The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1752
  • I will try mister Rat, but frankly most of my ideas come from the stories people share in the Nest. Do you have a walkthrough on how to go vacation something, maybe then I know how LOL... Nahhh just kidding, my whole live is one big vacation, hubby and me both are living in the moment people, just enjoy ourselfs as much as we can :)

    @kathy you are right, do you have a walkthrough on how to turn in in time? I always get stuck at the point of closing up shop... All kinds of things I wanted to do always pop in my head at that point LOL... But alright, I am really out of here! Night night... Ya all enjoy your evening!
  • Ohh sorry Pa I've not checked b&r i will promptly go cast my vote to certify you ...haha

    What update space expecting an update?
  • @estar I didn't know you smoked too. Only reason my scores are so high is I play Angry Birds when I go outside to smoke. And I smoke too much.
  • Suddenly E* has turned into a southerner Ya'all hee hee
  • @Kathy Har de har har
  • @Estar A true southerner would spell it ya'll. It just sounds like it has more syllables the way we say it.

    Edit: The dictionary spells it y'all
  • Har har...and y'all comes back now ya'hear...
    Gotta get my butt in the showa!!!
  • Listen to us nor' easta's lol we know...
  • BBL.....
  • Bye bye y'all

    Another edit: Kathy, I grew up in Mississippi. What's your excuse?
  • Hahaha thanks for the lesson in southern talk, didn't even know that LOL... And yes mister Rat I am one that is hooked on contributing to the states income (taxes on ciggies are humongous overhere) and ermmmm both hubby and me LOVE yellow hahahah so no need to step outside for us.

    Okay now I am really going.... Got my bum of the couch, just need to get it into bed ;)
  • @Estar Great talkin' to ya, now git.
  • @rat -- Since Kathy appears to still be in the showa, her excuse is that she lives in Boston. A true Bostonian is about as easy to understand as a true Scott.
  • Hello all.
  • I wanted to show everyone this really awesome Angry Birds Pig scale drawing I did:
  • @harrystar6 awesome indeed
    @kathy @estar @rat I'll join you in the mad house, a smoking room for me too!
    Hi @iammighty long time, no see
  • @hunnybunny thanks,it took me quite a while to finish defiantly worth it :)
  • Hello guys! So bummed that school is back. UUUURRRRRGGGGHHHH
  • @tas I was one of those idiots that looked forward to school until after the first week. The newness wore off real quick. It was about that time I started looking forward to summer vacation. Lol
  • LOL all we do the first week is go over the rules.
  • I hate rules.

    Well, not all rules. I just hate when they try to legislate morality.
  • @TAS how's that nose of yours?
  • Every time Kathy, Mvnla or myself mention the "nose", TAS runs for the hills!
    Please come back, I promise never to mention it again :^)
    I've even created my smiley face just the way you like them!
  • I'm going to school in Monday, how about you @tas ?
  • Hi, Bye @hunnybunny @fbb Got chores to do I've put off too long. Then maybe a short siesta.
  • What? Oh, I was just doing something else @hunnybunny
  • I'm out of here too. All my washing is done, no excuses now to sit around the house. Back later.
    See you @tas @fbb @rat
    BTW great avatar @ripsey. Estar's best ever I think !!
  • Good Morning Everyone:)
    Have a Fantabulous Flingin' Friday Woo Hooo!!! :)
  • Well, Kathy said good morning from Boston. Goodness knows how many hours have passed, but I'll say goodnight from Wales
    Happy flinging everyone....
  • Hmm.. OB what's going on here? *checks food..its good..checks bar's is error box\ * hmmm did i miss an update ¿ ?
    Well anyway I'll take a PigKiller and a plate of crispy bacon bits:)
    Thanks OB:)
  • Have anybody noticed the new AngryBirdsNest background on the top of the page ?
  • Actually @firebombbird i don't many advertisements what's different?
  • The search bar is in the way..the one with the little ghost thingie..then google +, Twitter,fb.etc..blocks my view of the right side of header..the left side i see mighty eagle as usual..
  • The last one was the Piglantis, now it's a Surf & Turf background
  • Ohhh i guess i never noticed..*looks sheepishly at the floor,, shuffles feet*
  • @fbb, @Kathy it's the new banner e-star made. ;)
  • I found it now @Kimmiecv thanks i was just confused a little lol..then the light dawned on me:)
  • OB A couple of pigkillers here for me and my pahtna:) :)
  • Thanks @Kathy I could use one about now! Couple more emails and a phone call then I'm done for the day.
  • Yw..I'm sure it's been a long day for ya..((((hugs)))
  • Good morning all. I am too tired :-(

    Need a long and strong coffee!!
  • Hi @CCJolly good morning..good night for
    When i say good morning, you say hi..good night now opposite..:)
    Have a great day at work is it Friday for you?
  • *places flashlight on @Kimmiecv booth..with a yellow rose and a small note.
    "make sure you get some rest my friend ((( hugs))), treats for TIG.and Boo:)\*
    See ya soon..MWAhhhhh
  • Thanks @Kathy :) *shines Kathy's flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely through dreamland * Hope you sleep well ((((hugs)))) Ah did you send a draw? I keep getting a notification that you did but when I go in it says it's your turn?!

    @Harrystar6 love the picture you drew!! Great job, you should be proud of it!! :)
    Hello back @junkenmetel :) hope your doing well!
  • @kathy thanks. Yes i will have a nice day at work :-)

    It is Saturday in my Timezone. Good night. Sleep well :-)
  • @tas are you still around?
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