The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1750
  • @Laurence -- Hey! Did you know you shared a birthday with ABN?
  • @all -- Last post on previous page -- See chatter page for special post from BirdLeader!
  • I was just editing my comment @mvnla LOL... so link to the chatter is added :D

    Night night!
  • What what what'd i miss @Birdleader .* so confused* thought Laurence..Ohh jeez
    *for he's a jolly good fellow
    For he's a jolly good fellow
    Which nobody can deny!!!
    * blows horns and whistles,..... wooo Hoooo woooot woot!
    HAPPY Birthday !!! Congratulations!!!
    Aha saw the read all about it!!! Hee hee thanks for heads up E*
  • That's sooo awesome!! Great story Of the origin of ABN
    *wipe tear*
    OB drinks on the house for everyone all night and day..*Breaks out the Cristal, sets up ice buckets on all booths*
  • @Kimmiecv WTH is going on with the nut who murdered a woman in San Diego v and us on the run..i just got an Amber alert in my phone.and is on Fox news..have you seen anything:( :(
  • Yep @kathy I got the amber alert last night round just before 11pm since we live in Cali. He was a family friend mostly the father, knew the kids since they were born, we think he not only killed the Mom but the young boy, although they haven't confirmed it yet, and took off with the 16 year old girl who he'd said he had "feelings" for! Sick wacko!!
  • OMG!!! Such Crazy people in this he could possibly have the little boy too..jezz
    I pray they find them safe..they must think He left the state if they sent nationwide Amber alert?
  • I saw the father on t.v. He seemed like a normal guy considering the circumstances..
  • They found a child, or rather what was left after the fire, but they have to confirm through DNA whether or not it was the boy. They aren't sure where he's headed, they think either Texas (where he's from) Canada or the woods as he's an avid survivalist and can live in the woods with no prob. Poor girl must be terrified and IF the boy is with them, which I doubt, I think he killed the boy too, he must be scared out of his wits too! But that poor girl, she called him "uncle" they were such close family friends!!
  • Ohh @Kimmiecv so it probably the little boy in the sad that poor poor girl..she must be so confused and downright terrified is awful..crap..what its wrong with this world its always crazy and getting worse..:( :( i feel guilty just knowing this is going on and I'm sitting here playing a game..:( :( God its not right..
  • 11:11 put your hand on the wall and say a prayer...
  • Happy 3 year anniversary to ABN! :D
  • IKR @Kathy it's scary!! :( I was hoping her brother was with them so he could be a buffer but I really think he was the child they found in the fire. That means she's all alone with the murdering madman and that's a really bad thing. I hope the FBI finds them real soon, with the amber alert its out there so maybe they'll get luck sooner! That's my prayer for the poor girl. I'm sure she knows what he did to her family so I can't imagine how much more afraid that makes her, hopefully she's a smart girl and does what ever it takes to stay alive.
  • Hey @iamMighty :) did you read the post e-star left up top, it's really cool!! :)
  • Yes Kimmiecv i just thought of all you said.she must know what happened to her Mom and her baby brother:( i can't bear to even begin to think of that poor girl being traversed through who knows what..if i think of it..God!! My heart cries for her:(:( i agree maybe the little boy being there would help, maybe give her strength to need to take care of him, but sadly out doesn't seen to be the case they gave a description of
  • Error box!!!
    Description of the car..i was to slow yo write it down I am waiting to see it again and I will send it on Twitter even Facebook if I have to probably already there but the more the better right..
  • I keep forgetting that I have this microphone thing and it works way better than me typing I should use it more often but anyway it's almost midnight I'm going to sign off playing a little bit and then go to bed!!
  • I don't have it either or I'd give it to you @Kathy, seems once you get the alert its gone and you can't pull it back up. But it'll be on the news so yeah I'd say go for it since you have accounts with both! Do try the microphone, I don't like it much but with your wacky phone it might work much better! :D
    Good luck flinging and sleep well! :)
  • I'll keep my eye on the news see if I can see it again sure they'll show it
    * places flashlight on @Kimmiecv favorite booth....night night*
  • *shines Kathy's flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely through dreamland *
  • @mvnla2

    So we hope for tomorrow Thursday :-)
  • @Kimmiecv, I'm sorry for accidently pressing the "cancel friendship" button (because my stupid fat finger), could you accept the request for me please.
  • LOL @fbb :D I've done that before too, it happens! I saw the request just now and was a bit confused as we were already friends!! Heehee
  • Absolutely @fbb :D
  • Happy Birthday ABN!!! Cheers! :D Huge thanks to @birdleader for creating this fabulous community!!!!
    Cheers @estar on the new logo and write up! :)
  • I haven't been here in so long!
    No story time, sorry, but I probably wouldn't tell it right now if there was a story.
  • Hi @tas how are you?
  • Good!
    GASP- It's the 3rd year of ABN! YYYYYAAAAAYYYY!!!!!!!
  • How long have you been a member?
  • 4 months, since April
  • ... oh my goodness. my hamster is hiding in the living room. I can't find him anymore :-( aaaaaaaah

    Is there a Walkthrough for it :-) Find the hidden Hamster :-)
  • Try tempting him out with a little bit of whatever he likes best...
    I know nothing about hamsters though being a bunny
  • @hunnybunny Yes i tried everything. I think i have to wait and wait and wait and wait and wait ...

    Bunnys are no probleme. You only need a carrot. I will let you know when i find my little Diego :-)

  • @ccjolly this bunny would be more tempted with a glass of wine lol
    Hope you find you little friend soon
  • You'll find him. This used to happen all the time with my lizards..
  • .... One time I found Rusty on top of a rack......
  • And once Rocky got lost OUTSIDE. We got so lucky, he came scratching at the back door.
  • @TheWingman181 EStar is on holiday with her family, so unlikely to pop in here tonight. Please respect her privacy.
  • @Hunnybunny thanks... I am indeed on holiday and was just lurking, not intending to pop in tonight. But @thewingman seems to has lost his marbles and I don't want OB to have to call the ambulance... so @thewingman, what seems to be the problem?
  • @TheWingman181 No need to keep shouting my name in the forum, cause I don't get any @mentionings in the forum section and I do monitor the BP, but one time usually is enough to get my attention when I am around.
  • O well I guess Wingman is off to fight the green piggies, good luck and happy flinging. I am off to bed now, almost 2AM over here and it has been a rainy cold day... gotto love the summer in the Netherlands. Hopefully we will get a change in weather soon, so hubby and me can enjoy the outdoors during our vacation. Night night all, be safe and enjoy!
  • I'm sorry E* i wasn't actually lurking for idea why he wanted you
    I'll be lurking enjoy your evening..night..dreams:)?
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