The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1735
  • Good night everyone, its a shame we have finally found something we disagree on @hunnybunny, other than our favourite Angry Birds Game!
  • @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster please edit your age in the seniors forum..not a good idea to be putting your age any where on any place
    @E-Star not sure can you do it ?
  • Good Morning.
    Sorry for the long absence. I'm looking for a new job which is very time consuming and challenging. And else i also decided to improve my scores in ABo, which is a lot of work, especially in the early episodes.
    Hope you all are well.
  • @trishohara Did you hear about the BP PU update? Updating right now can't wait.
  • Good morning all;) have a great day...
    Happy Flingin'
  • @TheWingman181 is that the update from Monday? Or another, newer one?

    @Kathy same to you :-)
  • From Monday. JUST CAN'T WAIT!
  • @rdnzlrips82 Can you alter the Bloated Pig abbreviation? It confuses the Bloated Pig with Bad Piggies!
  • Good morning @Trishohara long time indeed, sorry to hear the reason though, I assume the recession has hit you and you lost your previous job? well for what it is worth I wish you all the luck in finding a new job and I hope it is just around the corner waiting for you. :) But good to see you are still enjoying the flinging!

    And Good morning to you as well @Kathy, my day off, so I am looking for some happy flinging indeed... haven't found it yet in Wreck the Halls (did I mention I HATE SNOW!!), but hope today will be my lucky day :D Have a quick day at work and happy flinging to you as well!

    @TheWingman181 nice to see you are enjoying the menu and visiting more often. Have fun with the new update of BP!

    ow and @Ripsy a new blog :D I haven't had time to read them, but I am sure they are a great read. Hope all is well in real life and the kids are doing fine.
  • Ow and @Kathy I have edited the comment of ABSM and deleted the age, thanks for keeping tabs on the teens!
  • Enjoy your free day @E-Star. Wreck the Halls can be nasty at times. May the force against the pigs with your birds.
    BTW, your videos from Danger Above helped me a lot. Thank you, that you did them all and shared them with the nest.
  • Thanks for sending the force my way @trishohara I hope it works :D and you are welcome for the ABo videos. I am currently revisiting all the Seasons levels. I left ABo right after the PUs hit and now that Seasons has them too and the fun is still there, I am thinking of picking up the ABo glove again after my Seasons run is finished :D
  • @trishohara It's really nice to see you back here. How is life aside from job searching?

    @estar The kids are well. Isaiah is really taking to watching the Angry Birds Toons. He also enjoys ABSW & ABSpace. Maybe if he gets good enough, I'll have him play through those for me, as they are my least favorites. Eli has stopped the escape attempts, for now. And we have entered the time honored tradition of Toilet Training. Maddy is getting big, brave and quite sassy. She is finally starting to stand on her own and is almost ready to start taking steps.
    As far as me, I've been trying this new thing called "sleep." It's really quite wonderful. I enjoy it as a new hobby. I am still plugging away at ABF. This weeks tourney is especially fun. How are things in Dutchie Land?
  • May your birds prosper! LOL :D
  • Hey there @wingman. Nice to meet you. I am the co-creator of this place. It's nice to see you enjoying yourself and the food. And it's nice to see someone finally using the coupons we send out in the mail. Why don't you take this Free Meal Voucher for use here any time. *hands @wingman voucher*
  • Oh, by the way, thanks, @estar
  • They grow up so fast don't they, Isaiah playing AB, sweet baby Maddy turning into a real lady! Happy to hear Eli has given up the houdinin act :) Give them all a hug from auntie E*
    no way... You are trying the sleep thing huh? Good for you, it will give you a great deal of energy! As for Ducthie Land, as always, enjoying all that life and Hubby gives me. Anxiously awaiting my 3 weeks vacation, which is just one and a half week away. Nothing planned as always, just decide in the morning what to do that day or where to go :)
  • Hi @rdnzlrips82, good to see you and to hear that the kids are fine. Sleep is wonderful, isn't it ;-)
    Life is different since Peggy's death. We still don't have a new dog yet, it's a strange feeling, something big is missing.
  • @estar I lost my Turbo badge. It looks like this:
  • Sorry repost

  • You are welcome @thewimgman181 btw your nickname (sorry if you explained this in the forumthread about the nicknames) does it have anything to do with being someones sidekick? Sorry if I am mistaken, but my Dutchies mind remembers wingman meaning something like this in English and my Dutchie minds loves to learn new things :)
  • Erm Turbo badge @thewingman181??? Me confused ahahahaha
  • Earned it for using Turbo Charger in BP.
  • @trishohara When our first dog passed at the ripe age of 17 I had the same feeling of emptiness. I waited two years before getting another dog.
  • Wingman- A Bird PU in ABF.
  • @ripsy - so glad to hear you have discovered the new hobby of sleep - I have to tell you that I envy how quickly this has come about in your case! Our twin daughters were 6 ( yes Six) years old before they both slept through the same night and by that time they had two brothers to carry on the time honoured family tradition Then slowly but surely the nights slept through by all four grew until Jan 1986 when, on the first of Feb, I realised that we had had a whole MONTH of unbroken nights!! The fact that no 5 was on the way could not take away my delight and in fact he took one look at the family he had been born into and was an absolute marvel and did not even try to take part in his siblings tradition!
    Just read the blog and, I hesitate to confess this, but I do not like peanut butter! Tasted it when I visited cousins in New York State when I was 12 and could not understand why they all loved it so much!
  • @thewingman181 ahhh I see you are refering to Bad Piggies... i am sorry, I am an almost exclusively Seasons Girl, so it didn't trigger anything in my brain. I am sure that if I did play it would make a whole lot more sense :)
    It is a badge in the app itself?? So you lost it? Can you get it back?
  • Don't be surprised by my slowness. I'm a slow typer.
  • @estar I love sleep. Didn't get any last night though. I had to blog and play bejeweled blitz & candy crush.
  • No lost it in Bloated Pig like @lisko
  • @thewingman181 hahahah see I need to get out more, Facebook is also a unfamiliar path I never ventured out on... Thanks for clearing that up @thewingman181.... Mind if I just call you Wingman in here?? You will not get notified though, not sure how you are keeping tabs, by refreshing ir by @mentionings?
  • @mumsie The kids still have their off nights. But for the most part, Maddy is in bed by 8pm and awake by 8am. And she will usually take a 2-3 hour nap during the day. The boys however, in bed by 8pm up by 530am. Ugh.
    Sorry you don't like Peanut Butter. Have you tried it since then?
  • I have to leave now. We celebrate the birthday of my boss now.
    Have a good day @all and happy flinging!
    see you soon :-)
  • @thrishohara loosing a pet is always hard and I remember the void all to well. Not from a dog, but from my two cats (who dies within 10 days of each other for separate reasons). In a few weeks time (after shouting life was unfair and crying out I never wanted to go thru that again) we picked up Jaapie and even though I miss my two boys dearly I am so happy when I come home and get the love from Jaapie.
  • Good seeing you again, @trishohara. Take care.
  • Hey mumsie! [hugs] no golf today?
  • Congratz to your boss @trishohara and enjoy!
  • @estar I am currently taking a break from the standard AB apps until the Cloud Sync is available. I have it on ABO, but my heart lies in ABF right now. I don't use power ups but still end up above average or slightly below without them.
  • I checked out the cloud sync in ABo and indeed it is a real improvement. I even put the AB games on my phone again (deleted some of them cause I hated to have a high score not in my main app hahah)
  • Awww love the one of Isaiah and Eli and love the black and white use ;)
  • @estar The s3 has an awesome feature that allows the camera to only pick up either green, blue or red/yellow. I love it. And I fully converted the wife to Android from iOS.
    As far as cloud sync...
    I am waiting to test my Seasons scores. I have a higher score on ACB 1-1 on my new phone. So I wonder if it takes the higher score.
  • @riosy I did do a check with ABO, but I only checked if it took a new level I never pkayed before. Didn't check if it also takes a higher score as well, but it looks promissing. Happy to see you are loving your s3 and taking all the advantages of it ;)
  • Gonna head back in the snow, nice to see you are doing well Ripsy :) catch you later!
  • Take care @estar. I am working on ABF. Sure, I have a comfy 52k lead on my competition. But, @mighty hasn't played yet this week. So I am working on some insurance points.
  • @TheWingman181 -- The BP (Bloated Pig) has been around longer than BPgs (Bad Piggies), so if there is a possibility of confusion, you should use BPgs for Bad Piggies. Sorry, but I doubt there is any way BP for Bloated Pig can be changed to anything else.
  • It could be changed. But it won't be. You can't change the name of a legacy.
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