The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1736
  • Waiter, I'd like some Stale Bread, please.
  • @TheWingman181 Stale Bread! LoL! I must be missing something. You may have asked for the one thing the BP doesn't have.
  • @mvnla we always have stale bread lying about for our Birdie friends.
  • Good afternoon @all!
    Can't stop but oooooooo @ripsy I'm now craving peanut butter! We're big fans of Skippy but it's hard to get here. Hubby makes amazing peanut butter cookies and there's nothing nicer than a spoon & a tub when I'm hungry and can't find anything to eat ;) The only thing I can't get my head around is peanut butter and jelly......sorry;( Although my sisters fave is a cheese and jam sandwich....nope don't get that either! Time for dinner,gotta go but thanks for the tummy growls :)
  • I had a spoon and a jar of it while I was writing. :D
  • Guess what I'm holding? ;D
  • Is that your dinner?!
  • I realise that didn't sound good,sorry lol!! Hubby is doing dinner at a ridiculous slow pace so had to reach for a spoon! Having salmon pasta but his blackberry is joining us and I'm about to throw them both out into the garden ;(
  • Ha! So your having another go at ABO? Perhaps I could join you. ;)
  • 10 mins and counting on the timer.......tick,growl,tock :( You talking to me @ripsy? How did you know I was back in ABO?
  • Mumsie gets up from her rocking chair where she has sat knitting and listening ever since she got back from golf at lunch time and has a good stretch ( sorry about the strange creaking noises).
    As the fab weather is continuing here in the UK my opponent and I agreed on a relatively early start for our game (08:15) it was match play so always a tad speedier than stroke play and I won through to the next round ! So a very happy Mumsie!
    Yesterday spent 5 1/2 hours in the car as on the way to my sons there were several traffic flow issues and it took me 3 1/2 hours to get there - maybe the long sit down improved my golf!
    Playing again tomorrow with a clear conscience as I have managed to complete loads of dusters - one of the great things about the virtual world is that things can happen in much less time than the real world

    Ripsy those kids just grow in gorgeousness!! I remember 05:30 mornings and I don't want to depress you but now that there are no little people around but I am getting older I'm often up then again!

  • Hi @everyone! Just popping in for a quick flirk. I've been real busy with training for my new job. But I have been able to get a few flings in here& there.

    Congrats @lisko ! It sounds like you are doing really well. So glad to hear that!

    @e-star You are pretty close that wingman is kind of like a sidekick. It comes from aviation when airplanes fly in formation, the pilot 'on your wing' is your wingman.

    Happy flinging!
  • Hello OB:) I'll take Sunupper please..gotta chase away the clouds..
    Ripsy thanks for sharing the photos they are beautiful..hope all is well
    Sorry i haven't checked out your recent blog..just to much flinging lol
    Can you tell me how to get to the cloud Rovio?
    Sorry i missed everyone flinging..stuff catch up soon.
  • @Ripsy Mmmmmmmm......peanut butter.
    Crunchy. Reese's. Nutter Butters. What? No peanut butter & sliced banana sandwiches? C'mon peanut butter on celery sticks? How could you miss those? ;-D
  • Hi @kathy Heres to blowing the clouds away for ya.
  • Hi @ABCrazy thanks;)how's the new job training going?
  • @jlz666 I was actually lurking the other day when you mentioned it in here. :D

    @kathy It's only available for ABO right now. All you have to do is open ABO, click on the icon on the bottom middle of the screen (next to the shopping cart) and fill out the necessary info. It's that easy.

    @ABcrazy Nutter Butters didn't make the cut. And I'm not a fan of PB&Nanners. And never really cared for celery. :D
  • I love the fact that I can actually flirk on this phone. Having my data on while flinging on the old phone slowed it down. Not this beast though. She runs smooth.
  • What did you end up getting Ripsy? My upgrade is due next week:) :)
  • Ohh and about the p'nut butter that's all I've been eating all week lol love it:)
  • @kathy I got an S3 from walmart for only $40. I recommend staying with the S lines. 3 or 4 would be fine.
  • K that's what i thought i gotta see wh at the free one is probably S3 with the renewal of contract not bad though I've had the same account for about ,6 years usually upgrade every year this time only 6 mos.:)
  • Good night all...
  • ...Good night
  • Hi, all, and greetings from Sydney, Australia!
    I've been playing Angry Birds for a couple of years now, but I'm new to AngryBirdsNest.
    I really don't know if the Bloated Pig is the place to ask this question, so, if there's another more appropriate forum, could a moderator please (a) move this post to that forum, (b) let me know where you moved it, and (c) please accept my apologies for any I inconvenience I may have caused?
    Here is my question, preceded by my background explanation:
    Recently, I bought ad-free versions of Angry Birds from Amazon (they're not available from Google Play Store). (The ads in the latest free versions have been driving me crazy, with the way they obscure parts of the screen)!
    All the apps installed correctly, and my scores from the free versions were all preserved (although I did make a backup prior to the installation, just to be on the safe side).
    All has been running well until yesterday, when, for some unknown reason, when I started up ABS, I got an error message to say that I needed to be signed into Amazon to play.
    When I was unable to get my password accepted, the app closed with an error message.
    I was able to reset my Amazon password, and now ABS is working OK, but I'm a little surprised about this, because I don't remember seeing such a requirement before, when I did the initial installations.
    I play AB mostly on my Android phone, and I have the Amazon Android app, but I also sign into Amazon from my PC, (although, having said that, at the moment, I'm running maintenance on my PC, and it's offline).
    Anyway, I'm not always signed into Amazon when my PC is online, so I can't see how that would be relevant.
    Is anyone else here using Angry Birds ad-free from Amazon, and have you seen this requirement before?
    Thanks in advance for any help or advice!
    Best regards to all!
  • Welcome to BP and the seniors forum @pigblaster007 :) Don't have an android so I can't help you but @rdnzlrips82 does and he's a whiz with them, unfortunately he's likely already asleep by now, however maybe if you check back here tomorrow he will pop in, just use his handle (the one above) when your here and ask him, if anyone can help it'll be him!! :)
  • I don't see any candles burning @Kimmie. You still lurking?
  • Atta boy, Snort. You got her so scared she's running to bed without polishing the flashlight or putting out candles. That'll give her an additional five minutes of sleep.
    Here's a great big ole bacon grease hushpuppy for ya.
  • Wahahahaahahaahahahahaahahaahahaa @rat your asking for it!!!!! :D
  • Plot foiled!!!! Heh heh
  • Oh no, give me that hushpuppy back Snort.
  • @kimmie I'm trying to win Snort a friend, but I'm having no luck at all. How about you? Whatcha doin'?
  • Ooowwww good luck @rat! Hope it's space, you'll be a shoe in for top score!! I'm getting ready to do some flinging myself!! Back to CC for me! At least the 2nd half really is better than the first half!!
  • Snorts' lonely. I better get back to it. Don't stay up too late @kimmie. Bye bye
  • Go get those bacon bits @rat!! Snort needs a Snicker!! LOL uhhh can't make promises I know I won't keep but ill give it a shot rat! ;)
  • Kind of disappointed that the Rio update didn't include CloudSync. However, the new level select screens look really slick. And on top of them adding Golden Beachball levels, they have given that episode fruit to hunt. They are cherries and they put them in the first 15 so you get to go back and revisit those levels.
  • As far as @PigBlaster007's question I am afraid I am not going to be much help. I am not familiar Amazon's system.
  • Good morning everyone:)
    @Ripsy thanks for the info about cloud:)
    Is there a new Rio update?
    Have a great day all:) Happy Flingin'
  • Good morning everyone. Hi @kathy the training is going well. It's a lot to learn in a short period of time, but its good.
  • Yes @kathy. Rio update includes 15 new Golden Beachball levels.
  • Thanks @Ripsy
    @ABCrazy I'm sure you'll do fine..good luck:)
    The work bell is ringing..:( see you all soon..
  • @ripsy I have to admit I don't particularly care for peanut butter & bananas now either but I ate it as as a kid. My son likes it with celery & its a good way to get a few more veggies in him.
  • OB just told me his birdday is October 21, because it's a release day of Ham'o'ween and he first appeared in that episode. You guys missed his birdday last year.
  • Hello all my dear friends! A quick fly-through as I'm all excited about the new Golden Beach Ball episodes in ABR.
  • I want to officially thank Rovio for having the foresight to program an oh-so-helpful “Power Up Reminder Box” to pop up incessantly while I’m playing the new release of AB Rio. It’s as if I were out eating a meal I purchased at a local diner and every three minutes the waitress stops by to ask me if I’d like some help chewing my food. #ROVIOFAIL – Aloha.
  • @surfcow -I couldn't have said it better! Just got home having been out all day and really looking forward to the update but that blasted box is sooooooo irritating! :^(
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