The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1738
  • I'm at 33 right now :/
  • I'm on 31 but only going to try a couple more flings then 32..
  • O.k I'm right behind ya..:)
  • I heard boba was even worse and if its all up to his head I believe them!!
  • Great!! Ohh well we'll get through it..never to return lol
    Seasons will be a fun break..if that's still what you want to do..:)
  • Ok I'm off to fling a bit before chopping up stuff for dinner. Good luck can't remember but I think it wasn't as bad as 30 was!!
  • Yep seasons is next! Just in time to warm up for the holidays!! :)
  • Ohh yeah!! I hadn't thought of that..jeez this summer is going fast..:( and the weather has been less then pleasant:(
  • O.k enjoy dinner..see ya in a bit..or tomorrow:)
  • It's going crazy fast and has been back to hot again! :( Don't like summer anyways so I'm glad my fav time is approaching! :)
    Ok maybe catch you in a bit, I'm just chopping, dinner will be a bit later since my Moms not home yet. :)
  • HaPpY BiRthDaY @lamia!!!!! May the next year being you loads of Joy, Love and Happiness!!! I hope all your dreams come true!! :)
  • @sunshine awesome cakes and what a buffet table!!!! :D

    Everyone have a great Saturday!!
    @lamia enjoy your very special day!!

    Goodnight @all :)
  • Heehee great birthday song @sunshine!! LOL :)
  • Thanks Kimmie!!!! I get the feeling Lamia is a Star Wars fan from the avatar... ;)
    Sleep well!
  • Beautiful cake and great buffet, @sunshine
  • Thanks fire bomb bird. :)
  • Happy Birdday @lamia!, have a really awesome day :)
  • @Lamia Happy Birdday :)

    @sunshine That buffet picture is hilarious. Yoda Soda, hahahaha :D
  • Happy Saturday everyone and a happy birthday @lamia Have a wonderful day!
    Sorry can't stop,just getting ready to meet my sis in law for lunch,cocktails and generally putting the world to right lol!!
    @sunshine what a fantastic buffet! Love the wookie cookies and Yoda soda!!!
    Hope everyone has a great day....see ya!
  • Just 3 star all level in Rio on new level, feel Rio level is more easy that other AB.
  • @lamia -- Happy BirdDay!
    @Sunshine -- Great celebration. I think you made everything except maybe the buffet? Did you make that also? If not, where did you find it?
    Guess this didn't post earlier.
  • @PJng -- I agree that most of it is easy, but just try to get the feather for the cherry trophy level!
  • Awww i missed the birthday stupid dinger!!
    Happy Birthday @lamia :) :)
  • Aww it didn't work:(
  • @all @rdnzlrips -- I just got TD on the Cherry Trophy Level. So far I only know of one other person who has it. Will post more details on walkthrough page soon.
  • Congrats @mvnla2 !!!:)
  • Congrats on your Cherry inner tube destruction @mvnla2. It seemed very, very, very important to you. I haven't played it yet. WTG
  • @mvnla2 well done. Don't play Rio, other than a few levels with my niece, but second person to achieve whatever TD maybe sounds dammed impressive
  • OB I'll have 2 Sunuppers to go please deliver to CC 35 for me and my pahtna.
    Oh and even though it's not Tuesday a double WWWwwwhhhiiinnneee...
  • WWwhhhiiiinnnneee what a Horrid level!!!! :/
  • @Rat -- 3 "very"s! really! I wouldn't say it's quite that important, but my goal is to get 3* and feathers on all levels of a new release, and it usually only takes 2 days -- One for 3* and one for feathers, and not the whole day either. So it was very frustrating to have one feather left, and no one seemed to know how to get it. So yeah, I'm really happy to get that feather, and get back to some semblance of real life.
    I usually wait a while on above average, in the hopes that the average will go down.
    @Hunnybunny -- Rio is at the bottom of my list of AB games. Only revisit it when it's the level of the day, or when there are new levels.
  • Hahahaha @mvnla2 me thinks the lady doth protest to much ;)
    Nice going..
  • @Kathy -- Protest too much? Me! Of course not! : D
  • @hunnybunny--I just posted crumbs on Pig Dipper 6-14. Easy way to get into top ten on this level. Don't tell anyone else though. There, you can't say "shame on you" tonight. Too bad it isn't the challenge.
  • @mvnla I got to work a whole other 10 minutes on it and boosted myself to 98%. Just waiting on the luck to kick in.
  • Oh My God!!

    Thank you Everyone for my best birthday wishes. Feeling soo happy seeing your love. Thank you so much for cake and wonderful cards...
    I wish i could be regular here. Feels really goood here.
  • Hee hee @lamia Surprise !!!
  • Oww it's way to late.
    *places cheese crumbs and leftover cake crumbs near @rat9 front hole in the wall*
    \\*places flashlight on Kimmiecv booth with a yellOw rose and treats for TIG_*
    Good night all..happy flinging:)
  • Thanks for the rose and the treats for Tig @Kathy :)
    *shines Kathy's flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *
  • @lamia I hope your birthday was filled with joy!! :)
  • Mumsie pops in and has a stern word with OB - they had agreed that, as Mumsie is getting old and forgets her way round the nest, he would remind her of Birthdays and she missed @lamia's birthday - so sorry! So belated birthday wishes. Hope you had a fun filled day and have many many more!
  • @tas As you get older you will find out that women don't like to be reminded of "past" birthdays. Hopefully she will forgive you because of your tender age.
  • @tas I know it sounds like a double standard but this rule only applies to men. Women, can and do, use this exception to the rule in a myriad of devious ways.
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