The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1740
  • *shines Kathy's flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland * sleep well kathy :)
  • Argbhh @Kimmiecv that stubborn little bacon bit!!! I know right he sits there way 45 minutes!! Crap on toast it's the k perfect saying:( I'm sorry wish it would cooperate for'll get it will.take a breather
    OB a Sunupper for Kimmie please;) i gotta go to sleep..not one more fling.n really..?)
  • Thanks @Kimmiecv nighty night..(((hug))
  • LOL get to Bed @Kathy!! :D Yep the phrase does work well doesn't it!! Hahaha I really want to hurt something right now! That's twice it's happened to me!! :( Ah well hopefully it'll click soon so I can get the heck outta there! We're sooo close to Done!!! :) Sleep well and congrats on the car! Haven't popped in the room yet but Yahoooo good news!!!! :D
  • Thanks :) yep I'm going..going..poof...
  • @wiiwillie I checked and if your a PC user than yes there's a bug and it will take your 3rd star away sometimes in CC. Just wanted you to know your not "crazy" and it is happening. As to the ship it's ABSWs mighty eagle and it doesn't do anything score wise, just gets you the feather or ribbon in this case. Hope this info helps. :)
  • Dinger off @Kathy!!! LOL and thanks for the drink! ;)
  • Good night @kimmiecv
  • Hahahaahahaahahaa it ain't me going to bed @rat! It's only 9pm! :D
  • I thought you said dinger off @kimmie. I was just testing you. You failed.
  • Yep I did say that but it was for Kathy to turn her dinger off!! Heheeee chances of me hitting my pillow this early are slim to never gunna happen!!!! ROFLMAO :D
  • @kimmiecv I must admit, I was very surprised at the hour of your departure. Crap on toast. Ha Ha I wouldn't want to be that lone piggy tonight. He's in for a world of hurt.
  • If it were true there'd be a whole nest full of peeps doing a triple take @rat!! :D heck if I could pull 2am off peeps would wonder who I really was!! :D And you got that right!! Stupid little bacon bit is on my death list!! He better say his prayers because I'm out for blood now!!! ; /
  • @ripsy What is that?
    Snort says hi. He really enjoys his time with you @kimmie. He wants a buddy called Snicker, he's waiting...
  • Hey @Ripsy!! :) Mmmmmm Yummy!!! Just the way I like my Big Mac!! LOL :D It's making me hungry!! I'm going to have to look at making dinner earlier than I'd planned!!
  • @rat Kimmie will know what it is.
  • Too bad @jlz666 isn't here. I had a really nice present for her.
  • I didn't see any meat coloured substance in that "Big Mac?".
  • Interesting fact about the Veggie Big Mac:
    When I was searching Google images, a picture of Katy Perry showed up in the first three rows of pictures.
  • It's the meatless variety @rat.
  • Ahhh give Snort a big sloppy kiss for me @rat! Can't wait until he gets his pal Snicker!! Talk about double trouble!! LOL

    Nice cut of cheese there @Ripsy!! :D Rat better eat it quick or heygetouttamyway will be all over it!!
  • Hahahaahahahahahaahahaa Oh My wonder what that says about her!!! LOL :D
  • @rat I don't do any meat coloured substances!!! ;D Blecky!!!! Better to leave that stuff on the animal it belongs to!!
  • @kimmie I first searched "Vegetarian Big Mac" and she was last pic in the 3rd row. I then searched "Meatless Big Mac" and she moved to the middle of the 2nd row.
  • Thanks for the cheese @ripsy. I'll leave it for Minnies' offspring. Sorry it took so long. I got caught in a spam loop when I looked at the cheese. Had to do a hard reset to escape.
  • @kimmie Well, that explains the vegetable sandwich. Are you vegan?
  • hmm...
    To blog or not to blog. That is the question.
  • i'm super duper tired so I fear I might produce some sort of derivative drivel. But my mind is filled with too many ideas for my brain to stop and I can go to sleep.
  • Sorry @kimmie. We're going to have to agree to disagree on this one. I love a good tender steak.
  • Peanut butter. Where will you go next?
  • I'm not a big fan of steak. I prefer Hamburgers. Preferably the ones I make. Unless I am out and about and can grab a KobeBeefBurger.
  • I was thinking of touching on music. But music is an extremely sensitive subject for me. One little idea about music can turn into a novel.
  • @ripsy You're a richer man than I.
  • But as the yawns become more frequent. So do thoughts of my pillow.
  • Hi @all!

    Sorry if I've missed some mentions :/ The weather has been fantastic so we've been out most of the time. Yesterday we were fixing one of hubby's cars and suddenly the heat and humidity got way too high and just when we were leaving to the beach, it started raining and when I heard thunder we decided to stay home. Too bad that we live so close to the lake so the thunder stays there like it did this time too, didn't give much of relief. No the humidity is even higher and it seems that it's not going to be any cooler today.

    Haha, yesterday I took out the engine from one of the cars and I also took it apart. Today I should put it back together, but I guess I'll leave for the evening when it's (hopefully) a bit cooler :D
  • Actually @rat. My wife and I ate at a Cheeseburger In Paradise back in March. The upcharge for a KobeBeefBurger was only $1.99. I'm not sure it was really Kobe or not. But it was the best darn burger I have ever had. Ever.
  • Hey @lisko!!

    We are supposed to be having hot & humid weather here in southern Illinois. But all we are getting is gorgeousness. High 70's. Light humidity. Cool breezes. It's almost like Fall already.
  • @lisko I wondered where my testosterone had gone. I had my closet lightning strike to date last night. The wife thought she had died. It all but hit us. Very loud and bright.
  • Also @lisko. It's good to hear you are doing well fighting your personal battle. Sorry I haven't been around much to support you. But when I first read about it, I knew you could do it.
  • @ripsy Where is this Paradise of which you speak? I can afford $1.99.
  • It's Jimmy Buffet's chain of restaurants. Great food. Let me see what I can find for you.
  • Jimmy, I know Jimmy. Went to his concert in Las Vegas last year. Row 14, center. Best seats I've ever had at a concert. Too bad I never got to use it. Nobody ever sat down.
  • Guess who's back?
    I've been having lots of random nosebleeds. Last night I was milliseconds away from sleep when I swallowed some blood. I've been having at least one each day for about 3-4 days, and tomorrow I'm going to the doctor.
  • Best seats I have ever had at a show were at a Phish show in Columbus Ohio. Summer of '99. The tickets said 20th row, but they were actually close to the stage due to their location. And it was Page-Side. So that was a huge bonus. Other than that, I had 7th row to see Trey Anastasio on his tour back in '99.
  • @ripsy The menu says it uses American Kobe beef. I didn't know we had Kobe beef here.
  • @tas. Going to the doctor is probably the best thing you could do for that. Could be any number of problems. Hopefully nothing severe.
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