The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1788
  • Whoo Hooo it worked!!!!!! :D
  • Awww Kimmie, you are losing it I think?? Or am I still in bawbaws land?? Mwaaaah btw good ermmm night... Ehhh morning, but it feels like night!
  • Kimmie am I off or are you perpared and hour early?
  • Crap on toast with a side of bacon!! :/ I'm flippin 1 hour EARLY!!! Dang it!! :( I wanted a new page for it to start out!! My brain, such a saaaad thing to waste!!! :(
  • Why o why did I listen to @kimmie?
  • :D Cause you can't help it @rat!!! :D
  • Ya sure... I just read my 32!!!! PMs and you all got me confused... sjeesh, 4,5 hours really doesn't cut it, I need caffeine!! Ow and good morning Mister Rat :D
  • btw Kimmie did you crop the image a bit strange or didn't you use the one I squared off?
  • *Snicker!!*
    Sowwwy @e-star got ahead of myself in the excitement!! :D
  • Erm I used the one you sent me......whatsamatterwithit??? Looks normal to me?!
  • I don't remember there to be grey at the top... brb need to check...
  • Nope no grey at the top?!
  • Well CRAP!!! What happened to it?? Do you know how evil gravatar is to do?! EVIL that's how evil it is!!! :(
  • Kimmie going to send you an email...
  • @all good morning
    @rat I've seen him! Just waiting for him to get here!
  • @hunnybunny - who have you seen -Frankenstein??? I don't mean to be rude but are you referring to your hubby first thing in the morning?
  • All better now Kimmie :D And what did you do, confused our Mister Rat back into the walls have you?
  • @mumsie Rat's cat! Should get here soon
    And my particular Frankenstein is out. I always have Saturday mornings to myself
  • so sorry - must have been thinking of my hubby!
  • Thank you @e-star!! :)
    Hello @hunnybunny hello @mumsie42 :)
  • Umm I think so @e-star! LOL :D
  • Awwww yep he looks good now!! Sad that I didn't even notice!!! :/
  • It is not sad Kimmie... believe me, seeing these things is more of a curse that comes with my profession and it is NOT good!! So many things wrong in this world (design wise) I COULD (not saying I am) go nutters LOL
  • @mumsie, no offence taken, I call him a lot worse than that!
  • I'm not touching the nutter comment!! Hahahaahahahahahaahahaa ;D
  • E* Bet it's like me and stray apostrophes and poor punctuation ( not in here! on presentations and menus and formal letters etc. - once went to a restaurant where they were serving lemon mouse - when I pointed it out to the waitress she said well people know what it is - so I said that if lemon mousse was served instead they could be done under the trade descriptions act!) it was the most obvious of 5 spelling errors - normally i don/t say anything just seethe at the loss of good english!)
  • Just tried todays challenge at least its a fun one and although perfect precise aiming may get you top score - a less precise shot will still make you smile as everything goes BOOM
  • LOL @mumsie!!! Just about every menu I see has typos!! You'd be off the deep end for sure!! :D Poor mouses, I'm betting they were none to pleased being served with lemons!! LOL
  • @mumsie ever read eats shoots and leaves?
  • Yup Mumsie indeed... for me it is Alignment, standard fonts, usage of to small images found on google in printed official folders, stuff like that... and also the punctuation, but not in your sense, I am not that great in proof reading. But I hate a space in front of the . Or to many ermmm broken up words at the end of the line... like a whole paragraph and 4 broken up words underneath each other... owww I could go on and on hee hee
  • Good grief!! The neighbours across my back yard are having a get together?! It's flippin almost 2am!! And you think I'm Weird?! LOL
  • @Estar--My cat won't come out and play. Gravatar is holding him Hostage.
  • It is amazing isn't it, how many spelling errors out there and how people could care less... Mumsie did you feel like shaking the waitress??
  • Uhhh maybe not a party but a drag out fight???!!! Huh could be fun!!!!
  • Hahahaha @rat, did you select it for the use of your current Nest email (not sure if you have more than one)... and It is such a beautiful cat!! Robert is gorgeous!! here kitty kitty... HunnyBunny is here... a ... rabbit!! here kitty kitty :D
  • What is a drag out fight Kimmie?
  • @huunybunny - just Loooove 'Shoots and leaves' I do believe it was written for me
    @e* no didn't shake her but yes felt like it!
  • Meh the neighbours across my back yard @e-star, but they moved it back inside, runs over! That's the neighbours I told you about, the chick that sounded like a drown cat on steroids!! LOL :D
  • Big Fat HUGE KISSES!!!! Mwaaaah @JLZ-666 I Wuuuuuv you!!!!!! :D
  • Happy birthday JLZ666!
  • Eek...I'm neck ed
  • JLZZZZZZ Ding ding ding ding... your phone is going bonkers, pick it up!!
  • LOL @Bird-addict you pulled a Kimmie!!! WAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAA :D
  • OMG!!!Waaaaaahaaaaa!!!! WTH!!! What are you all??? OMG are you beavers???? I think I'm going to wet myself!!!! I'm speechless! You've finally done it! I......I.........ROFLMAOCGU!!!!!! You nutters!!!!
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