to get here today!! Laird? Mungo? What was the last count? Any idea?
  • Have a good day E-star. Hope you can stay awake. Your bike will revive you. Thanks again!
  • Love him @JLZ-666!! Just scrumptioulicious!!! LOL

    @e-star Thank you for Everything!!! I can't even imagine how much work you put into this and I love you for it!! You've all made this a very very very special day!!! I hope the work part goes fast as a whip and ill catch you on the other side of it!! Mwaaaah Thank You!!! :)
  • And my brain just blew up all over my face. What is happening.
  • Nooooooooo @estar :( Dang work! Thank you for everything sweetie this wouldn't have happened were it not for you! Yeah it would've been easier teaching chimps sometimes but we love you for it! I'll keep mungo jumping.....I've got the whip ;) catch you later! Kisses & huge (((hugs))))
  • I'm not sure but I was getting finger cramps on that last one. Not to mention all the side PM's. we'll have to take a count.
  • Pretty sure it's close to 200!!!
  • I can't wait to hear this story!! And I can't flipping believe you all!! I'd no idea at all what was going on! Bunch of sneaky pants!!!
  • Oh I missed most of the party... fell asleep...
    The Scottish guys in kilts are hilarious :D
  • Now now @kimmie they're all scrumdidliumptious;) I don't want a cat fight breaking out lol!
  • Oooooh I heard the word whip!!! Bring it on @JLZ-666!! Make me JUMP!! Wahahahahahaaaa
  • 120 PMs at ABN, close to 100 emails and I think 50 in the HQ your do the math JLZ hahahahahaha

    @Laird I think it will do me some good, but will be riding in the hottest part of the day and it is a hot day today :/ but that all doesn't matter... we rock that house!!!
  • Hey @annifrid welcome back to the kilted men themed pahtaaaay!! LOL

    Whaaaaaaa @JLZ-666 he makes me droooooolllllll!!!! ;D
  • I'll just go back to my hides hole and call Freckles for that helicopter again..... Just in case.....
  • @annifrid please tell me you're male.
  • OMG!!!!! Are you kidding me??!!!!! Geez that's a wicked LOT!!! Man your a sneaky bunch!!!
  • hahahahah your black side showing again JLZ?? hahahahhaha
    And Kimmie you will all hear about it... someday LOL. But it was all worth it and even though all the ladies give me the credit, they did an amazing job as well, always being there to answer all my techy and planning questions! So thank you as well my lovely ladies! ;^* kisses!
  • @tas Me and male? Sorry, nope.
  • @e-star bring a water sprayer and shoot yourself with it!! Yikes this isn't going to be a fun ride!! I love you even more for this extra pain your going through just to hang with us!!

    *snort* Not @tas!! LOL
  • Oh good heavens! No wonder my phone had a breakdown lol!!!
    Welcome back @annifrid!
    Yeah! Get bouncing @kimmie!
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