The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1802
  • Yeah... True! Gtg to bed. Curfews here! Bbyyee
  • Yay! Page changer!
  • Told ya. Bye for now
  • Sorry I'm down for the count:(
    *places flashlight on @Kimmiecv favorite booth*
    Night pahtna
    Night Pa
    Night.angryboy :`( hope you had a happy birthday...
  • Ohhh almost missed it! Darn work gets in the way of too much virtual life!! :/

    HaPpY BirThDaY @angryboy!!! I hope your doing fun things and got lots of Pressys!! We miss your sun shiny face here!! I hope you can pop in just to say hello!
  • Good night Pahtna! *shines Kathy's flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *

    *grabs e-stars flashlight, does a super duper heavy duty dent repair, replaces batteries, shines it up bright and sets out candles to see what's left of her night in dreamland safe and sound*

    All's right in the world!! :)

    Off to mop the kitchen floors! Whoo Hooo (not)
  • Hahahaha thanks for the candles Kimmie, but ermmmm good morning LOL... Giving Hubby his 15 minutes right now hahhaha... Whoohooo party!! Mopping the kitchen floor... Enjoy!
  • Night night @kathy sweet dreams!
  • Well pooh!! I almost checked your time to see if I got even close @e-star! LOL time moves to quickly!! Have a fast day at work!! Enjoy the candles on your way out! ;D
    Yep mopping the floor, verrrrry exciting work!!! :D
  • @hunnybunny hahahaha well he did not go arggggg, but maybe he never got them. @rat is back to ignoring me... And we were doing so well :((
  • Ermmm Kimmie, or should I say Lucy.... Hahahha... For me it is Wednesday right now :)) so if you don't mind I will not go to work today. Will join you in the cleaning though... Everything needs a good clean after ignoring it for 3 weeks.
  • OMG I'm doing waaaaay worse than I thought!! Of course it's Wednesday!! I'm losing it big time!! Yeay for you, hope the sun is shining brightly for you today!! :)
    And I've put off mopping long enough! :/
  • Hee hee, indeed you are Kimmie... I am off as well, need to send of Hubby and wish I could say I was able to snooze some more ... 7:26am is not really a time to be up when I am off from work, but like you when I am up... i am up, takes ages to get back to sleep, so I guess the 5 hours I had will have to do.
  • Hey there, Hi there, Ho there, @Estar
  • :))) he speaks again!! Whoo hooo... was getting worried there for a moment Mister Rat, how are the headaches and usual pains? Manageable or making live a bit of a struggle? You seem a bit less ermmm ratty lately.
  • @e-star I believe that one opens up after you get all the "feathers" not sure what their called in the SW games. Hope that helps :)
  • Duhhh hahahaha thanks Kimmie, guess my mind is not working up to speed just yet LOL... but I think that is the answer, thanks! That is why I love this place... always an answer out there!
  • Your welcome e-star :D glad my mind works on occasion!! Hahahaaa
  • @Estar--Pain high, all joints on fire, no update to distract me. I'm miserable and unsocial. How are you?
  • @Hunnybunny tried to give me a hug saying it was from you @Estar, but I didn't believe her and out ran her bunny hops. She was just trying to give me cooties.
  • Aww I knew it... sorry to hear that Rat, I do hope this thursday it will be time for you next fix. For me personally, was doing fine until a few minutes ago... I planned on cleaning the windows at the back and stepped on a ladder. But we recently got a new ladder, with one more extra step... and while stepping off I forgot the last step and fell backwards... nothing major, but I crashed my elbow into the not so giving table and hit the ermmm... not sure what cha ma call it... we call it the electric bone... hit that and you get a shock like pain... sweating and turned as white as a sheet. Feeling better now though... want to do some major after vacation cleaning today, hoping to get it all done.
  • Hahahaahahahahahaahahaa @rat nothing worse than getting cooties!! ROFLMAO :D thank goodness you escaped!!
  • She, @hunnybunny, also said I was probably a 15 year old from Alaska fantasizing about being in the military. I think the cooties comment stripped away my façade. I've been found out. How she knew I was from Alaska, I'll never know. Guess that's why I never drank in the bar, too young!
  • Ouch! Poor e-star :( maybe it's what we call the funny bone, which ill never understand as it's never ONCE been funny when I've hit that bone!!!!
  • @Estar--we call that the funny bone for some stupid reason.
  • You owe me a drink @kimmie. We said the same thing at the same time.
  • Blast it!!! OB drinks are on me, rats to darn quick with the jinxes!!!
  • yuppp indeed that does sound familiar... hmmm I think we Dutchies have a more suitable name... it really shocks the mind for sure and Kimmie you are right... that bone is never funny... not unless you think breaking out in cold sweat and turning into a ghost is funny... hahhaha
  • Couldn't agree more e-star!! Stupidest ever name for one of the worst bones to hit!!! :/
  • OK @kimmie--Beat me on that one. lol
  • you both will be sitting at the bar buying each other drinks the whole day, to funny!
  • Man I hit it FAAAAAST!!! LOL :D
  • @Estar She's beating an old veteran in pain. Make her stop.
  • Funny thing is neither of us drink e-star!! :D *Snicker*
  • Heeheee Hahahaahahahahahaahahaa Wahahahahahaahahahaahaaa you'll get no help there mr rat!!! :D
  • And there comes my new puppy.
  • Sorry Mister Rat, I would if I could, but have you met her?? whahahahhahahaha
  • @rat if it wasn't for my virtual drinking I'd never get alcohol in my system!! LOL
  • Well, your work here is done. I actually smiled. First time all day.
  • @kimmie LOL I know right... I only drink wine on occasions, so not a drinker either. So there you have it, 3 non drinkers sitting in a bar...
  • I'm a verrrry scarrrry slimy snail reconer @rat :/
  • Another smile.
  • Kinda sad for poor OB eh e-star!! :D
  • I goggled reconer. Nothing @kimmie. Help.
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